Dude it's like Saturday...listening to Elton John ROCKET MAN. *gets all dramatic*
Bah, no ones on so I'm just gonna write about junk.
+--Did you guys know Tacky makes the same expression as the people she is drawing?((i.e They are angry, I look angry.)) Wierd, eh?
+--Favorite Candies is Skittle, Swedish Fish and Boston Baked Beans.
((Seriouly I am .5% skittle.))
I like all kinds of music...I dig the mellow and then I dig the loud adrinalin pumpiung crazy a** loud music. My friends are always poking fun at me for loving Elton John and Eric Clapton. xD
I cant sing at all! I love thrashing a song when I sing, I live to make people laugh, even if I am making an a** out of myself. Making others, my friends, stay happy makes me happy.
1) What's your character's name? Kazuki Tanaka
2) How old is he/she? 16
3) Is your OC a boy or girl? A boy.
4) What's his/her race? Human.
--- Appearance ---
About 5'11", skinny as a rail.Light Gray-Blue Eyes. Reddish-brown hair slightly longish but not really, covers his eyes alot. Wears a hat alot of the times thats childish looking in its odd way. Has a vest that he zips up all the way, with a striped long sleeve shirt under it.
A Plant that is in an Orb shaped pot with a swirl design.
1) If this character were to suddenly become part of the 3D world, and ended up in a heavily-populated area, how many stares would he/she get?
He'd just be a wierd kid of today walking around in the crazy fashiond we have. xD Normal.
2) Is your character considered normal in his/her own world? Yes...and No.
He's no ninja. That and hes always carring that plant around, he's named Mun. If hes alone for a while he'll start talking to it, the occasional muttering occurs even when hes around people.
3) What would be his/her most recognizable feature(s): That damned plant he has with him all the time. Hes also missing a tooth from falling out of a tree.
4) Would you consider your OC as attractive? Yup, of course.
--- Personality ---
Intellectual, mellow, kind. He can be informative and knows a bit about things but lacks knowledge to ninja-esqe terms. He trys to fight with words, usualy talking uite clever but knows if it goes physical hes done for.
1) Temper?: Only when you poke fun at him about having a plant around and talking to it. he HATES being called crazy, it irritates him to no end. Even if he isnt that stronge, he'll put some effort into making you pay.
2) Does your character ever get depressed? When you say he dosnt have friends, it kinda bums him out. He really does try to make friends with everyone, even though it dosnt always work. He'll try to shake youre hand when you first meet him, it always ends up unshaked it seems- none the less he does it everytime he meets someone new.
3) Leader or Follower? at times either
--- History ---
1) Did your OC have a family of any sort? Yup a huge family of mathematicians, but plants and ctree climbing seems to be his only interest.
2) Is your character out on his/her own? If so, why? No way he has his cousin hes living with. Shes an adult afterall.
3) Has he/she encountered any traumatizing events? ..I wouldn't have a story if that wasn't true.
4) What was probably the best time in his/her life so far? Everyday
1) Single? Yeah.
2) Has your OC developed any romantic relationships? Hes trying.
3) Virgin? ------
4) Does your character like flirting? He dosnt LIKE it but he will try to flirt in a light manner.
1) What animal would you accociate your OC with?A Tree is more him then an animal.
2) Musical Instument? Haha a Lute.
3) Element? Earth.
4) Planet? Earth yo.
---Showing the Love---
1) Do you draw your character? Yeah!
2) Do you write about him/her? I do alot and Zu... I just like to then i go back and read them when I get bored.
3) Do you use him/her in any rpgs? LMAO yup him AND Zu.
4) What other ways have you appreciated your OC? I think of all kinds senarios to put him in stories.
1) Is your character wanted for anything? Nothing, he keeps out of trouble, his mouth can get him in trouble sometimes.
2) What are three weaknesses in him/her? That he IS weak for one. He isnt a Ninja, dosnt know what ninjutsu is and could be fooled into thinking chaakra was a fish.
3) Strengths? Hes pretty smart and a master at explanation.
4) Does your OC drink or smoke (etc.)? No WAY
5) What's one quirk about him/her? He talks to a plant! xD
6) Does your character have any phobias? Hes afraid to death of being alone.
7) What could you do to get him/her into a blind rage? Calling him crazy, saying he has no friends and saying something bad about Mun.
cool Does your OC like chickens? He loves animals...he is veggie-I think...not sure really.
---The Final Question---
What would you consider your relationship with your character to be
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