I came across a new Harry Potter Guild. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/index.php?guild_id=33149 I took a "Sorting Hat" quiz to see what household at Hogwarts that I would be and this is the result that I got:
You are a GRYFFINDOR! As a Gryffindor and as an NFP, you are idealistic, loyal, and committed to doing what you know is right. Creative, optimistic, and interested in possibilities, you prefer to keep your options open. You are curious, imaginative, and perceptive. You value harmony highly, and are excellent at resolving conflicts. That's pretty cool...
Bloody_Merry · Sat Feb 03, 2007 @ 06:49am · 0 Comments |
Valentine 2K7 secret gift from Tandemonium |
Well! That was exciting...I entered a bunch of stuff in my first Art Contest and won several prizes! I am pleased.
Results of Contest: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16256365&page=370
Here are the comments by the hosts of the contest:
CJHeth:Best Alternative Style: Bloody Merry
 Not quite anime, not quite realism, not quite American animation, Bloody Merry has a very unique style. Also, she gets bonus points for making Heth look eerily similar to my husband, whom he is visually based on (She did not know this when she drew it, which is what makes it so creepy).
Her prize is one OMFG
Luminous Imp:
~ Best Lil' Isis ~ Blood_Merry ~ Mochi the Puppy ~

Once I saw all the great entries we were getting with Isis in her 'child' shell, I started to think she deserved her own category. I certainly never thoght there'd be so many of her. ^^;; This entry impressed me in a lot of ways. Not only is the soft coloring and composition beautiful, it's like Bloody_Merry yanked my mental image of Isis in her little shell right out of my head. This is particularly impressive when you consider the only reference image for the character was a funny doodle Dante did of her. But the look here is perfect, the composition is perfect - feel sorry for poor Loki! Great job!
~ Sexiest ~ Bloody_Merry ~ Goti Clips, Fox Ears and Fox Tail ~

Hawt. Again, composition and characterization are right on. This is something that happens on a daily basis at the Temple. xd Also ... haaaaaawt.
Dante-Sayre:~ Cutest ~ Bloody Merry ~ BTK and Thank you letter for March 2006 ~
 Here's a fun drawing. I love chibis and this is one of my favorites. Cute moments between Loki and Isis make me smile so much and this is no exception. I imagine Loki'd make the best playmate when he's stuffed full of meat and too lazy to put up a fight.
(I'm a bit disappointed that my LokiChibi didn't get most vicious...viciously cute? It was insane and I'm quite proud of it... xd ) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v178/cjheth/Contestentries/loki/Bloody_Merry_loki2.gif

Okay, I just calculated my prizes by the lowest current Market Value from tektek and here it is... eek Mochi the Puppy: 108,000g Goti Clips: 39,498g Fox Ears: 12,600g Fox Tail: 15,500g BTK Hat: 48,300g ThankYou Letter March 2006: (couldn't find a value, so placed it at value of Demonbow since that's the alternative to Mochi Puppy for that month) : 41,949 ---Total: 440,847g eek Wow! xd Those guys offered some kickbutt prizes!
Bloody_Merry · Mon Jan 22, 2007 @ 04:35am · 0 Comments |
Well, I bought my Kiki... |
I finally bought my Kiki kitty plushie in the marketplace for 208,000g. Since I've been playing on Gaia, (may 2006?) the price of kikis has skyrocketed from something like 36,000g to what I paid for it today.
I've spent most of the golds that I amassed since October to do this. Another Gaian offered me a kiki in exchange for my art; 2 couple pictures, 2 single pictures and a couple chibi picture. I felt like I didn't really have enough time to do that Trade since I've got to get on track with generating REAL money through my art online. Another thing that made me decide to buy it is that if I earn another kiki another way, I told myself that I could simply sell this one again in the marketplace (and likely the price will have gone up again by then!) I feel strangely hollow. Hrm. I have lots of other items since they started the daily chance and I can't seem to get rid of them fast enough. It's like participating in the Marketplace to re-sell them is too much trouble, so that they end up cluttering up my inventory. The same can be said for my failed Paper Hat Charity. I've got several hundred paper hats to give out, and it all seems like too much trouble. sweatdrop I really thought other Gaians would be interested enough to come get Paper Hats from the charity and they haven't. I'd love to be able to just give them away to random people, but that option is disabled and sending them as Trades take several steps IF the recipient cares to accept the gift.
cry Feeling glum today. I should be happy that I was able to accomplish my goal of getting a kiki through my art, but all I can think about is that playing this game doesn't pay the rent or buy the groceries. I know that I've learned a lot about online stuff playing it, but I feel that it's time to do something productive in R/L with what I've learned.
Bloody_Merry · Wed Jan 03, 2007 @ 06:29pm · 0 Comments |
Secret Santa from Tandemonium 2006 |
Change to the Charity...Free for All!!! |
domokun In light of the fact that my Charity has had tumbleweeds blowin' through it, I have decided to go all "Robin Hood", and starting Oct.1/2006 will be randomly giving away paperhats to whoever I feel like giving them to! domokun
Bloody_Merry · Wed Sep 27, 2006 @ 01:04am · 1 Comments |
Wow, I haven't written in a while.... |
It's been a while since I wrote in my journal, but I've gotten a lot done. The Paper_Fools Charity is up and running and we've given out our first hat. I'm looking forward to more people coming and checking it out. I guess I shouldn't be impatient that there hasn't been a lot of traffic yet. It's early days yet! 3nodding I'm discovering a lot of neat stuff with the Gaia upgrade, and I'm totally looking forward to getting my stylus pen so that I can start using my tablet... 4laugh Onward and upward!
Bloody_Merry · Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 04:03am · 0 Comments |
Char.Banner is designed... |
There! I've designed my Charity banner on Photoshop and Gimp and saved it on my photobucket account. Now I just have to figure out how to put the link listing on the Paper_Fools posting and how to use it IN the posting. Anyone with tips, please PM me...help. whee
Bloody_Merry · Fri Jun 02, 2006 @ 09:31pm · 0 Comments |
Well, I've received another donation from Onieros...and some from others. I shall be crediting all of my kind Donators in the Charity (once I've figured out how to design the page and get it up! ...and get the time from the mundane world to do that! LOL) Every little paper and paper hat donation helps! *glows with gratitude* 3nodding ~B_M.
Bloody_Merry · Fri Jun 02, 2006 @ 07:56pm · 0 Comments |