Posted by: iZaji Tue Mar 04, 2008 @ 04:25pm
Posted by: iZaji Tue Mar 04, 2008 @ 04:16pm
Posted by: iZaji Mon Mar 03, 2008 @ 05:17pm
Posted by: iZaji Mon Mar 03, 2008 @ 05:15pm
A Valentine For You
A Valentine For You
A day of different shades of red A day where there is no trace of dread A day of love, of hearts, of kisses Where dreams of forever become wishes
Where your one true love is there for you Through thick and thin, when glad or blue I'll always be here, don't forget A shoulder to lean on, to let out regret
A person that cares and will tell you all Will catch you softly when you fall A holder of secrets, of wants, of dreams A helper to someone in need to cream(lol)
But beyond all the dreams, desires, and needs There are little love keepers that plant love seeds That bind two together through all the bad That keep them from splitting and being so sad
The lovers are happy and will always be That is what happened between you adn me And, hopefully, Cupid did not miss ya My sweet, loving, and darling Klarisa
Posted by: iZaji Mon Mar 03, 2008 @ 05:06pm
Spinning, twirling, faster faster Touch me hard like you're my master It's kissing, groping, ********, oh-god! You reach my spot with wet, hot rod
It's teeth and sweat and need and hope Breathe our love like breathing dope It's ********, it's thrust, it's gasp, it's moan Your deepening voice reaches home
Your cries bounce walls in echoing bathrooms It's jerk and gasp and now it's bedrooms Your name, so grasping, it's something I need now Touch me, please me, like only you know how
Posted by: iZaji Mon Mar 03, 2008 @ 04:23pm
Love is like a page written over and over again Journal's keep secrets Like lovers and secret sins
Tear another page out it has him written over it Write a new page about a new lover to screw again
Beaten and battered, losing a page every other day This is the journal of a broken up teenage girl
~A journal is a vessel that can keep everything Will never spill a secret like a true friend would Back-stabbers and boyfriends, best friends and more This is a journal filled with Drama galore~
His name I'll never tell but his story I will This is a boy that'll never grow old Cries over something he'll never get These are the boys that'll you'll soon forget
He walked like a man but that's only a fault Learn the true him, you've made a mistake He said 'I love you', thought it was true Found him with another girl my hatred grew
~A journal is a vessel that can keep everything Will never spill a secret like a true friend would Back-stabbers and boyfriends, best friends and more This is a journal filled with Drama galore~
I think I found my lover, swore I did She was everything I looked for, and much much more She found me very lost, and so confused We kissed just once and our two hearts fused
Our love was forever, I thought it'd go further But it ended so sudden, I almost died But those times were amazing, and I loved them so I really did hate seeing her go
~A journal is a vessel that can keep everything Will never spill a secret like a true friend would Back-stabbers and boyfriends, best friends and more This is a journal filled with Drama galore~
Hidden in the shadows of my saddened journal I'll hopefully find my 'only one' Though I think I did, I will never know I will keep it a secret, and will never tell
My journal and I are the only ones That'll know my little secret all too well I'll never tell my friends, they'll just spread it around And soon it'll be all over town
Posted by: iZaji Mon Mar 03, 2008 @ 04:18pm
Posted by: iZaji Mon Mar 03, 2008 @ 04:08pm
Diary of Lies
Diary of Lies
Bash your head against a wall Scream insanities; let it fall The blade bites hard and crimson shows Time to wear your long-sleeved clothes
Yes, I know, your life bites That's why you never sleep at night Oh, but wait, you're not done You're bleeding red has just begun
Scissors, blades, cuts and more Is that your blood on the floor? Your one of them, one of us There's no one else that you can trust
We are them, and they are you Is this all so very true? Are these the friends that you buy? Or is this your Diary of Lies?
Don't forget who you are The girl in the mirror isn't far Find yourself, don't look back It's the people you meet that are whack
So don't be dumb, just be you Find those people, find your crew Just remember who you are And I will not be very far
Posted by: iZaji Mon Mar 03, 2008 @ 04:02pm