Okay, for those of you who have no idea what is going on with me, I am really in a foul mood right now. In June, I was able to take some time off of work and go to Japan to visit my wife and son and her family. It was really great. I went all over Tokyo and then some and got to spend some quality time with my family. well, the biggest reason for going was to help my wife out. She was pregnant and taking care of a 4 year old while her parents were at work wasn't exactly the easiest thing in the world for her. So I did my best and managed the demon child as best I could. Well, fortune to me when I found out the my wife had had the baby while I was there!
heart I was really excited beyond words and even more so when I was ale to get to hold the little guy. Well, now I am back in California and on July 10th I have to fly to Virginia. i am a little miserable and sullen at the fact that I am not with my wife and kids so if I seem a little surly and upset, it isn't because of anything anyone did to me and I know i isn't fair to take things out on my friends, but please bear with me as this is a really hard thing to deal with right now.

Okay. Now that my three month stint in Virginia is over, I am on hold a little in California. Friday, my mom wants m to drive with her to my uncles house and then back on Saturday... yay.
stare Sunday, I am packing and Monday, I am flying to Seatle then to Japan at 2am. @_@ I will update the next chance I get.