Shaoilin Wolf
East of Eden Predator
West of Eden Dragon
FF: Crystals of Gaia
On another note, I'm currently looking to set up a few meetings to develop my equu Dei

Name: Dei
Type: Vampire
Attributes: Emotionless
Bio: Dei was abandoned by her parents & left to die in her vulnerable new born state, being reborn as a vampire. But her rebirth enclosed thick walls of steel about her heart & made it so that she could no longer feel emotions of any kind...all, save hatred & emptyness.
Intended Preference: Females
Status: Single
SS stuffs &3

Thank you Ice!!! &333

Free plushie basket from the Soquili thread &3

From Spooky!! &333

Thank you Jinxeh!!!! &33333

From Ram! &3

Who are these from!!??

Awwwwww <3 From my Andi!

From Silver!!!

Who's this from? O.o

Thank you Silver!!!