general info
Name: Laith "Goldhand" Dorado
Age 32
Race: human
weight: 245 Lb
height: 6.8 ft
Job: Alchemist // wrestler
Catch phrase: they took my magic but not my knowledge ... poor of them
(so far)
i had a normal life like any adventurer, in fact i used to be a black mage, my life had ups and downs like any until one day ...
i woke up and i was tied hands and feet on an iron .... it was like a hospital, where doctors operate on people
There were many hooded people; i shouted and tried to release but one of them put on a glove had strange marks, they were not magic or runes; That person approached and first he leaned his hand in my chest and then with horror saw as it Sink into my body and began to touch things in the body until he found what he was looking for
It was a terrible pain it was as if they ripped your heart out of your chest
Before falling unconscious I saw how he took a crystal out of the body
A couple of days awake in a forest and from that moment I could not use any kind of magic or any skill that use it
i was a useless mage
From that day, study and read every book of magic and alchemy that came to my hands and i started to training my body
Years later I gained a reputation and the nickname "goldhand" despite not being able to use magic my potions, and objects were of a quality that rivaled the magic alchemists
Although I do not have super strength or things like that .. my current strength and my ability in hand-to-hand combat is something that I am proud of
Combat style:
Wrestling moves and Ayla type skills
Extra notes:
he has three bags of holdings (small) one with potions, bombs and quimical stuff, the second one with materials and the third one with his personal objects and a special pair of gloves to "special fights"
besides that he dont have any other magic object
read books (almost any book)
lift weights
Dwarf Beer
The extremely sweet things
The magicians who like to boast their magic
The arrogant people
The fact that he is reminded that he can not use magic
The nickname "useless magician"
Ahem... never never never make fun of him with that
Of course, if you appreciate your spine and your arms