Bongo-man i is, like, starving!! gonk
omfk- meoowwww gonk
vinchenzo- but bongo u just had sum hamburgers and omfk u just had some fried oyster skins! and now ur breath is alll stinkaaaeee and makin me cryy!
omfk- meow mow
bongo- razz fine wateva u say ya craazzaaeee! but lets just go since we are ready!
The team had left for an awesomely awesome adventure where they get to kick monster but and like get all creative will their killing moves andd stuff but just then.....
bongo- what was that?
vinchenzo- it sounded like it came from the village! come on lets go!
omfk-meow meow meow!
The team heads for the village
bongo- o m f g what the heel is that? eek
vinchenzo- its a whole swarm of them! eek
omfk- meoww??? eek
A whole swarm of jeebeez has appeared. JeeBeez are monsters that are like fluffy but dangerous. They are pretty strong for the average noob *hint bongo vinchenzo and omfk
bongo-omg what do we do mann?
vinchenzo-*spots a gun and sword* we fight back!
bongo- what? da**it! alright lets go man!
bongo- iimma gunna get the gun you get the sword
vinchenzo-got it!
omfk suddenly grows an enormous pair of teeth!
bongo- hey maybe omfk can help too! he can bite them to death! you up to the challenge omfk?
omfk-meowww!! twisted
bongo-charge men, charge!
vicnhenzo-dang it man these guys are pretty tough!
Like i said they are pretty tough for the average noob razz
omfk- *gets knocked baCK* *growls like a cat
vinchenzo- omfk! aarrrrghhh!
vinchenzo also gets knocked back
bongo- dang it its just me
bongo-*arrrgghhh i dont think i cant take much longer i just just... just drifting... a...wa..ayy...
bongo has the option to
-run away
-fight and die
-fight and win
or a new option
bongo has chose... BONGO MODE!
bongo- arrrgghhhh! come and taste me strength you jeebeez! raaawwrrr!
bongo maraculously takes down all the jeebeez!
bongo- *huuf *pufff arrrrrr im so tiredd... arrgghhh whats the heel!
*just then a huge life frikin srcatch appears on bongos hand! it makes the shape of an emblem crescent.
bongo- ahhh its burning my hand!
it really was burning his skin so it can make that wierd shape
bongo- whats the hecks? arrgghhh.... ahhhh i cant take... the... pa... in.... arghhh drifting..... off...
sometime later...
bongo- arrgghhh what the heck....
just as he awoke
bongo-sweeet im level 6! arrgghhh but im soo much pain...
vinchenzo-awww come on! you gained 5 but i gained 3! come on!
omfk- meow meow meow! *yah but i only gained 2.... its very hard for a cat of my stature to gain a level...*
bongo- yah i guess it is... wait did u just talk?
omfk-*yes i did its part of a cat like me... im not a regular cat im one of those kool fighting cats but the cute ones not the really creepy not cute ones....but right now im just using telepathy.... soon i will be able to talk with a voice omg its so exciting!
bongo+vinchenzo- heck yah it is!
now they finnally gained a level its time to end this
ill c ya guys next time on part