So, like, school starts September 6th, right? Well, I will be on a hiatus for a while. Yes, an actual hiatus.
And no, I am not quitting. So don't get too excited... yet. Since I'll be in high school, there will be a lot of work to be done; projects to boringly do; getting into arguments with teachers. Y'know, the normal stuff.
If I'm lucky, I'll be able to get on during the weekends. Doubt it, though. So don't totally abandon me, please. You'll most likely see my trolling on here during break. Y'know, winter, spring, etc. Maybe if we have snow days. Of course, I'll probably be busy on my days off, because I like to procrastinate. Naughty, naughty me.
So, keep in touch. Send me PMs and crap. I'll respond to them eventually. Or not. Whatever.
Anyways, wish me luck that I don't kill myself or accidentally put a steak knife through someone's throat. Encourage me to actually do my work and not watch TV. Make me feel like someone actually cares. 'Kay? 'Kay.
Love you people.
'Bye, bitches. heart