Yep. Someone found it in their kind heart to make me some Avi art.
I love them dearly for it.
Isnt it absoulty cute?!

Art by, XxNatsukatxX heart

Art by, Alice92 heart

This was by Vicissitudes-of-Fate heart

By, Truth-or-Death heart

This was from Dandy Distruction cool heart

By oreopixeystik : ) heart

Platonic Fornication. I will always treasure you for this. Its so beautiful *wipes tear* heart heart heart

By lildevilforyou1 heart heart

Milotico made this for me xD heart

Cassidy :]] I love you so much!!! thank you. heart heart heart heart heart

Made by pepsibunny =B

By Apotek!!! heart heart

Made randomly by : Xion_the_drow First bannnnnerrr! heart
Of course if anyone else decides to make me some art I'll post it here to.
Thank you all!
heart I love them dearly for it.
Isnt it absoulty cute?!

Art by, XxNatsukatxX heart

Art by, Alice92 heart

This was by Vicissitudes-of-Fate heart

By, Truth-or-Death heart

This was from Dandy Distruction cool heart

By oreopixeystik : ) heart

Platonic Fornication. I will always treasure you for this. Its so beautiful *wipes tear* heart heart heart

By lildevilforyou1 heart heart

Milotico made this for me xD heart

Cassidy :]] I love you so much!!! thank you. heart heart heart heart heart

Made by pepsibunny =B

By Apotek!!! heart heart

Made randomly by : Xion_the_drow First bannnnnerrr! heart
Of course if anyone else decides to make me some art I'll post it here to.
Thank you all!