just saving it in case I need it.
Pure Indigo · Tue Jul 17, 2007 @ 01:18pm · 0 Comments |
This is for Kumo, Otatsu and Jack.
Ever since you guys (Kumo and Jack) came clean about what happened, I've been skeptical about lots of things, even Kumo and Otatsu's existance. Jack meeting a Yakuza boss's daughter just seemed to far-fetched. But now, I've seen evidence of your meeting, and I'm very sorry for everything. Otatsu, I was never mad at you, and I'm sorry if you thought I was. Kumo.. I've been a s**t-head. I don't know how many times I'll have to say this in the future, but I'm really sorry.
Pure Indigo · Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 01:24am · 2 Comments |
Fantasy is dead and gone. The days when giant wings beat the air and elven eyes watched are far away now. They've slipped over the horizon along with the sun with no sign of returning. The magic I crave is not here anymore. My insatiable appetite for the fantastic unkown now turns upon itself to devour any last bit of creativity that might bring back such wonder. Poetry is beyond my mind. Fantasy, I cannot comprehend. The Elvensight has left me to stare into the blackness. I wield a tool. A shimmering hammer of godly design. And with it I might forge again, such worlds of fantasy. If only I could dredge up enough courage to venture there again.
Pure Indigo · Mon Jul 02, 2007 @ 02:41am · 1 Comments |
Name: Titus of the Fire Race: Elfin, Silvanesti Blood type: B+ Age: N/A Birthday: July 13, 1992 Status: Mage, Head of the Order of the Red Robe Biography: Titus is not the elf's real name. He was given it by the people of Gaia. He was originally Raspharen of the Silvanesti. He was born as a result of his elfin mother's rape, the rapist being a human. His mother was not angry with him though, she was always a forgiving woman. And so she raised the young half-elf as she would one of her own children. He loved to study magic when he was young, but being of the lower class of the Silvanesti, he was forbidden to study the higher arts. But, having tasted the sweet nirvana of magic, he studied it in secret. Secret was an overstatement. He was very soon discovered, and shunned as a dark elf. Driven to wandering the vastness of Krynn, his homeworld, he was found, one morning, by the magical forest of Wayreth. He wandered through it, to the very heart of the wood where he found the Tower of High Sorcery. Here he took the great and terrible Test that would decide if he were to be trained in the Art. He passed with flying colors, virtually unscathed. He grew in status and skill very quickly in the Tower, choosing to follow the Order of the Red Robes. He found their practical, effective use of magic for sincere, if selfish, purposes, much more enticing than the self-destructive way of the Black Robes, or the utterly-without-gain path of the White Robes.
He studied ambitiously, and after just one year in the Tower, he was a candidate for the head of his order. And he achieved such status. Alas, in an experiment, he was sucked into a vortex resulting in conflicting magical fields. The wormhole spat him out in the caves north of Durem. He took refuge there, almost too fearful of the new world to venture out into it. Someone found him though, a woman who called herself Black Canary. She showed him the world of Gaia and the wonders that made it such a paradise. So, Titus found his own way in the world, and now sees very little of the Black Canary. He seeks wisdom of Gaia's own magic, and, ultimately, the way home.
Personality: Titus is very realistic and practical. He always sees the entire situation, not just the good, or just the bad. In fact, good or bad is hardly ever even part of his though process. He does understand disadvantageous, but never bad. And because of this level-headed way of thinking, he rarely finds himself in a situation that he can't handle.
He is also very cynical and sarcastic. Though he is not pesimistic in the slightest, he finds humor in the suffering of others. Which is not to say he is sadistic, he merely finds it funny when people let their emotions control them. It would seem that he should be laughing at himself, because his own temper is among the shortest of them.
Despite all his hard-heartedness, he has a small soft spot for women. If a woman is truly suffering emotional distress, he often finds sympathy somewhere in his abyssal soul. Such is the basis for many of his relationships, which are with mostly women.
Fighting Style: Titus bases his use of magic around wielding fire and lightning. The Red Robed method is very practical and allows one to base their studies around what interests one's self. White magic is drawn from holy forces and can even be viewed as a form of religion. The god Fizban, otherwise known as Paladine, exists to please his subjects. The philosophy of the Light is based on people helping eachother to achieve and to serve. A very selfless and servile faith. The Black robed mages live to please themselves. Though they also draw their power from a god, Takhisis, the Queen of Darkness, their ultimate goal is to gain as much power as possible. This form of magic would be best for Titus' purposes. However, evil always turns in upon itself. Though they exist as an order, as a group, each individual member of the Black Robes seeks their own gain and will cut down whoever they have to do get what they want. The Red Robes, however, seek only wisdom and knowledge of the world. They are neither selfless nor selfish. At least not so selfish that they would kill eachother for their own gain. Knowledge among the Red Robes is shared freely, as is aid from one mage to another. They would seem all too similar to the White Robes, but instead of from a god, they draw their power from the elements of nature itself. And Titus chose the raw undefeatable power of fire to be his ally. He also has the ability to command elements of storms, such as wind and lightning, but his strongest suit is most certainly fire.
Pure Indigo · Tue May 08, 2007 @ 02:10pm · 2 Comments |
Did you ever feel like there was nothing interesting in the world to do? Let's say it's Sunday night and you have to go to school tomorrow, and you're completely unsatisfied with your weekend. So, you decide to do something fun until you feel ready to go to school. So, you go get on Gaia. Don't really feel like being on Gaia, so you go play a video game. You're sick of that video game for now, so you watch T.V. There's nothing good on. Now what do you do? You go write, draw, read, eat. Nothing seems to satisfy you. Not really sure where I'm going with this. Anyhow, I've resorted to blogging, which is NOT a good sign. Don't wanna play Warcraft, Kingdom Hearts, or anything else. I'm just really bored.
Pure Indigo · Mon Apr 02, 2007 @ 04:59am · 0 Comments |
torn hearts, shredded souls, an unsatisfied love, not daring enough to take the chance that could earn it's satisfaction. This deep, burning love could not satisfy itself, for such satisfaction would require the sacrifice of friendship, and such a sacrifice would mean the end . . . the end for him, the one who loves, the end for her, the one who grows more beautiful and tauntingly fantastic every single agonizing day.
Pure Indigo · Wed Dec 27, 2006 @ 05:13am · 0 Comments |