[ G O R S x M o d e r a t o r s ] a x l i t t l e x i n f o___ » Hey all! It's so nice to meet you :: I'm Tragwyddol Cariad and I'm the -Captain- for this little Guild. Right now, I'm sixteen years old, and my birthday's in May. The fourth, to be exact. If I'm not on GAIA, I like to spend my free time with my boyfriend, goofing off, or doing work for my chemistry class. Three words that describe me are - I. Love. Der Doktors Schnabel. Some things that I like are [ my boyfriend. school. writing. reading. purple. Jordan Matthew! friends. random comments/pm's. my-amazing-boyfriend. comics. anime. manga. Jordan. art. math. science. music. languages. my-completely-amazing-boyfriend!! ] And on the opposite, things I dislike are [ drugs. haters. rudeness. crying. fights. rap. grammar-mistakes. superiority-complexes. loud-chewing] If you need me, I'm usually online from the time I get home from school ((which is usually four in the afternoon)) till the time I go to bed ((usually like ten at night)). My parents have different opinions about that, so randomly I can get taken away from the internet randomly to spend time with them. Weekends, I usually have majority of the time to Gaia though. I happen to not be questing anything, and before I forget :: call me Cap'n, Kashi, Sarah, Sap, Tag, or even Cari. I'll answer to anything. Most of the time, I seem really air-headed, but I'm not, and I'll be happy to help.!! «» Wa'sup there? How are you today :: I'm Almost August and I'm the -Vice Captain- for Sarah-chan. I happen to be eighteen, and my birthday is in December. The thirteenth. Not a big fan of commotions. Some things that I constantly do are reading, writing and sleeping. Oh and playing Pokémon. Gotta catch 'em all! If I had three words that described me though, they'd be crazy, awesome and cool. Some things that catch my attention are [ coffee, guys, friends, daydreaming, dogs, writing ( I have these amazing stories in my Gaia journal) ] But things that make me mad are [ sounds when eating, dead animals, messes, bad grammar ] If I can get online, because right now my computer is screwed up and I have to use Mom's it would be afterschool, which is around 4pm. Right now, I'm not questing for anything, but I guess you could donate if you wanted to. And I want you to call me Cassie. Or SM, but that's for Sarah-chan only. *wink* And just a little bit about me, if you wanna know right now- "I'm eighteen and a junior, cool with it. I know I'm not the only one and there's older kids than me. I enjoy reading and writing, computer design and sleep. I'm Design Editor of my school paper and I strive to be Editor in Cheif next year. I like talking in random Spanish. I've got three dogs and three siblings and live in a house built in 1852. All of my besties I've known for longer than two years and hold them in high regard, 'cause they know my deepest secrets. Peace? Heck yah. Someday, I hope to be a published author and create my own website with one of my besties. PM for more." «» Guten Tag! Wie geht's? Gut :: I'm Der Doktors Schnabel and I'm the -2nd Vice Captain- of GORS. I just recently turned siebzehn (seventeen) January thirteenth. What I enjoy doing to pass the time are things like writing(but mostly in Roleplay form) playing videogames, and just overall being a Nerd. Three words that would catch my being entirely are - I. Love. Tragwyddol Cariad. Mein Lieblings sind [ Comics, Videogames, RPing, My Girlfriend, Family Guy, Robot Chicken, Metalocalypse(Show), Linkin Park, My Girlfriend, Breaking Benjamin, A Perfect Circle, Tool, Rise Against, Apocalyptica, Dethklok(Band that's on Metalocalypse), The Devil Wears Prada(Band)... Uhm... Movies. Reading. Oh yeah, my girlfriend. ] Aber ich habe [ Most foods... Very picky eater, I am. Rap, country, pop, any music promoted by Disney channel, any show on MTV ] nicht gern. The times that I am on Gaia aren't very consistent. It could be four hours, or two minutes. It depends on what I'm doing or what I have to do offline. Something I could be questing for, in technicality, would be the Ancient Katana. And you can call me Doctor, The Doctor, Doc, Dok, Der Dok, Jordan, or Ginger. It doesn't really matter. If you really want to know about me, give me a giant quiz to fill out. I love answerin' those. Auf Wiedersehn... « » Why hello there! :: I'm Boston Forever and I am GORS' -Mule Account-. This username is actually a mule of Almost August, so all of my information is the same as hers. I'm seventeen though, and my birthday is in October. It's still the thirteenth though. But epic, super and sweet describe me and me alone. I'll be online whenever I'm needed. And by the way, all the trades need to get sent to me. Thank you!~ *giggles and dances away* « » Hola. ¿Como estas? This is a tad embarrassing but :: I'm DM-san. I'm really only here if Tragwyddol needs something. Just another -Mule Account- for this Guild. You'll only ever find me making posts in this forum or for an Event. Random, loyal and hard-working describe me exactly. I suppose that I shall see you around, no? Adios mis compañeros. «