Rule #1: If you’ve been Marked by a Tracker, night has chosen thee. You will go through the Change and turn into a vampyre. However, if your body rejects the Change, you die.
Rule #2: If you are Marked, you must leave your home and move into the House of Night school, where you will take your place as a fledgling and live for four years.
Rule #3: At the House of Night School, classes begin at 8pm and end at 3am. The gym is open until dawn.
Rule #4: You can never be far from an adult Vampyre for long. And it’s not like you’ll turn into a pumpkin. It’s a much bigger deal than that.
Rule #5: Formal rituals are held at Nyx’s Temple twice a week. At the ceremony’s commencement, turn to the east, south, west and north to summon (in order) air, fire, water and earth.
Rule #6: If one of the cats at the school chooses you, you will belong to him or her. Not the other way around.
Rule #7: Every High Priestess is given an affinity, or special powers, by the Goddess.
Rule #8: If you ever leave school grounds, you cannot wear any part of your uniform (which is primarily basic black) and must conceal all tattoo markings.
Rule #9: Here at the House of Night school, there are no lockers. You will have cabinets in your homeroom. If someone steals something, the vamps will know it. As will Nyx.