It was obvious Crystal was dying to know why Shadow had attacked her. That evening, she was constantly by Tornado’s side, moaning; “C’mon, Torny, you know you know and eventually I’ll find out!” But Tornado stayed quiet, insisting it was nothing. How would she bear to know that the entire world would be better off if she was dead? She’d be devastated. Crystal lived to live life to the fullest. “Well, if you aren’t going to tell me, I could just as well go to that Shadow dude and ask him,” she said at around eleven PM. Tornado raised his eyebrows and looked at her. “You don’t have the guts to do that,” he said, and turned his back to her. “Stop trying to discourage me,” Crystal laughed.
“You found the girl?” Shadow looked up from his chair in the dark room. How fast could that guy move? Shadow wondered. He’s faster than me, that’s for sure. “Yes. She’s got the powers, alright. And the amulet,” Shadow informed him. “Where did you go? I thought we’d kill her together. Tornado came up at the last point and almost finished me. Mind powers are hard to fight, you know.” “Yes, I do know, I’ve fought him before,” the voice said, and he stepped out of the shadows. He was sixteen, just like Shadow, but dressed totally in white. His hair covered his sightless eyes slightly. Amigo wasn’t wearing the mask he usually wore over his eyes, the mask that allowed him to see. “I was busy finding the other ones,” Amigo continued. “They’re alive. I’ve heard rumors about them, but they aren’t in this city.” Shadow nodded. His brother was faithful, sure, but he always disappeared when he needed him most. “Are you sure Tornado’s not one of them?” Shadow asked. “Positive,” Amigo replied. “What did you do to the girl, I wonder?” Shadow grinned. “Petrified her for a little while. Then I tried to stab her, and that’s when Mr. I-must-save-my-sister came along. I didn’t get injured, though.” Amigo nodded slowly. “We should first get rid of the brother,” he said. “He’s the stronger one. Crystal sounds weak.” “She is,” Shadow said.
“I feel fine!” Crystal assured Tornado the next day. “Why can’t I just walk outside?! It’s not like I’m going to get hurt!” “Shadow is more powerful that you,” Tornado argued. “This isn’t a stupid Moons-or-Shadows attack, Crys, this is someone who is a trained professional!” Crystal glared at her over-protective brother. “Fine.” “We’re leaving this city,” Tornado announced suddenly. “The Moons, Shadows, the brothers... it’s all too dangerous.” “The brothers?” Crystal asked. “You mean Shadow’s got a brother?” Tornado nodded. “I think they’re equally powerful. I could hardly attack Shadow myself, so both of the would be too much and if they get me out of the way, it’s a one-way trip to you with nothing to stop them.” Crystal shuddered. The thought of leaving Zero City pleased her, though, for the only thing she had had lately was people chasing her. It was starting to scare her, even though she didn’t admit it to Tornado.
“When are we leaving?” she asked. Tornado shrugged. “As soon as possible,” he said. “I don’t know, but we can’t have anyone follow us.” He knew deep in his heart, though, someone would end up following them. It was a dangerous place, a world where everyone’s trying to kill your little sister.
 Note: Sorry for not posting so often... I haven't updated this story in quite some time!
Crystal-Jinx · Sat Nov 21, 2009 @ 10:14am · 0 Comments |
The Curious Sounds of a French Test |
Tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap... an endless, annoying tap fills the almost silent classroom. My pen is constantly tap-tap-tapping against the edge of my desk. The French test is actually a lot harder than I thought. I’ve had enough... J’en ai marre. Great. That’s one. Another fifteen to go. Next to my ticking, I hear another noise. Click-click-click-click-click, someone’s clicking their pen open and closed constantly. I immediately stop ticking when I realize how annoying it is. My neighbor that’s clicking looks at me, his eyes narrowed and a grin spreading over his face. He tears off a corner from his answer sheet and scribbles something in an uneven handwriting and passes it to me. The message? I win. The teacher is looking at some tests that have already been handed in and so she doesn’t notice. Win what? I wonder, and then my neighbor starts clicking his pen again. Oh. I get it. I start tapping my pen and some people look around to stare at us momentarily, some looking irritated, some laughing almost soundlessly.
“Jack! Alexia! Do you think this is funny?!” Both of us look up, and stare into the angry face of our French teacher. “Stop ticking and clicking and get on with your test! Five more minutes!” he says, glaring at us both. I immediately look back down at my answer sheet, realizing I have ten minutes for fifteen questions. Absent-minded, I start tapping my pen again, softly. Tap-tap-tap-tap. Jack looks at me, a challenging look in his eyes, and his finger jolts back to his pen. I notice his test papers aren’t lying on his desk; he’s already finished. Another click-tap orchestra is heard in the room. This time the teacher doesn’t even look up, he just rolls his eyes. “Would you shut up!” a girl growls next to me, trying to grab the pen out of my hands. “Silence, please,” the teacher sighs. He’s not even bothered to stop her trying to grab my things. Suddenly, the bell goes, announcing the end of the period. “You’re a dead girl, Alexia,” Jack says, smirking and looking at my answer sheet. As I hand my sheet in, I notice I have only written down one answer for the first question. J’en ai marre.

Note: I got this idea after my friend started tapping during a french test, but she DID finish the test unlike Alexia.
Crystal-Jinx · Sun Nov 15, 2009 @ 12:08pm · 0 Comments |