Well mostly the school day was boring, the same old thing... but after school I went to rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet where we watched the fight choreography coming together... I didnt have anything to do (other than painting some plats and flats, lol drama terminology) so I started talking to my friend Juliet (not the Capulet one). She's the production assistant and I'm assistant to the director, so we're pretty much both the director's bitches. Somehow the conversation got changed to how she (jokingly) thinks 2/3 of the cast members are gay when its obvious they're not. I told her there's nothing wrong with being gay which brought her to asking if I was.
Long story short, she's the first friend from my school that I've come out to.
oh, she gave me a rose too heart heart heart

I love you Juliet (even if thats a screwed up rose)