Adele // Je T'aime
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 @ 06:16am
What a day! Yeah.. right.
Time to tell you all about my exciting day...not.
I rolled out of bed around like.. three o'clock today. Nothing unusual. I missed a whole week's worth of school. Oh goodie. Which means I shall have a week's worth of work to make up. Thanks a lot Infectious Mononucleosis. Other wise just simply known as Mono. It makes me oh so happy to know that I have all that work to make up. :: roll of the eyes. :: Yeah Ok... rolleyes
But anyway. I came out here in the living room where my computer is, and got online. I came on Gaia and played around for a while. Trying to earn some gold for some clothes and wishing that someone would just hurry up and buy my prisoner's shackles already. Grawr. I want those Jacked Up Pants like.. so bad. You don't even know how bad I want them, but if anyone that might be reading this is willing enough to donate them to me ..please, PLEASE do it. I really want those pants for Halloween.
Speaking of Halloween, I was discussing dress up ideas with my friend Kris. I came up with one idea that I thought was incredibly amusing. I was going to dress up in a white blouse, black dress pants, black knee high boots, a red bandana, an eye patch, and have a plastic sword in my hand while I run around screaming "ARGH!" at the little ones. As much as I love children, I also love frightening them. Lol. I was going to hide behind the door and watch the kids from the window when they head towards the candy bowl and then I was going to jump out and scream "WHO BE STEALING ME BOOTY?!?!"
I also decided that I might be the same thing that I was last year which is a Japanese pop singer named Ayumi Hamasaki. Yeah, that's basically how I spent my day besides watching a bunch of ten and twelve year olds in a chat go crazy when I say one little WRONG thing. Lmao. It's so entertaining because of all the immaturity in the room. It amuses me to death. Lol.
But anyway, now I'm just sitting here after an hour long ride around the state of Massachusetts that involves only five cities. Malden, Everett, Melrose, Stoneham, and Medford. Now, I am hungry. I think I shall heat up the Mozarella sticks that came through Delivery earlier and remind myself to look for Dana's letter tomorrow. Dana is like my brother, except he's one of my brother's closest friends. I just call him my brother. Lol. But yeah.. I'm off to go find something to do.. besides trying to earn more gold for Jacked Up Pants. :: pout :: cry stressed
Good night all! heart domokun
Another Tragic Case
Community Member
Another Tragic Case
Community Member
Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 @ 11:50pm
Hey everyone. This is my first post in this journal. I would like to start off by introducing myself.
My name is Amanda and my nickname is Mala. Almost everyone I know calls me Mala. I'm sixteen years old and I live in the state of Massachusetts. I go to Malden High School. I'm a sophomore this year. Just two more years to go. Lol. I'm actually multiracial. My ethnicities are Greek, French Canadian, British, Italian, and Turkish. I also have a dog and a cat. My dog is an Akita named Sasha and will be turning 2 years old on the 9th of December. My cat is a Calico American Shorthair named Kytti and just turned 10 years old. I plan on working with kids so I'm thinking about going to College to study Early Childhood Education.
I love to read, write, watch movies, listen to music, hang out with my friends, play video games and be myself. I usually read all kinds of books. I'm not too picky, I suppose. I also love to write. I usually write Anime Fanfiction on If you wanna check out some of my work my user name is Majin Maljita. Listening to music has to be one of the best things in the world. I listen to a variety of Genres. I have a very open mind when it comes to music. Although, I'm not too fond of Heavy Metal or some Rock/Alternative music. The kinds of music I mostly listen to are R&B (Rhythm & Blues), Soul, Oldies, Hip Hop or Rap, some Rock, some Classical, Anime or Gaming music, and last but not least, Reggae & Merengue. My friends are an important necessity in life. People are like my oxygen, I just need to be around them. Lol. I play all kinds of Video games, too. I'm mostly fond of RPG's though. I also have a varied interest in Movies. I'm not usually picky about those, either. I hardly ever think that a movie is horrible. Last but not least, I love to be myself! There is nothing greater in this world, than being yourself!
People who pretend to be something they're not is one of my biggest pet peeves. So if you wanna talk to me and make friends with me, you better be yourself 100%. And if lying to impress people is part of who you really are, I still don't want anything to do with you. I also strongly dislike ignorance. The kind of ignorance I'm referring to is racism. Being born of two races, this really bothers me. So if you don't have anything nice to say about a particular race then don't say anything at all. I'd still talk to you, but just make sure you don't say any crude remarks in front of me.
I could babble on but I think I said all the important things that I wanted to say, so if you find me to be a really interesting person, I'd love to talk to ya! heart
- heart Mala heart -