Well it's time to say goodbye..I have a lot I work on now what with my new server..My time here was great and this Friday I'll be here to give my items away...My friends have first dibs ^_^ I love you all...*huggles*
Pierce · Wed Nov 02, 2005 @ 01:41am · 2 Comments |
Not a lot to write about lately so here is an update on my quest: Well I now will be putting the sash next to last on my list of items...I would like to get all of the Angelic items...So here is my wish list..I will take items off as I get them..Again NO DONATIONS!! Thanks ^_^
WISH LIST: I will not put prices up due to the fact they keep changing ^_^;
Staff of The Angels
Angelic Gloves
Angelic Headband
Angelic Camisole ( I have one but a friend really wants it so I'm going to give it to her and get another one ^_^)
Angelic Bracelet
Angelic Pendant
Bani Clips
Winged Anklets
Angelic Scarf
Angelic Sash
Angelic Mini
I have the Fairy Wings Thanks to Xaine **Huggles lots** Love you forever..^_^
I can't think of any more so anything white you can think of let me know ^_^ **big huggles to all my friends** You have made my Gaia life better..
My Gold: 9k after getting my letters...^_^ I will update every 1k
If anyone knows someone who will sell to me cheep that would be a big help...Many Thanks again..^_^
Pierce · Fri May 20, 2005 @ 03:15pm · 2 Comments |
Looks like a lot of my friends are thinking of leaving..(you know who you are..) I wanted to take a moment to remember those who have left. (Friends that I have not heard from in a long time, or who have left Gaia altogether)
Obsidian Rayne KenshinHimura886 Hitokiri Souji WindyBakura Running With Scissors Strativarious summoner yun4 Teh Ironical Jester Deketa Amamus Sumi-kun bluquu xReNeGaDe_AnGeLx Dashin xyzse Shikami Magic
That's all I can think of for now... My best friends:
Gubbi nightdaughter_lanafear Xiane
These three are my best friends because they've been there for me, when I needed to talk to someone, because they've helped my quests and accepted my help with their own, they are kind, fun to be around, and generous. My friends are my reason for staying with Gaia, watching it grow. I haven't been a very good friend since Gaia fishing came out, I've been so busy with it, but I wanted to post this to remind people why we came here, and to show my appreciation for my friends. Thank you for making Gaia worth coming back to all the time! *huggles*
Question: What do YOU think makes a good friend?
Pierce · Tue May 10, 2005 @ 07:08pm · 2 Comments |
New Look for a new start.. |
As most of you know I am recovering from surgery..I'm hoping that I can get back to chating with all my friends here like I use to..*huggles* I will also be keeping a count of how close to a sash I am....I will be making a banner soonish...I will also be looking for more riddles ^_^ I will not be making a quest thread for the sash all updates will be posted here...NO DONATIONS PLEASE! I want to fish my way to a sash..Thanks ^_^
Angelic Sash: 2000 of 1,900,000 Long way to go... sweatdrop
Pierce · Sun Apr 24, 2005 @ 12:08am · 1 Comments |
Well, I guess nobody really liked my riddle... Still, when you don't know what else to do, stick to the same old same old, right?
Confucius say, "He who stand on toilet seat is high on pot." Confucius also say, "Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night." And also, "When called an idiot sometimes is better to be quiet, than open mouth and remove all doubt."
And for today's riddle: How many of each type of animal did Moses take on the Ark?
And, for a quick test: A quick test of intelligence. Don't cheat! Because if you do, the test will be no fun.
There are no Tricks to the test. Read this sentence:
Now count aloud the F's in that sentence. Important, count them ONLY ONCE: do not go back and count them again...
Pierce · Tue Sep 28, 2004 @ 03:19am · 9 Comments |
A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys. How can this be possible?
They are all boys.. The first half of them AND the second half of them. ^_^
Will write more later and thanks to all that have posted..*huggles*
Pierce · Mon Sep 27, 2004 @ 06:30pm · 3 Comments |
This is only the beginning... |
In the beginning, Gaia was without form or shape. All was dark and void. And then, Lanzer said, "Let there be Gaia!" and there was Gaia, and it was good.
And now for the question of the day: What is the difference between a door?
Oh, wait, it doesn't matter, turtles don't have wheels anyway.
A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys. How can this be possible?
I will give the answer tomorrow. ^_^
Pierce · Sun Sep 26, 2004 @ 09:02pm · 5 Comments |