Athia: I have protected you as if you were my own child and here you are saying you 'could of handled it'...People are out there who think the last of Kori's line is gone and if they knew you were still alive then they'd kill you like they did your uncle. Do you know what they did to him? He was YOUR age and thought he could 'handle it'. They started with a simple poison that somehow got in his system. Then, when he couldn't defend himself, they used little knives to pull away his fingernails, then his teeth, then his ears, toes, fingers, eyelids, eyes, lips, tongue....Once all his appendages were gone they took out a carving knife and made little grooves into his skin, much like a grid, and used pliers to pull off every. Little. Square. They worked on him till there was nothing but his bones left and threw that into a grinder to spred to the wind. Your Grandmother Kori had to look through the jungle to find every little piece of him to give him a proper funeral. After that she got very parinoid that her only living child would be next and sealed her memories before handing the child to me to hide. That child grew up, was reunited, and had a child of her own. Kori then died to keep a great evil, the same evil that enjoyed her time dismantling a young boy bit by bit in the jungle, into the ground. That evil still has devout followers walking around, searching for the one thing that would shatter everything your family stood for and strived to protect. Now do you THINK you could have 'handled it'? All this information swimming around inside your head until there's no room for anything else?
-Geo walked in at that moment and stared at Athia for a moment as if to tell her to be calm while opening his arms to take Eve out of her room-
Well...this was probably one of my longest replies....I wonder what'll happen next!
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