All the things that I used to say,
All the words that got in the way,
All the things that I used to know,

Walking home from work
Stop at the supermarket
The condiment aisle
A jar of pickles catches the eye
Made eye contact with a solitary pickle
Bought the jar, took it home
Then made it up the stairs
And made it through the doorway
And waded through the floor
Tried to head in the general direction of the bathroom
The truest room in the whole d*mn house
Saying love is the answer to a question that I have forgotten
And I know I've been asked
So the answer's got to be love
So feeding time with TV
Then sleeping time, not sleepy so
Reading time with pickle
But where the bedside lamp had been
Is now emanating soft, soft green
Has it always been this way?
Is it possible that all this magic went unnoticed?
Maybe now things will start to change
And life will turn a better page
No more rage
Saying love is the answer to a question that I have forgotten
But I know I've been asked
And the answer's got to be love
Tomorrow back to work again
But run to the supermarket
Running hopeful through the aisles
Haven't been this happy in a long time
But not a single jar was smiling
After all,
Pickle jars are just
Pickle jars and pickles are just pickles
Ingredients: water, salt, cucumbers,
Garlic, and pickling spices
Love is the answer to a question that I have forgotten
And I know I've been asked
And the answer's got to be love
[Reading Time with Pickle]
[Regina Spektor]
You have no idea.
So I can't remember ever going to Tahoe before.
But I'm there now. :3
Or, rather, Truckee. (I like it more, since it has two 'e's. ;D) Since we couldn't really afford to go anywhere on vacation, like to Ireland (*Bitter.*), we've just been hopping around to San Francisco a lot (We saw the Teatro Zinzanni, Beach Blanket Babylon, and went to Alcatraz and China Town. :3), and this is the first time we've really gone anywhere outside of our bay. ;D
The cool part about it was that we got to ride a TRAIN. A big ol' TRAIN. FOR FIVE HOURS. YEE-HAW.
But really, it was fun. :3 I totally loved every second on that train ride. xD And we're doing it again today. :'D I'm just lucky my iPod still has batteries. :'D
Seriously, I can't think of anything more fun than to ride a train and look out the window while listening to music. When I die, I hope I get to take a train ride to the afterlife. :3
In fact, if I ever want to run away, that's how I'll do it. Hop on the train, ticket in hand, and watch my old life zoom away from me from behind the safety of the glass window, with only the unknown in my future... 8O
Sounds like an over-used plot, doesn't it? 8D
But I think if it were real life, and not a book in your lap, it would be way more exciting. 8D
And I think.. The impending doom of these upcoming SATs are making me feel more and more like becoming a hobo. e___e;;; I've barely studied at all. I'ma nervous. D: And every time I ask my parents to buy me an SAT book, my sister just goes, "Trina, you don't need them. They're expensive, and they barely do anything."
Sheesh. I'm more the 'extra-curricular' person, and she's more the 'straight-A's' person.
So, I'm nervous.
And for good reasons, right? Nothing good can come from a three/four-hour test. ;A;
But I'll just have to try my best... WithoutanySATbookssincemysisterdoesn'tthinkI'llneedthemanditwouldjustbeawasteofmoney...
But anyway. I shouldn't rag on my sister. She's amazing. :3
Oooh, but you know what really sucks? I still haven't read a book for AP Bio yet. 8D;;;; Haha... Yeah. I better get that done soon...
One last piece of news: I signed up to work backstage for 'Anything Goes' and 'The Wiz', which means that I'll be doing play stuff all Saturday and Sunday, as well as the 18 - 23. But I love it. 8D So if anyone still needs to do volunteer work, you should join meee~ It's super-fun, and all the techies are sooo nice. ;D Plus, there's a food store across the street, so we can buy food and eat whenever we're not working. 8D
... DID I MENTION IT HELPS YOU LOSE WEIGHT?! ;DDDD IT'S TRUE, IT'S TRUE. Doing all that lifting and running from job to job, and drilling, and painting, and going up on ladders, and eing blinded by lights... That and since you work for twelve straight hours, you almost never have time for food, so you lose weight and keep it off! 8DD
I really enjoy it. I guess most of friends wouldn't really, because you have to work and get along with strangers, and you have to speak techie talk which is almost another language.. OH WAIT. I'M SORRY. WHO WAS JUST IN PARAGUAY FOR A MONTH DOING ALL THAT?! Niiiiinjaaaaaa~ ;D Welcome hooooome! <3
.. Of course, that'll have to be done when I'm not at the play. xD
But I do think our group should get together on, like, the 24th or something and all go to Six Flags or Great America. It'd be super-fun? ;D? And on a Monday, there would be almost NO LINES. <3
Alright, that's the end of this. :3 Uh... I don't want summer to end!! No more school! No more school!
SPECIAL THANKSThank you for the Reading Time With Pickle Lyrics. :3
Have gone out the window.