You can call me: Alexia Rose
I am: Looks 23, but has been around for about 340 years.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Angel
I desire: Her brother, protecting her comrades, peace, the rain, and Demons.
I despise: Getting hurt, seeing her fellow Angels getting killed or hurt, not being close to her brother, and seeing her brother angry.
I can Control:
Angel's Touch- A regenerative power that light's up the person's hand. That hand becomes a medical healing item that can heal a person's wound when the hand is placed onto the wound. The wound can not be healed if the person is dead.
Weapons: Holy Shortsword
Weapons Image: Holy Shortsword
Personality: (Do not leave this blank. )
My life: Alexia Rose, Sister of Griim "Mr. Joker" Heiper, Daughter of Sammantha Rose and Derick Heiper. When she was taken away from Griim and her family, after they were ratted out by someone, she was transported to Heaven Correctional Institution. The Institution was there to help Angels who have sinned to get back on track of the Holy Path.

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