these are random pics i drew, most of them are after i finished reading an manga, or from people who literally forced me to draw them *cough cough* stare please no stealing, they are my pics, and will stay that way heart
its quite embarassing really too show these pics off, ive only ever shown the to a few friends so hopefull youll enjoy this and yadayada blah blah blah whatever etc etc.
from puchimon. i read the first... 50 or so chapters and gave up, but it was a really cute manga so i drew a pic of one of the robot maids that worked at their school, but i kinda changed it ALOT. the other is of one of the main characts

this one is from shugo chara, one of the worst anime i have ever tried watching. crap, soppy, lame, no direct storyline whatsoever. why i drew this i have no dea ==

another one from shugo chara, only drew it becasue i liked the dress == *mumble mumble*

Once upon a time, there was a random woman who slept with a rich dude. She killed the rich dude in his sleep and people called her a hero, true story.

a baby version of ryoga from Ranma 1/2.

The Dreaming by Queenie chan. Its a really good trilogy, its suppose to be horror, but its not scary AT ALL.

my obsession with disgaea has gone far enough for me to start drawing pictures of the game ==


from kaichou wa maid sama, a really cute series 4laugh

bleach rukia, sure you know who that is xd

from vampire knight, another one of the most depressingly shittiest series i ever started reading. i didnt even finish this pic, but what the heck xd

from negima, awsome series. this is one of those silent emo kinda characters ==

from naruto, ino who i really hate, but this is a pic from the 10th ending song called ryssei or something, draw on inkart liek the rest, i painted it entirely and it took me bloody ages to get it done!

this one is dgray man! WOOT! i love rhode XD

so yeah, thats it. well, not really becasue ill just keep drawing, im not gonna put all of them on XP i also started a freebie shop thingo, stopped after a while since i got too busy with skool work before i could get serious with it. THEN i was too bothered to start it up again, and THEN i quit gaia, BUT IM BACK AGAIN AND ROLLING! twisted (not the freebies though, thats gone forever stare ) so if you liked them or you hated them, please leave comment thank you! heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart (oh and sorry they are a bit big, but live with it) blaugh
jasper joker · Mon Dec 08, 2008 @ 06:01am · 4 Comments |