Shinsō's shikai is triggered by the phrase "shoot to kill"
In its shikai, Shinsō's blade glows white and extends at high speed to impale Gin's opponents. In addition to making it a deadly long-range weapon, the extending blade also carries tremendous force without affecting Gin, making it useful for dislodging heavy objects, as seen when Gin pushes both Ichigo Kurosaki and the giant Jidanbō out from under the Seireitei gate, despite the latter being firmly braced under it. Once extended, Gin can maintain the blade's length and swing Shinsō in wide arcs, attacking multiple targets quickly and simultaneously.
Gin fires Shinsō into the sky and swords similar to Shinsō's unreleased state rain all around him.
Gin shoots Shinsō into the ground and the blade hits the opponent from underneath,
a wave of blades instead shoots up from the ground to hit the opponent.
Flash Steps Master
Bankai-not yet revealed.
Basicly Gin's the type of character who will fight as long as he deems necessary then make for a hasty retreat. He's not to be taken lightly, though he is not an immortal.
Shoot to Death, Shinsou
I'm Sokodo Ishi of the one and only Yakuza to be exact, i am second in lieutenant and i have the whole Yakuza clan to back me up. My master, Gin-sama is my brother also. Mess with pur clan and you'll be seeing lights in your dreams.
Update 1 biggrin efeat white dragon clan. complete
Update 2:Gather members of the Yakuza.
More updates coming from the clan leader.

About Gin Ichimaru:
Name: Gin
Nick Name: Ichimaru or "fox face"
Clan: none
Alliance: Soul Reapers
Age: unknown
Gender: Male
Hair color: Silver
Height: 5'11''
: As Gin doesn't display any emotion while speaking combined with his use of sarcasm, he is distrusted by many. He speaks very formal and polite but with a rather mocking and facetious undertone.
Likes: Playing around with those weaker than him and mocking people.
Dislikes: Sad stories
Crushes: none known
Rank: Shinigami captain of the 3rd Division
Skills: Shunpo, swordsmanship, fooling people, and hiding his true plans on any matter.
Special moves:
Binding spells:
77. Heavenly Rickshaws in Silken Air (天挺空羅, tenteikūra?) — Transmits messages to anyone within Soul Society. In addition to reciting the spell, the user must draw specific markings on their arms, which are animated by the spell to convey the messages.
Destructive spells:
31. Shot of Red Fire (赤火砲, shakkahō?) — Fires a ball of red energy at a target.
33. Blue Fire, Crash Down (蒼火墜, sōkatsui?) — Fires a burst of blue spiritual energy at a target in a similar manner to 31, but over a wider area and with more power.
54. Abolishing Flames (廃炎, haien?) — Fires a blast of purple spiritual energy that will incinerate a target completely when it makes contact.
Brief Summary of Character: Gin has spent much time as a shinigami in the Soul Society. He has trained his lieutenant Tsukiko Mizuki and has become one of the fiercest captains. Gin is a very sinister person to some and is feared by some.
History: Not much is known about Gin's prior history, except that he once saved 10th Division Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto's life when they were kids. They have been friends since then. Hence, Matsumoto is one of the few people Gin seems to truly care about. It is also known that Gin served as the lieutenant of 5th Division Captain Sōsuke Aizen before becoming captain of the 3rd Division and that he became captain at the same time as Byakuya Kuchiki. It is also known that during his time as captain he would often talk with Rukia Kuchiki, Byakuya's adopted sister, and that Rukia developed a fear of him, noting that the first time she saw him, she felt like a hungry snake had wrapped around her.
Name: Ichimaru Gin
Division: 3rd
Rank: Captain
Voice Actor/Seiyuu: Yusa Koji(jap)/ Doug Erholtz(eng)
Zanpakutou info:
Normal: Shorter than most zanpakutous. Resembles a wakizashi
Shi-Kai: Shinsou (Divine Spear)
- release command → "Ikorose!" ("Shoot To Death!" wink
Zanpaktou extends towards enemy at it’s full shape and slices through everything on it’s way. There’s no way to avoid direct hit, it can only be blocked. During the attack it reminds bullet.
Ban-Kai: Unknown
Much of Gin Ichimaru's history still remain unknown, or how his past have have affected his current decisions in the world. It is known that he had met Rangiku Matsumoto many years before they became Shinigami, when he saved her from starvation, noting that she must have had high spiritual power to have found herself in such a state.
He eventually joined the Seireitai as a Shinigami, working his way up to be the Lieutenant of Aizen Sousuke, which was likely when the two began their plans for Soul Society. It is known that Gin and Byakuya Kuchiki became Captains around the same time, and was nored by Rukia that Gin would often engage in conversation with Byakuya afterward, though from the beginning, there was something about him she didn't like.
Upon their entrance to Soul Society, Gin was the first Captain level Shinigami that Ichigo and his companions meet. Ichigo, fresh off a victory over the gatekeeper Jidanbou, underestimated the strength of a Captain, but was quickly put in his place after seeing Ichimaru use his shikai to critically damage Jidanbou, which Orihime spent several hours repairing.
For failing to properly kill the intruders, many of Soul Society's Captains cast suspicions on Gin, who avoided them with careful timing and assistance from Aizen Sousuke. Ichimaru's personality and appearance at the time seemed to imply him as having sinister intentions, and was regarded as the one who killed Aizen when his apparent murder came about.
This was all part of Sousuke's plan to cause as much disorder in the Seireitai as he could, but his plans were ruined by Toshiro Hitsugaya, whom he tried to frame for his fake murder. Hitsugaya and Ichimaru even engaged in combat, only to be halted when Matsumoto threatened to involve herself; a fight he didn't wish to have.
When all was revealed, Aizen stated clearly that he had never thought of anyone but Gin as his Lieutenant, even after the man had become a Captain. With that, the pair, along with ally Tousen Kaname, made their escape from Soul Society thanks to the Menos Army, who made a last minute save by transporting them out. Gin's final words were that of apology, not to the Captains or to Soul Society, but to Rangiku, implying that betraying her trust was his only regret.
His latest appearance in the Manga have shown him dressed in the same clothes as those worn by Arrancar, much like Aizen and Tousen have adopted as well. He is only seen in a speaking role, and has not displayed any newfound power, unlike Tousen, who is strong enough to cut off the arm of an Espada level Arrancar who was capable of blocking Ichigo Kurosaki's Bankai with his bare hands.
Gin is always seen with a wide grin across his face, and his eyes almost always closed, giving the appearance of a man trying too hard. Some would say he uses this appearance to seem more innocent of matters, while making the reader more suspicious of him. His manner of speech is very imformal and even disrespectful to others, and speaks with an Osaka Dialect, which is normally used to characterize rude, clumsy, or rather blunt people.
Though not often seen, Ichimaru possesses a sadistic side, characterized by his eyes opening faintly, and his voice becoming closer in form to that of the other character's in the series. This is only seen in combat, and even then, not very often. Of the three traitors of Soul Society, Gin would seem to have the widest range of emotion, and perhaps the only one with any revervations about his actions.
In combat, Gin shows great speed and ability to anticipate his enemy's moves, capable of avoiding the high speed strikes of Toshiro Hitsugaya when in combat with him. He strikes back with a remarkable speed of his own, making it appear as if he is attacking with many more blades than he actually possesses. His sword weilding style is based in lunges rather than slices, as his Shikai makes use of that same form.
Gin's fighting style revolves around the use of Shinso (Divine Spear), his Zanpakutou. By speaking the command "Ikorose" (Shoot to Kill), his Zanpakutou, normally the size of a Wakizashi, rather than the traditional Katana, increases in length towards it's opponents, piercing them through from a far distance. He is seen to make use of his Captain's Haori by covering his sword up to hide which direction he will fire it in, and has a great accuracy with the Shikai attack. His Bankai is yet unknown, but the fact that he was a Captain implies that he has one.
His first name, "Gin", translates to "Silver" which may be areference to his silver colored hair. His last name, Ichimaru, is made up of "Ichi", meaning "one", and "maru", normally added to the end of male names as an indicator of gender, but also meaning "circle". What possible meanings these might have are as of yet unknown.

Art By Cap_soifong
Binding spells
* 1. Restrain (塞, sai?)[6] — Locks a target's arms in place behind their back.
* 4. Crawling Rope (這縄, hainawa?)[7] — An energy rope entangles a target's arms.
* 9. Strike (撃, geki?)[8] — Engulfs a target in red light, completely paralyzing them.
* 58. Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows (摑趾追雀, kakushitsuijaku?)[9] — Tracks and locates any spiritual force the user focuses on. To activate it, the user must draw a circle on the ground, cut into four parts with a specific character in each. The incantation animates the circle, causing various numbers to appear within until the specific set is found. The number set seems to be a variation on longitude and latitude.
* 61. Six Rods Prison of Light (六杖光牢, rikujōkōrō?)[10] — Summons six thin, but wide, beams of light that slam into a target's midsection, holding them in place. Referred to as "Six Rod Light Restraint" in the English manga and "Six Bars of Light" in some of the games.
* 63. Chainlike Desert (鎖条鎖縛, sajō sabaku?) — The target is wrapped from the neck down in a thick chain.
* 75. Quintet of 1 kan Iron Pillars (五柱鉄貫, gochūtekkan?)[11] — Summons five incredibly tall and thick pillars to pin a target to the ground.
* 77. Heavenly Rickshaws in Silken Air (天挺空羅, tenteikūra?)[12] — Transmits messages to anyone within a specific area. In addition to reciting the spell, the user must draw specific markings on their arms, which are animated by the spell to convey the messages.
* 81. Splitting Void (斷空, dankū?)[13] — Creates an energy barrier in the form of a rectangular wall. According to Byakuya, it is capable of stopping destructive spells up to #89.
* 99, Part 1. Seal (禁, kin?, Restrict in the English dub) — Binds the arms of a target with spiritual fabric and iron shafts.[14]
* 99, Part 2. Great seal (卍禁, bankin?) — This spell's effects are divided into three "songs":
o First Song: Halting Fabric (初曲・止繃, shokyoku: shiryū?) covers a target from head to toe with spiritual fabric.
o Second Song: Hundred Linked Bolts (弐曲・百連閂, nikyoku: hyakurensan?) stabs the target with numerous metal blades.
o Final Song: Great Seal of 10,000 Forbiddings (終曲・卍禁太封, shūkyoku: bankin taihō?)[15] smashes the target with an immense metal cube.
[edit] Destructive spells
* 1. Thrust (衝, shō?)[16] — Pushes the target away from the caster.
* 4. White Lightning (白雷, byakurai?)[17] — Fires a concentrated bolt of lightning from the caster's forefinger.
* 31. Shot of Red Fire (赤火砲, shakkahō?)[18] — Fires a ball of red fire at a target.
o The English dub uses the phrase "Red Flame Cannon" in conjunction with the Japanese name. It also incorrectly identifies this spell as bakudō 33 in certain scenes, though correctly identifies it in the scene in which it is revealed.
* 33. Blue Fire, Crash Down (蒼火墜, sōkatsui?, Pale Fire Crash in the English dub)[19] — Fires a column of blue fire at a target in a similar manner to 31, but over a wider area and with more power.
* 54. Abolishing Flames (廃炎, haien?)[20] — Fires a blast of purple spiritual energy that will incinerate a target completely when it makes contact.
* 63. Thunder Roar Cannon (雷吼炮, raikōhō?)[21] — Fires a massive wave of yellow lightning at a target.
* 63. Twin Lotus Blue Fire, Crash Down (双蓮蒼火墜, sōren sōkatsui?)[22] — Essentially a doubled version of #33, this spell fires two shots of blue fire with greater potency than the single-shot variety. In the anime, Rukia labels this spell as #73.
* 88. Flying Dragon Striking, Heaven-Shaking, Lightning Cannon (飛竜撃賊震天雷砲, hiryūgekizokushintenraihō?)[23] — Fires a massive blast of spiritual energy in a fashion similar to a laser.
* 90. Black Coffin (黒棺, kurohitsugi?)[24] — Forms a box of black energy around a target, which is then pierced by dozens of energy "spears", lacerating the one inside from head to toe. Aizen notes that the spell only reached a third of its destructive potential the one time he uses it, indicating that the spell would be far more damaging at full power. Its appearance and function is reminiscent of a common magician's trick, as well as certain torture devices used during the Spanish Inquisition.
[edit] Other
These spells are not explicitly stated to be in one category or the other.
* White Crawl (白伏, hakufuku?)[25] — Momo Hinamori uses this spell while imprisoned to knock out a guard and destroy everything within a certain radius of herself. The anime suggests that it is a binding spell, but doesn't number it.
* Mirror Door (鏡門, kyōmon?)[26] — Tōshirō Hitsugaya used this to seal Momo Hinamori's hospital room. It creates a glass-like barrier which is difficult to break from the outside, but quite simple to break from the inside.
* Reverse Demon (反鬼, hanki?)[27] — This technique nullifies an opponent's kidō by hitting them with a perfectly opposite surge of energy. Yoruichi uses this against Soifon's shunkō.
* Temporal Stasis (時間停止, jikanteishi?)[28] — A forbidden spell used by Tessai along with kūkanten'i.
* Spatial Displacement (空間転位, kūkanten'i?)[29] — A forbidden spell used by Tessai with jikanteishi to teleport a specified portion of space from one point to another, transporting even other active kidō spells.
# 1. Restrain (sai) — Locks a target's arms in place behind their back.
# 4. Crawling Rope (hainawa) —An energy rope entangles a target's arms.
# 9. Strike (geki)— Engulfs a target in red light, completely paralyzing them.
Incantation: Disintegrate, black dog of Rondanini! Perusal, burning tribute, tear away your own throat!! (Jikaise yo, RODANIINI no kuroinu! Ichidokushi, yaki-harai, mizukara nodo o kakikiru ga ii!!)
# 58. Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows (kakunutssuijaku) — Tracks and locates any spiritual force the user focuses on. To activate it, the user must draw a circle on the ground, cut into four parts with a specific character in each. The incantation animates the circle, causing various numbers to appear within until the specific set is found. The number set seems to be a variation on longitude and latitude.
Incantation: Heart of the South, Eye of the North, Fingertip of the West, Heel of the East, arrive with the wind and depart with the rain! (Minami no shinzo, kita no hitomi, nishi no yubisaki, higashi no kibisu, kaze mochite tsudoi ame haraite chire!)
# 61. Six Rods Light Restraint (rikujo koro) — Summons six thin, but wide, beams of light that slam into a target's midsection, holding them in place.
Incantation: Carriage of thunder, chasm of a spinning wheel, divide this light into six (Raimei no basha, itoguruma no kangeki, hikari mote kore o mutsu ni wakatsu)
# 75. Quintet of 1-kan Iron Pillars (gochutekkan) — Summons five incredibly tall and thick pillars to pin a target to the ground.
Incantation: Walls of ironsand, pagoda of a Buddhist priest, glowing iron fireflies, standing upright silent to the end (Tekki no kabe, sogyo no to, shakutetsu keikei, tanzento nutse tsui ni otonashi)
# 77. Heavenly Rickshaws in Silken Air (tentei kura) — Transmits messages to anyone within Soul Society. In addition to reciting the spell, the user must draw specific markings on their arms, which are animated by the spell to convey the messages.
Incantation: Net of black and white! 22 bridges, 66 diadems. Footprints, visitor from afar, sharp peak, turning earth, cloak of night, sea of clouds, blue squadron. Fill a great circle and race through the heavens! (Kokubyaku no ami! Nijuni no kyoryo, rokujuroku no kantai. Ashiato, enrai, senpo, kaichi, yafuku, unkai, aoi tairetsu. Taien ni michite ten o hashire!)
# 99, Part 1. Seal (kin) — Binds the arms of a target with spiritual fabric and iron shafts.
# 99, Part 2. Great seal (bankin) — This spell covers a target from head to toe with spiritual fabric (first song), stabs them with numerous metal blades (second song), and then smashes them with an immense metal cube (final song).
Incantation: First song: Halting fabric! Second song: Hundred linked bolts! Final song: Great seal of the final taboo! (Shokyoku: Shiryu, Nikyoku: Hyakurensan, Shukyoku: Bankin Taiho)
Destructive spells
# 4. White Lightning (byakurai) — Fires a concentrated bolt of lightning from the caster's forefinger.
# 31. Red Fire Cannon (shakkaho) — Fires a ball of red energy at a target.
Incantation: Oh ruler! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, fluttering wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the partition of the sea surges, moving on to the south! (Kunrinsha yo! Chiniku no kamen, bansho, habataki, HITO no na o kansu! Shounetsu to soran, umihedate sakamaki minami e to ho o susume yo!)
# 33. Pale Fire, Crash Down (sokatsui) — Fires a burst of blue spiritual energy at a target in a similar manner to 31, but over a wider area and with more power.
Incantation: Oh ruler! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, fluttering wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, stand your claws but slightly upon the wall of innocent dreams!! (Kunrinsha yo! Chiniku no kamen, bansho, habataki, HITO no na o kansu! Shinri to sessei, tsumi shirame yume no kabe ni wazuka ni tsume o tate yo!)
# 54. Abolishing Flames (haien) — Incinerates a target completely.
# 63. Thunder Roar Cannon (raikoho) — Fires a massive wave of yellow energy at a target.
Incantation: Scatter, bones of the beast! Tower, red crystal, ring of steel. If moving it is the wind, if stopped it is the sky. The timbre of striking lances fills the empty castle! (Sanzai suru, kemono no kotsu! Sento, kosho, kotetsu no sharin. Ugokeba kaze, tomareba sora. Yariutsu neiro ga kojo ni michiru!)
# 63. Twin Lotus Pale Fire, Crash Down (soren sokatsui) — Essentially a doubled version of #33, this spell fires two shots of blue fire with greater potency than the single-shot variety. This spell is equally as difficult to cast and control as Raikoho, therefore they both share the same number.
Incantation: Mask of flesh and blood, all creation, fluttering wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Carve a twin lotus upon the wall of pale fire, the abyss of the inferno waits in the distant heaven! (Chiniku no kamen, bansho, habataki, HITO no na o kansu! Soka no kabe ni soren o kizamu, taika no fuchi o enten ni te matsu!)
# 90. Black Coffin (kurohitsugi) — Forms a box of black energy around a target, which is then pierced by dozens of energy "spears", lacerating the one inside from head to toe. Its appearance and function is reminiscent of a common magician's trick, as well as certain torture devices used during the Spanish Inquisition.
These spells are not explicitly stated to be in one category or the other.
# White Crawl (hakufuku?) — Momo Hinamori uses this spell while imprisoned to knock out a guard and destroy everything within a certain radius of herself. The anime suggests that it is a binding spell, but doesn't number it.
# Mirror Door (kyomon) — Toshiro Hitsugaya used this to seal Momo Hinamori's hospital room. It creates a glass-like barrier which is difficult to break from the outside, but quite simple to break from the inside.
# Reverse Demon (hanki) — This technique nullifies an opponent's kido by hitting them with a perfectly opposite surge of energy. Yoruichi uses this to neutralize Soifon's Shunko.

art by: o Taichi o