Aiko Akane's Profile
Hi, I am Aiko Akane. Aiko meaning beloved/loving child and Akane meaning brilliant red. I chose these names because I want to be friends with everyone and have an optimistic outlook on life. Akane because well... not red for blood but rather red for love. I am a usually nice person and am very random, right now life is okay for me, I have two awesome friends AngEL(Emo_Sapphire) and NewbAttackxD. I know them in real life and they really helped me out in life. I even cried because of their kindness once >w<
About me :3!!!!
Well let's do this the fun way x]!!
·º˜•°·º˜•°·º˜•°·º˜•° heart My Likes heart ·º˜•°·º˜•°·º˜•°·º˜•°·º˜•°·
Friends, Video games, Anime, Manga, Drawing, Talking to friends, doing my profile, eating sweets like Ice Cream :3!!, many desserts..., the color blue,red,pink,green,purple :] singing, messing with my cellphone, e-mailing, playing Ragnarok, hobos, pancakes, toast, waffles, sleeping, cute animals, making signatures, randomness... (when needed) strawberries, music and people who act like theirself whenever :]!!
·˜•°·º˜•·º˜•°·º˜•°·º˜•°·My Dislikesº˜•°·º˜•°·º˜•°·º˜•°·º˜•°·º˜•°·º˜
Haters, Homework, backstabbers,eating ..... health food cry , singing badly, embarassing myself >_>, Cheaters, redi-whip, knee scrapes, wannabes, people who are mean to mah lovely friends,
People who think that they are something they're not and ......
I think that's all o_o
Aiko's Favorites
Favorite Foods:
American-> Bread o_o
Italian-> Spaghetti (wrong spelling o_o?)
Chinese-> Egg Foo Young
Japanese-> Sushi, Miso Soup, Yakisoba
Philippine-> Sinigang, Kare Kare
Favorite Flavor: Strawberry
Favorite Fruit: Strawberry
Favorite Drink: Soda, Strawberry Shake/Milk/Soda x]?
Favorite Desert: Strawberry Cake ( Pie is out for me now D: )
Manga I've read
• Moe Kare
• Shugo Chara!
• Hanazakara no Kimitachi E
• Bleach
• Katekyo Hitman Reborn
• Fruits Basket:
• Honda Tohru
• Zettai Kareshi(Absolute Boyfriend)
• Ouran High School Host Club:
• Naruto
• Death Note
• Inuyasha
• Vampire Knight
• 1/3 no Kareshi
• Fall in love like a comic
• Dot Hack legend of the twilight
• Rosario Vampire
• Love Monster
• 7th period is a secret
• Aishiteruze Baby
• Akane-chan Overdrive
• Ichigo 100%, Moe Kare
• Uwasa no Midori-Kun
• Aozora Pop
• Bloody Kiss
• Shinigami Lovers
• Sold Out
• Lucky Star
• The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
• Zombie-Loan
Some of my Besties here on Gaia:
Daisuke Suzuki:
Well this guy is my cousin, also known as the gamer
who has more gamestations then I do and pawns me at everything
sept finishing a whole subway sandwich (its true d:< wink He can be sorta mean but hey once your on his good side hes pretty awesome.
Newb AttackxD:
Hey I knew this girl scince second grade, acts all innocent but she
really awesome. Mainly I love her 'cuz she funny and cares for you when you have tears in your face or hesitation in your voice. One of my idols in art. If you check she has some art samples in her profile.Oh, and even though it says "Newb" dont think she is one; shes a freaking smart apple so don't think you can over power her. Unless your talking money of course.
Emo_ Sapphire:
A.K.A AngEL-chan, very rich girl I mainly beg from her for some money but I dont get anything spet bout 10g. Hey it works right? One of the coolest among my best buddies. She helps me with my problems even thought she has some of her own. She can make you smile a ton and give you a hug when you really need it. Don't expect her to give you a hug now that you read this though XD.
This girl is awesome, she can cheer you up and make you happy in ways that I'll never learn, shes random cool and shes really a one-of-a kind.
The Ninja Shadow:
o_o -fan girl scream- another one of my idols in art I love this one her art rocks my monkeys =D. XD. Anyway shes really cool and loves the Pyramid in Silent Hill. She's mysterious and hides her face away from me ;3;. But hey she's really cool and I love spending time with her.
This guy makes awesome poems, they really tell what he feels (at least I think so ._. ) There are some samples in the arena. I knew this guy when I was in kindergarten and Me, Rook and Daisuke became the trio of stupidness. Well stupidness cuz we all did pretty stupid things, like try to sneak out of bed and hit each other with pillows and who can shut up the longest. Ahh where did the memories go x].
Aiko's Events
None right now ;3;
Aiko's Collection of Avi Art
Below are some avi art. Some made by me. Some not made by me.
enjoy the gallery... of me<3! mrgreen
Made by me...

- It's the type of art I make. It's bad yes yes move on move on
<-<; This is what I can do using MS Paint... but with the scanner...
Made by Wake up Misha Angel...

-Thanks so much <3 Especially for editing it without me asking <3
Made by NewbAttackxD...

-very pretty :] Makes me feel all warm inside <3
Made by The Ninja Shadow...

-Wonderful :] <3 I look cute in it too o_o; not to be conceited ._.;...
It's a very well drawn piece of ark XwX <3 !!
Made by Idiotic Laughter...

-Ah pwetty -sparkly eyes :]- I love this one too <3 (ºwº)
Made by me...

- hehe my cousin let me use his scanner <3 NEXT <3
(NewbAttackxD-chan please Critic me <3 )
Made by me...

-it's a head shot this time o3o Not colored... cuz im lazy =]
Made by me <3...

-a full body chibi WOW <3
and lastly the Friends <3
Made by my of course

-Ah Noes!! I forgot to color xMitchiko o3o But she
just looks cute with the XD emotion Icon o.o...
heh heh
Wrapping this up now
I think thats enough for a serious About Me... Has the serious music gone out yet? you're a fast reader... Read slowly....slowly...very slowly... nevermind. Enjoy my profile <3