Foxx_Fur's Journal |
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Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 @ 04:54am
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 @ 12:59pm
Naruto Shippuden OC
Name: Ayaka Uminami Age: 19 years Gender: Female Crush: Rock Lee Known Jutsu: Basic Ninjutsu and Taijutsu Appearance: Ayaka has orange/red hair and cerulean blue eyes. She has a dark purple body suit that fits more like a bathing suit. She has a fishnet shirt and fishnets that reach her thigh. Her robe has one long sleeve on the right side and ties on her left hip. It's a light purple with teal/turquoise waves across the bottom and the around the bottom of her sleeve. Also, the stitching down her chest is teal/turquoise. She has the same weights and leg warmers as Lee and the classic blue sandals. Background: Ayaka and Itachi were classmates and rivals in the ninja academy much like Naruto and Sasuke; the only difference is Ayaka wasn't the worst in her class. After the academy, she trained under Might Gai for a while. After Itachi went rouge, the Third Hokage sent her out to track him and bring him home. She had no luck after he joined the Akaski and ended up losing him more than anything. She reappears in Konoha and meets Lee in his dojo. They spar and she ends up winning in the long run because she uses Shadow Clone Jutsu. Shortly after she leaves again, but returns under orders from the Fifth after the Kazekage's kidnapping. Ayaka joined up with Team Gai and that's where the story ends. It's just the general story. If anyone would like to flesh it out, I'll be more than happy to pay! Note: She's a Shippuden Character and any pictures of her with Lee, he should have his ninja vest. Art/References X : By daniG0rawr (fanboy360)X : By aaznpnaigurlX : By aaznpnaigurlX : By SasuNaruAntiDrug (Name changed and I can't find them) X : By the viper axle_321 (Same as above) X : By General Butt Seks (Again. D: ) X : By Uzumaki_Rurku (Same) X : By SiniagirlX : By RejazzX : By xXRevenantXxX : By Oka_chan_13X : By Oka_chan_13X : By LittleBlackSquirrel
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Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 @ 01:45am
Black Plague
Black Plague Avatar/OC Name: Rosalyn Age: 15 years Gender: Female Height: 5'3" Weight: 95 lbs (sickly skinny, she is dieing) Physical Description: She's missing her right eye completely. Her hair is thin and hangs loosely over her missing eye. Her hair is black and very short. She has plague spots all over her body and can be missing parts of her flesh on her shoulders or hands. Her skin can be a pale blue or purple. Clothing: All her clothing is black. She's in mourning (see below). She always has sleeves over her forearms, but her shoulders are always bare. She should have a long black skirt that covers the bottom half of her body. The corset can be tied loosely or tight, but should give her a little cleavage either way. The clasp on the cape should be a skull. Pose/Positions: There should always be a gravestone. She can either be kneeling or standing next to it. The single black rose should be on or near the tombstone. Background:In the mid-fourteenth century, her new husband fell ill. She did everything she could to make him comfortable and ignored the doctors telling her to stay away from him. Shortly before he died, she grew ill as well, but hid it as best she could. After his death, she spends most of her time sitting at his grave crying and slowly dieing from the same thing that killed him; The Black Death. Theme Song: Dirt on the Grave: Black Label SocietyNote: I give and support creative liberty with her. As long as she's some variation of the above, I approve. As she is always changing with each new item Gaia creates, I will try to keep the reference list up dated.Art & Artist X : By Me X : By KFXX : By G-LulluX : By xXREVENANTXxX : By bloody dream RoseX : By aaznpnaigurlX : By AHarlequinSceneX : By eccentricitiX : By eccentricitiX : By eccentricitiX : By eccentricitiAll art will be tipped. <3
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 @ 02:56pm
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Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 @ 03:20pm
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 @ 04:48pm
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Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 @ 03:22pm
My Schitzophrenic Multiple Personalities II
My name is… June Joyner I am at the age of… 17 My sex is… Female Male My sexual preference is… Straight Bi-Sexual The story of my life is… We was born twins to loving parents who doted on us hand and foot. It really doesn't surprise us because we were their first and only children. We've grown up with a pretty normal childhood; we went to school, we did homework, and we got into trouble. On the whole though we were fairly good kids. Our personalities are almost the same too; when they said identical twins, they meant it. We're loud and hyper, though June tends to be more so. (I do not!) My likes are… Pickles, bright colors, crayons, sharpies, and Pepsi Video games, tattoos, baseball, guitar, and Pepsi My dislikes are.. Bugs, sticky stuff, dogs, fish, hard candies. Conceited people, frilly stuff, fish, carrots My secret lover is… We won't tell, not even each other! My strings are pulled by… Foxx_Fur Username: Foxx_Fur
Character Name: Miguel
Nickname(s): Sparky
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Angel
Orientation: Homosexual
Bio: Born in wedlock of a demon and an angel, Sparky inherited his mother's lust for love and adventure. His is out spoken and loves to flirt. He doesn't hate his brother, but he thinks he is dull and lack life. Sparky loves dragging his brother around and showing him off. He is Mikey's elder twin brother.
Dorm: 8
Appearance: SparkyUsername: Foxx_Fur
Character Name: Micheal
Nickname(s): Mikey
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Demon
Orientation: Heterosexual
Bio: Born of a demon and an angel, Mikey took on more his father's traits. He is reserved and willing to help when he can. He hates being the center of attention and usually shy away from the group of his brother's friends. He's Sparky's younger twin brother.
Dorm: 14
Appearance: Mikey God of GodsAndrewGili call me JupiterOtherwise known as: Mr. Demanding I am: Seventeen Last time i checked i was a: Male What i'm like: Strong willed and a temper to match, pretty much sums me up. I love to lead and usually argue until I get my way, I mean, I was born a natural leader. I've been known to get under people's skin with my over bearing personality, but I see it as just helpful hints. I've quite most of the sports teams because I wasn't the captain, but the swimming coach gave me the spot. My life flashing before my eyes: I've grown up in the same place my entire life. My parents are still happily married, but I think it's because my father is in the military and is never home. It was hard in my younger years with him gone all the time, but I just remembered he was fighting to keep our country's place as leader of the free world. I'm Powerful: Electrical currents mostly, from static shocks to lighting to generator explosions. I am the God of: Gods My Destiny: to locate the other gods, and be their ruler. Punish them if they do not follow their duties. I am but a puppet to: Foxx_Fur My Name:King Louie XVIIII Nickname: Louie or Lou The Fool Attempting to Control Me: Foxx_Fur The Many Candles I've Blown Out: 3,759 My Title: King of the Summer Pharies Well I Bet You Would Have Never Guessed I'm A: Phairy Appearance: Louie I'm Glad You Think I'm: Strong willed, fair, knowledgeable, and a leader Bio Louie was born into a long line of Kings. He was raised as his father's before him were to be fair and strong. He was brilliant from the day he was born, and took the throne at age three thousand. Because he is of Phairy blood, he isn't likely to die of old age anytime soon; on the contrary, he is actually still very young. I'm Quite Talented With: Bows and arrows, and a short sword made of crystal. Did You Know I Have Control Over Winds Crush: On my beloved QueenMy Name: Herman Black Nickname: Herman or Black The One In Charge: Foxx_Fur The Candles I've Blown Out: 20 Appearance: Herman I'm Glad You Think I'm: Loud, in your face, and a coward. Bio Born into a world of darkness and fear, Herman was raised to be a fighter. He tends to talk big and act tough, but he's truly a coward and runs when there is danger. Many of his friends have been hurt or lost their lives due to his loud manner as they would stand up for him, then be left alone when he ran away. I'm Quite Talented With: A knife and a 45 though he doesn't really know how to use either of them. Crush: Anyone that has the will to stick around him long enough.My Name: Brina FrostNickname: BrinaThe Fool Attempting to Control Me: Foxx_FurThe Many Candles I've Blown Out: 500My Title: MistressWell I Bet You Would Have Never Guessed I'm A: Winter Pharie/HumanAppearance: BrinaI'm Glad You Think I'm: Quiet and reserved, she does as her master commands. If he requires her to be cold and cruel, she is; if he requires her to be warm and gentle, she is. She also has a habit of talking about herself in third person.Bio Brina was born when the passion between a winter pharie and an Italian man became real. Her father's mortality caused him to die before she was old enough to remember him. All he left her before his death was her name and her human completion. Her mother was a servant to a family of wealth and Brina was forced into slavery at an early age. When she was old enough to sell for a large amount, she was bought and brought to the Winter King.I'm Quite Talented With: None unless her master wishesDid You Know I Have Control Over Frost as her name suggestsCrush: She only wishes to be with her master and to make him happy.IN PERPETUAM MEMORIAM::
<< Charlotte . Marie . Fox>> April 16 - January 31 Twenty-Five Cause of Death:: Intentional Over Dose Gift:: Invisibility Vulnerability:: Just about everything. Occupation:: Waitressing in a couple of clubs Bio:: Charlie was born into a broken home. Her parents were catholic and didn't believe in divorce even though they both despised the other. The girl was proof of her mother's unfaithfulness to her father and was often cast out by the man she looked up to. Her early years went well enough, she was fed and clothed, but when she turned thirteen her home life started to spiral out of control. Because her mother finally reveled to her lover that Charlie was his child, he left her causing the once loving mother to abuse her own offspring. Living in a home of hatred and now rape, Charlie took on job after job to stay out of the house. At her eighteenth birthday party, Charlie introduced her parents to her girlfriend and was disowned on the spot for taking the devil's path. She lived with her girlfriend until last month when she was tragically taken away. Charlie couldn't take the pain of being alone any longer and swallowed the whole bottle of Tylenol. Personality:: Charlie is meek, quiet, and withdrawn. All she's ever really wanted was someone to love her. She takes many things to heart, even a quick smile from anyone that happens to look at her. She hates being alone and was heartbroken when she lost the only person that ever loved her. Extra:: "What did I do, God, to deserve this fate?"    My secret name: Foxx_Fur What everyone calls me: Carrie I'm a: Female On my last birthday I turned...: Twenty I love: no one, no time for it My fears: ~Losing my family ~Losing my friends ~Dieing My hates: ~People that can't take a joke ~Anyone that ruins my surprises ~Religion My likes: ~Halloween ~Scaring people ~Ghost hunts To you I look like: a strangerI'm about: 5'4" Why am I here?: Because I heard it was creepy, maybe I can get some ideas for Halloween Other: I'm a total fan of scaring people, but I hate being scared. Your theme song: Freak on a Leash: KoRnMy secret name: Foxx_Fur What everyone calls me: Sapphire, Jade, Ruby, Amethyst, Pearl, Tropez; It really depends on my mood what I call myself, but it usually is a birth gem. I'm a: Female On my last birthday I turned...: Twenty-Three I've been with this circus for: About a month now I love: Many and none I work as: Contortionist My hates: ~Peanuts ~Popcorn ~Losing ~Not getting attention ~People My likes: ~The sound of cracking bones ~Money ~Beauty ~Eye balls ~Sweets My twisted self looks like: a natural beauty. I'm about: 5'0" I'm from: The womb of the woman that calls herself 'Mother' To torture others I use: Needles, various sizes of course, but all the little spots of blood, so nice. Where were you before this?: Playing 'Pick the Prey' in a small town just outside of the Arizona Desert. See, you bend this way and that and see how many men donate their eyes to you before the police get involved. Other: Tobi is my black cat that's been following me around. I care little for him, but he manages to escape me every time I try to get his eyes. He is a foolish cat. Your theme song: Living Dead Girl: Rob Zombie
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 02:19am
My Schitzophrenic Multiple Personalities
Gaianame: Foxx_Fur Name: Tatiana Age: unknown Personality: Cold, flirty, conceited Bio: Tatiana is a Russian Vampire who teamed up with the Tokarev clan. Her age is unknown for she had been alive for many many years. She was turned at age 25 and looks around that age. Though most of her race had been killed, she has proven harder to kill than the others. She had taken a real liking to Artemis and views him as her only 'friend'. Back in Russia, she would pose as a hunter and 'kill' Artemis, they always split the reward money. Sexual preference: Bi, but prefers the ladies Love interest: everyone, vampires are very sexually driven Occupation: 'Hunter' Weapon(s): Steal sword, a shotgun, and a 45 Appearance:
---------- Linx.Phoenix.FoxxI'm Linx Foxx, but people call me Linx. I am Seven hundred and fifty nine years old. If you can't tell, I'm a female. I am a harpy and proud of it. I am never the same. My attitude changes as I see fit. When I am angry, I am angry; when I am sad, I'm sad. Most of the time though, I'm flirtatious and looking for a meal.. If you wanted to know, here's my story: I was hacked as most of my species is and told never to leave this island. When I grew old enough to fly, I tried to leave, but found myself lost in a world of strange things. The trees were gray and there were no creatures around. I returned home and now only leave when my food supply runs low.. Some things I like are cherries, small rodents, flying, singing, and being left alone, but I can't stand snakes, sticky things, talkative creatures, loud noises, and people invading my space.. I'm afraid of nothing, though I do my best to stay away from the water. I look like this:happiness, anger, and sadness. Oh, and here's something you might like to know: my emotions are obvious because my appearance changes with them. Be weary when my feather are replaced by thin skin. Nothing good can come of it.. I think I'm free, but Foxx_Fur thinks they control me.---------- My Puppet's Master:Foxx_FurUnder My Mask:Cory James RodriguezI Am This Many:19I'm like this: Brash, out spoken, flirtyMy Fairy Tale:Cory is a surfer who loves the ladies, though he doesn't mind making guys squirm. He lives in a broken home; his mother is an alcoholic and his father is in and out of jail. Still he managed to stay in the popular crowd being best friends with Harrison. He wasn't part of the rape group though, and had gone out of his way to keep from knowing about it. Though he is popular, he tends to stray from the violence towards the outcasts. If he didn't think his father would beat the living hell out of him, he would probably hang out with them.The Kind I like:He's straight, but comfortable enough with his sexuality to play the gay man sometimesThe One I love:No one really, he likes being single, but he does loves the ladies and is a flirt to all of them. He's a pervert.The Things I Like:Girls, Harrison, Sunshine, surf, his board, cargo pants.The Things I Hate:His father, the piece of crap he has to drive, homeworkWhy do you think you were chosen as a victim?:Don't really know, he always smiled at people when they make eye contact. Maybe he's suppose to save Harrison, or he got mixed up as one of the ones that raped Evangeline.I'm A Vision Of:
 ---------- My Puppet's Master: Foxx_Fur Under My Mask: Honey Hopkins I Am This Many: sixteen I'm like this: Quiet and shy, even among her friends. She hates talking and almost never does. She usually shows her emotion through her body language and facial expressions. My Fairy Tale: Honey was born in to a loving family. Her parents hardly fought and when they did it was nothing that was solved with in the hour. Her brother was kind and always stood up for her, even if it meant his own harm. Despite growing up in such a loving atmosphere, Honey was born abnormally. She was a very beautiful girl, but her mind was tormented. She had never been to a psycologist, and her parents almost ignored the fact that all her pets seemed to die. She was cold and cruel to the many pets her parents bought her, feeding her sadistic mind. My Killing Style: They are all so soft and warm. I can feel the blood running through their veins, their heart beating; I must end the life. Their blood will be mine, it runs though all the pretty cuts over their bodies. They eyes are a step closer to god as I cut into their chest and remove the beating heart. I never even realize they scratched and bit me until I feel the sting of the alcohol over the wounds. The humans scream though, sending their pleas to a God that doesn't exist for them. My ToyBoX: Daddy has the prettiest tool set. The saw and screwdrivers alway help me get to the heart. It tickles when it beats in my hand. The Kind I like: I can't tell you. They all look at me as though I'm wrong, but their minds always change when I make them feel good. The One I love: Harrison, though I knew what he did to Evangaline. Why doesn't he look at me like that? I Hide My Face: There are many eyes, the look in every direction, they are the ones that protect me from everything. It was my halloween costume when I was little, I was suppose to be a wolf, The Big Bad Wolf, but mommy said I ruined it with all the eyes. She said you couldn't even see the grey of the fur, but I see it. I see everything. The Things I Like: The quiet and being alone. I hate going to school because everyone is always talking. Why can't they just shut up? They all will... one day. The Things I hate: People always using their words against me. They always say such things about me, only because they don't know how to keep quiet. I'll have their nasty tongues, and their accusing eyes. What's wrong with how I dress? I think it's pretty. I'm A Vision Of: This---------- Appearance:  Name: Her name is far to hard for humans to pronounce or understand, but when speaking in English, they call her Pyro. Gender: Female Race: Beast of Hell Abilities: She controls fire, flames, and any other sort of burning substance that causes these and she can change her size, though she can only grow smaller than her true form. Weaknesses: Water, ice, cold: These are three things that she actually fears, at least what human would call fear. She hates being cooped up and usually finds herself burning down something. When she has an overwhelming feeling, be it hate, fear, or whatever else it is humans feel, she can't control the fire with in her. On more than one occasion she had been seen because of this, but every event was call a 'natural disaster'. Biography: They (meaning the humans) had given her kind the name 'Beasts of Hell' though this was false. Back before the world was new, everything was alive; fire, ice, stone, wind, etc. and they live in harmony with one another. However, when whatever the cause of the Earth's existence occurred, humanity sprouted and cursed these things. As time passed her breed was forced to remain in hiding though there were a few rebellions in the beginning that gave the humans reasons to document their existence, though most story were forgotten and turned into myths.
Pyro hardly remembers that time finding that most of her thoughts came and went with the times. After the Vampires staged their attack though, she was forced to live in furnaces of the factories that the humans managed to keep running. During that time she taught herself to speak English and studied the humans and the various other races that attached them. In the recent events, she wished that she could be among the others for her loneliness often overwhelms here causing the factories to catch fire. Despite that, she stays hidden from the races, her own kind, and sometimes herself. Personality: If humans had to put a label on her and try to make her more like them (for whatever reason they seem to think of), she would be shy and quiet though she can get out of hand. They would say she has violent mood swings, but deep down all she wants is a friend. Username: Foxx_Fur Post Color: Most of the time she is black, but she speaks in "dark orange" and thinks in 'dark red'. ---------- This is Me[x]This is the Real Me[x]Hello, The Name IsNamikaze TsunamiI Prefer It If You Called MeTsunami or NamiOnly Numbers19Please Accept Me As I AmFemaleA+BisexualShe's shy and withdrawn hardly talking to anyone. She does believe very strongly in her way of thinking and will defend her virtues if she needs to. Deep down she really wants a friend, but she lacks the courage to approach anyone.If You Really Want to KnowNamikaze Tsunami was born and raised on American soil. Her mother's side was Japanese, and her father's side was American. Her parents had finally settled to raise a family after her father was honorably discharged from the military for losing his left leg. Nami was raised in a higher class home, given much of what she wanted, but also taught work ethnics in the process. Most of her schooling was at home by tutors until her parents realized she lacked friends. They sent her to a public school for her high school classes, throwing her into the mix of cruel girls and beautiful boys. Some how or another Nami managed to work her way though school, still lacking human companionship. She now works day-to-day as a waitress at a local cafe. Even at the shop, she is quiet and lacks the amount of personality that is required for her job. She almost never makes any tips, but she does make good sales; that being the only reason she hasn't been fired.In a NutshellI Prefer: Reading books, writing stories, and chewing gum.I Avoid: Loud people, crowded areas, and working the dinner rush.I Fear: Being rejected by everyone, making an effort to talk to someone who doesn't want to talk to me, and ants. My Passions: Swimming, hiking, just about anything outdoors and away from people.My Interests IncludePersonalities; anyone who has a great personality grabs my attention. Humor as well, someone who can make me laugh.Colourful feelingsTealI dwell inRainThis belongs to me, please don't take it away...A small gold necklace with a little heart pendent.This is what I protect myself withA long sword, believe it or not; the hilt has a crystal heart on the end.I Forgot To MentionWhen I cry it always seems to rain. The few times I've actually gotten angry there was a storm. I never understood it. Now I know what it was. I can create rain in vast amounts or in small amounts. I've actually gotten accustomed to watering the flowers this way. The thunder and lightening scare me though and I try to never make it rain that much. I can pull some of the water out of a puddle or glass of water too, but I can't just make it rain. When the clouds aren't full, or there is no water around, I'm powerless.Behind The Screen Is ReallyFoxx_Fur---------- This is Me[X]This is the Real Me[X]Hello, The Name IsIvan AlexanderI Prefer It If You Called MeIvan, but all nicknames are welcome.Only NumbersLet's see, I'm what, twenty-five now? Damn, I'm old.Please Accept Me As I AmI'm a boy, a male, a guy, a dude; got it?Blood type? I think mom said it was B something. Is that important?Ladies, Ladies, Ladies! I am here for the taking!People call me brash, lazy, and a 'good for nothing'; it's probably true. I hate working and usually don't bother. I landed this awesome job as a game tester though, so I don't have to really 'work'. I tend to be straight forward with people; brash, as they call it. I just don't see the point in candy coating anything. If I don't mention it, someone else will.If You Really Want to KnowMy history, huh? Well, my parents were hard working people, I'm actually kind of surprised I'm not. They were farmers, so I suppose I did grow up working I just never realized it. My grand-dad was the one that owned the farm and scrimped and saved his entire life. He died shortly after my nineteenth birthday and my parents and I inherited a fortune. Of course they stashed most of it away, but I managed to get some of it. I'm on my own now, living life to it's fullest. Oh and ladies, I'm single!In a NutshellI Prefer: Video games Girls Plants OutdoorsI Avoid: Animals Working Day-time dramas HomosexualsI Fear: I don't fear anything, well except like swimming with sharks and jumping into fire. My Passions: Girls and video games, who needs more than that?My Interests IncludeGirls have to like my sense of humor. She has to be hot too, nice and curvy. She has to be shorter than me, can't stand amazons. Oh, and she has to be a good cook.Colourful feelingsGreenI dwell inEarthThis belongs to me, please don't take it away...I have my grandfather's wrist watch. I hardly ever wear it, but it's usually looped around one of my belt loops or something.This is what I protect myself withThe long staff-type deal in the 'True Me' photograph. It's kind of like a corn scythe, but eh, I'm reading to much into it.I Forgot To MentionMy powers are your typical gardener's dream. I have a green thumb, so to speak. I can make just about anything grow out of the earth. I can't make huge dirt piles though, that would be ridiculous. The farm always managed to do well when I was there. I get a little skittish when my plants are around fire though, or too much water, oh and ice. Killing them would not be cool.Behind The Screen Is ReallyFoxx_Fur---------- 
Rawr, Its Me{Kevin}I Have Lived For Ages{Twenty-seven}Its Not Really A Shock{Male/Straight}I Won't Bite{I'm loud, outgoing, and a tell it like it is kind of person. Many people find my mannerisms rude and heartless, but I am what I am. I've been called bold because I will tell anyone anything; a girl she's fat, a biker he's bald, things like that. If something is annoying, you better believe I'm the first to say something.}I Think You Should Know{I'm a survivor}Its My Life{I was on my way to visit my mother and younger sister, who is in labor. Seeing as I'm the oldest, my first niece or nephew was exciting. I'm single, divorced actually, and I'm on my own for now. I lived in the north before we crashed here, and I think my daughter was with me ((if I can find someone to play her?)), but I can't be sure.}I Wish I Had My Ipod{Diary Of Jane: Breaking Benjamin}I Need Them{Gum} {Sleep} {Building thing} {My little girl}I Hate This!{Annoying people} {People who pretend they are something they are not} {Anyone who hurts my daughter}Its Not Really A Secret{I don't know who these people are, but I'm stuck with them, so I'll have to make due. It's not usually something I like to admit, but I've been having a serious fight with depression since the divorce. I loved her more than life itself, but she chose another. It... It's hard to talk about.}All I Have Is The Mirror{Other Appearance.} ---------- Gaianame: Foxx_Fur Name: Lear Age: Twenty-six Personality: Lear is a loner and some what cold. He's quick to snap at anyone that challenges his word. He's now slightly psychotic and in constant search for his dead mother; 'She always comes back..' Bio/History: Lear was born of Max and Lizzy, the late betas of the Immer clam. Though he was loved, his mother left him in an orphanage for fear of what the others might say. After many years and finally becoming mates, Lizzy returned with her son. His life was full of confusion at first, the war having caused mass hysteria. He was taken by the vampire Tatiana when his mother went for her last fight. The past fifteen years have raised Lear with the innocent vengeance only a child could obtain. The vampire now reared him, teaching him the meaning of the hunt, giving the werewolf the sense for death of a vampire. When he was finally told of his mother's death, he fell into a semi state of denial and now is in search of her. His wondering has brought him back to the Immer clan and to Edward; the one man he blames for his mother's death. Rank: Wonderer, but he once was part of the Immer clan; that was long ago. Ethinicity: German Sexual Preference: Bi Mate/Love Interest: Ollie, though he hasn't realized it yet. Weapons: His own body, and two silver daggers he's trained himself with. By 'train', what's meant his his hands have been burned and calloused from handling the deadly metal and he's been seen stabbing himself with them. Alliance: Himself Any Blood relation to the family: Immerwahrend: son of the late beta's Theme Song: Animal I Have Become : Three Days Grace Appearance:

---------- Gaianame: Foxx_Fur Name: Apollo 'Paulie' Strizhakov Age: Eighteen Personality: Reserved, brash, and sometimes cold. Bio/History: Born of Lizzy and Artemis, proof of their love, Apollo was raised with his sister in an orphanage. His mother left them there like their elder brother. However; these two didn't know their mother and was raised mainly by their father. Unlike his sister, Apollo doesn't blame his parents for what they did. He has accepted his fate and always tries to get his sister to as well. Rank: Beta Male Ethinicity: Russian Sexual Preference: Straight, but being raised with his father, he can play a gay man well. Mate/Love Interest: None at this time. Weapons: A broad sword, when he remembers to bring it. Alliance: Tokarev Any Blood relation to the family: No, but he was part of the Immerwahrend and Tokarev clans, each parent being a beat of each. Theme Song: Never Too Late : Three Days Grace Appearance:

---------- Gaianame: Foxx_Fur Name: Eliza 'Liz' Strizhakov Age: Eighteen Personality: Loud, flirty, and easily angered. Bio/History: Like her brother she was a spawn of an evil affair. Her mother broke her vows to her mate and created them in sin. What's more is the woman left them to fed for themselves until their father finally come to rescue them. It was a nice change from the norm to have her father around, and though he loved their mother very much, Eliza could never forgive her. Rank: Young Adult Ethinicity: Russian Sexual Preference: Homosexual Mate/Love Interest: N/A Weapons: Her anger and anything at her disposal. Alliance: Tokarev Any Blood relation to the family: No Theme Song: Just Like You : Three Days Grace Appearance:
 ---------- Ðon’t £ook ßeyond llhat Îs ¥oursY0U WANNA KN0W AB0UT LiiTL3 0L3 M3?MY TUN3S: Why I am always Struck By You? You know you Want Me W3LL, MY NAM3 iiS: Madalyn Isablle Nicole EnglemanBUT PL3AS3 CALL M3: Maddy, Mad, Is, NickyMY CANDL3S SAY: Seventeen as of October 2, 1991STRiiK3 A P0S3: It's All About Me MY SHRiiNK TELLS M3 ii'M CRAZY: First of all, I don't need a shrink, though she keeps telling me I have an unhealthy mind condition. It's not like she wouldn't know, she has the degree and the perfect hair, not like I do. She tells me that I'm easily angered because I'm hiding something and that I don't get along with others because I've put up barriers. I haven't, of course, they all would rather hang out with each other than talentless me. It's not my fault I wasn't blessed with the amazing ability to sing or paint.
I try to be kind and talk to everyone else, I really do. I guess it's just hard to see everyone happy with themselves. I'm not saying I'm not happy with myself, I love who I am, but I just wish I had something that set me apart from the the others. I wish I could sing, or paint, or be pretty enough to get his attention. It's just doesn't seem fair to me, that's all. I can't help but Pine.R3AD M3 LiiK3 A BOOK: I was born in the state of New York, and I mean up-state not the City. We lived in this tiny town named Wellsville, and I always thought it was funny that the welcome signs said 'Welcome to the village of Wellsville'. It was a quiet little place where everyone knew you, there was one high school, and you can walk everywhere.
I was born the middle child, talentless and shadowed by my elder sister's singing and my younger brother's art. She went through school and in now in New York City playing Christine on Broadway in Phantom of the Opera. My brother is still in grade school, but he's like a child prodigy. They say he could be compared to Rembrandt in a few short years. Me, on the other hand, am lucky to be getting through school. It's my senior year and I've managed to keep a 2.8 grade point average. Nothing to be excited about, but enough to get me into a community college, if I go.K33PiiNG M3 ALiiV3: Pickles Books Crayons Bubble Gum My Diary Odd Numbers RocksFADiiNG AWAY: Spinich Reality Televison Instant Messaging Talking on the Phone Not Having the Cool Supplies People That Stare The Color PinkC0L0R M3 PR3TTY: Three holes in each ear and my belly button do it for me, I'm more of a tattoo lover anyway. I have two dragons in the shape of a heart on my right shoulder blade, one purple and one blue. I have a heart shaped Mardi Gras mask on the small of my back. And I have the Ace of hearts (purple not red) on my left forearm with my grandmother's birth and death date.K33P iiT D0WN: I keep a small box under my dresser that contains rubbing alcohol and a razor blade for those days when I've stopped feeling. I keep my diary on me at all times and write everything I think and feel in it.PULLiiNG MY STRiiNGS: Foxx_Fur---------- .A Little About Me.They gave me this: Morgan Ann Douglas But I like: Bazil I'm this many summers old: Nineteen I'm attracted to you: Bisexual Why, thank you: • Monkeys • Bright Colors • Odd numbers • Fruity Drinks • Pocky • Anime • Ninja • Drawing • Comics Keep that away: • Loud Nosies • Rainy Days • Conceited People • Ignorance • Paper Cuts • Sour Candies • Cows Look in the mirror: What do you expect to see? Cheese!.Let's Learn More.I have a past: Born September second nineteen eighty nine, I've grown in and out of many phases. When I was young, my parents handed me over to the public schooling system like every other child I knew. I was given a basic education and taught the proper way to conform to society. Haha, I couldn't help myself. No, I was taught to read and write, add, subtract; then whole lot; however, the greatest thing I got from the past twelve years of school is the way I express who I am. I've been goth, prep, freak, dork, stoner, loner, emo; you name it. I loved being able to mingle with all the other kids in the school. Eventually I grew out of most of those phases, keeping a clothing style here, a manner of speaking there; over all I combined them all to create me.
I've known I was bisexual for a while now. It started when I was in sixth grade, my fascination with the same sex. Now, I was a pretty good kid, I didn't get into sex, drugs, and alcohol until I was seventeen; a lat bloomer if you will. After I hit high school all bets were off. I got into weed, tequila, and boys. Of course after a while I got bored with all three of those, so I did what any natural teenager would; I turned bi. I wasn't just doing it to be cool, like I said I was bi in sixth grade. I had decided by this time though that it was time for another character change and I told my friend I loved her. She kind of freaked out and stopped talking to me, but hey that was her problem. I'm not going to change for anyone, I am who I am. They say I act: Hyper pretty much sums me up; whether its midnight or mid-day I'm wired on life. I love to talk to everyone and can't get enough of just being alive. I have no idea why I'm like this, but I've come to accept it. I've been told that I can be a little over bearing at times and I get annoying. I think the people that say that are crazy. People may think I'm strange, but I like it. Let them think what they want! I'm happy with who I am! I might tell you: -to be determined- Hear the music: How Soon Is Now? - t.A.T.u I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry Take off the mask: Foxx_Fur---------- Emerald.Jade.GreenI'm Emerald Green, but people call me Jade. I am unknown years old. If you can't tell, I'm a female. I am a Siren and proud of it. I am sweet, sexy, and flirtatious, but close to me and I'll send you to your watery grave. If you wanted to know, here's my story: I've been living on the coasts of this island since time began. I draw unsuspecting sailors to their death if they draw to close. I tend to view myself as the first line of the islands defense. This is after all, my home.. Some things I like are warm waters, fish, coral, and singing., but I can't stand cold fronts, dolphins, or cats. I'm afraid of harpoons and fish nets. I look like this:beautiful but deadly. Oh, and here's something you might like to know: my scales tend to change colors with the tide.. I think I'm free, but Foxx_Fur thinks they control me.
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Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 01:50am