Donors :]]
[excuse me if i didn't add you. i just remade my donation list so yea]
((only the donors for this account))
Artificial Skittles: Loads of things that i forgot what ♥♥♥♥♥
Rainbow Steps: At least like 3ook worth of stuff and pure ♥♥♥♥
LostCookies: Over 5 mill ((gold+items total)). (my sister that quit) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Bane Ad Vitam: Hermes' Moon 10th gen & Orchid Headphones & Skeleton Shoes & Skeleton Pants & Skeleton Shirt ♥♥♥♥
Starry Nights Gem: Hidden Ace & Class Headphones & The Whole Sweetheart Mary-Janes Set, Secret Retreat ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
xXxPoTpOtxXx: 150k worth of letters :> ♥♥♥
Great Omnipotent Dinosaur: Mythrill Halo ♥♥♥
Da Mega Mega: Egyptian gold anklet, Dark Halo, Code Alpha ♥♥♥
StarieMichie: Blue&Green&Black&Pink&Red Cowboy bandanas ((yay the set!))♥
Bubble Tea Boobies: Reindeer Collar & Mami Top & Cave Bottom & Onigiri & Tennis Ball & White Medical Shoes & Blue Medical Shoes & Purple Medical Shoes & Baseball & Pumpkin Eye Patch & Bat Eye Patch & Skull Eye Patch ♥
olo V1: Green&Pink&Blue Pajama slippers and Native American Moccasins ♥
.Tammi Chan.: Leather Native Pants, Glacier Avalanche Beanie, Green Sleeping Cap, Brown Musketeer Pants ♥
ElysePham: 8k ♥
So Called - Teddy Man: Blue Sweetheart Teddy, Bear Pajamas ♥♥♥♥
SonicSweeti - Acid Teru Teru Bozu + 20k ♥♥♥
Tinuviel Silma - Neapolitan Sash (Vanilla) ♥
Sushi-The-Raw-Fish - 20k ♥
Callieco Kat - January Birthstone Cape, Baby, Snow, Antique, Strange, Cool, and Soot Strange Captain's Hat ♥
Happy Bum - 218g, 8892 tokens, 211 tickets, MADD INKS, MADD BUGS, MADD FLOWERS, MADD PAPERS ♥
Sprinkled on Kisses - 90k, mr. emotion, Little Match Girl, and Winterland Snowflake ♥♥♥
Volley94 - 5k ♥
Anonymous Benefactor - Sherbet ♥♥
Lunarasea - Piggy Plush, Black Champagne Party Hair Ribbon ♥
Nox Vulpes - 110k + Radio Jack ♥♥♥♥♥
Eyeluu - Majnun, Layla, Teru Teru Bozu ♥♥♥♥
Flight of the Garuda - Golden Yellow Beardhat ♥
Brittle Glass - Bunny Necklace ♥♥
Elusive Nightmare - Love Hurts ♥
ily Brennivin - The Whole Sweetheart Silk Hat and Vest Set, White Sweetheart Stockings and Silk Shirt + 70k ♥♥♥♥
Railas - Gogh Reed 10th gen ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Fawkity - Skipper's White Cap ♥
hillary84 - Purple Sweetheart Ruffled Dress ♥
Muffin fish-O- Doom - Scarlet Rose ♥♥♥
[ M i n t` ] - Overseer's Underwear ♥
Suivien - 7million gold, Flower on my Head, Box of Chocolate, Anemone Couture, Leopard Couture, and Prized Possessions, Jekyll's Morality, Biancamella 6th gen, William the Playwright, Dappy Dandy, Hoboseer, Commedia, Black Swan, Daisy's Dark Hair, Daisy's Light Hair, Hunny Bear, Loyal Jay, Checkmate, SDPlus #176 Thief, Bacchus, Sumi Tribe, Limit Breaker, Deinocti's Oath, Lumiere Noire, Hyde's Bloodlust ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ x10000 xinfinity xi ******** love you
BlackFoxAkujin / Hit Squad Charity - 5k ♥
Sinsario - 5k, Red, Green, Brown, Purple, and White Dapper Captain's Hat ♥
Hotaru Tobutakai - 100k ♥♥
Hope a harmonious charity - 2.5k ♥
Chaotic_Prayer - 1k ♥
Carrot Plush - Talsi's Sash ♥
Sweet Crys - Ritzy Red Feather Fascinator ♥
Hope a harmonious charity - 2.5k ♥
Utano[ → Berserk Conjuror ♥♥
Bottled Up Stardust → 424,466g ♥♥♥♥
latte au lait → 5k ♥
Tsukira-chan → Houyi's Ward, Summer Grass Field, Serafuku Tie Set, Serafuku Bow Set, Serafuku Skirt Set, Serafuku Shirt Set, Kawaii Hair Bow Set, Juvenile Delinquent Vest Set, Gakuran Cap Set, Big Giant Glasses Set, Rosa Romance, Mademoiselle Magpie, and Red Peppermint Bark, Elven Lady's Circlet Set, Three of the Big Bow Set, Wood Elf Skirt Set, Raging Night Jewel, Elegant Lilac Ruffles, Tragic Melody, SDPlus #286 Percy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Thonek & [Lost Magic Charity] → 2ook ♥♥
An anonymous benefactor → Big White Bow ♥
ToxicCandyTreat → Maleficent Seven ♥♥
-II mioamore II- → Black Serafuku Bow ♥
call_me_vampire2009 → 1k + 2 Tanning Lye ♥
Spacies → 35k ♥
Madam Rei → 40k ♥
Beyond Ithaca → Horns of the Demon ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥(x 10000)
125th → 100k ♥
The Donation Pixie → 50k ♥
LizzyRawrsYou → 25k ♥
The Nightmare Ripper → Zombie Bites ♥
Miiko_punk → 500k, Viva La Mode, Sailing Deckhand, Panda Mood Bubble, Plague Noir, Cutie Bats, Valhalla's Eternal Armor,Punk Raven,SDPlus #161 Proteus, Queen of Death, Band of Bremen 2nd Gen, HoC: Zerakyl, HoC: Dragoneye Savant, Blitzkrieg King,HoC: Eldwyn the Bright, Dexterous Marksman, War Medals, Mourning Groom, Exposed Zombie Arm, Zombcora Decora, Vampire Sound, Fragrant Heartbeat, Cutie Cowgirl, Danse des Etoiles, The Celestial Queen of Solair, Very Protective Fantasy Armor, Deific Templar, Clinohumite Diamond Dog, Golden Aviation, Starkeeper's Astrolabe, Rosa Decora, Rosa Decora, Accessorized Mauling, Pious Cleric, Y Paddle♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (x100)
Thonek & [Lost Magic Charity] → 2ook ♥♥
An anonymous benefactor → Big White Bow ♥
ToxicCandyTreat → Maleficent Seven ♥♥
-II mioamore II- → Black Serafuku Bow ♥
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