Nicknames: Blue Rose, Time Bomb, Cursed doll, Go-chan, Fluffbutt[cousin calls her this]
Age: 19[age varies through rps]
Height: around 5'1"...yea shes short get over it....
Weight: A little less than she should, but its just how she is.
Race: Lunar Wolf-dog demon, a mix between three breeds, two dogs, sheltie and Australian shepherd, and one wolf breed, Lunar Wolf[rare breed of alien canine].
Abilities: Has various forms, you can find out about those in rps. One being her canine form. She has a birthmark on her right hand, passed down through generations of males, however it managed to go to a female. Said mark is a curse and blessing, often times a blessing by allowing her to use a reddened crystal as a shield or projectile or just about anything else. She inherited the ability to manipulate plants from her mother, and water from her father. When agitated, electricity can be manipulated, but only slightly. When she tries to control fire however....its not possible. Shes burnt herself before thanks to that.
Bio: When goshe was younger, she had a lovely family life, three siblings, then five, and two parents..her family was big. She had to be taken care of by her brother in the past life thanks to her little 'illness', often having to take medication for it. Her uncle didnt really seem to care much about the fact she and her siblings were halfbloods, but that was shoved down, revealed when he finally cracked during a party, causing him to abuse his family and almost kill someone. Goshe's father, his brother, banished him from the village, having him escorted out to never be seen again...that wasnt the case however, as after two days he came back and left with a little hostage. That hostage was goshe, over three years he abused her severely, going as far as doing unspeakable things to her...he managed to make her do as he pleased, by constantly injecting her with 'special' medicine about every 5 minutes. By the third year she was fully broken, almost irretrievable, but someone got her out of there, causing Yami to become enraged. She returned home with a daughter, and had to go through therapy, not only for her mental welfare but her health from the sudden withdrawal of the drug shed been given so much of. She had gotten really sick thanks to this, but over the years returned least somewhat normal.
Personality: Loving mother to her daughter, seemingly happy with most things, stubborn and has a temper though...hates when people touch her face and ears. Its best to just see her in action.
Other: Due to her fathers side of the family, Goshe has a lunar marking across her forehead and she has a strange Red Mark on the back of her right hand that only one person per generation in her clan can have, proving leadership.[the marking shows the curse part as well]

Wolfdog form pic :[its been changed im afraid. not by much but still..] Wolfdog form usual
Goshe and Serene's ghost[old picture][looks like shes talking to herself but is really talking to serene] another link
Name: Chiyoko Hitomi
Name meaning: From Japanese 千 (chi) "thousand" and 代 (yo) "generations" and 子 (ko) "child". From Japanese 瞳 "pupil of the eye". It can also come from 智 (hito) "wisdom, intellect" and 美 (mi) "beautiful". This name is often written ひとみ using the hiragana writing system.
Age: 300 years old but looks and acts 8 years old.
Height: Same height as a normal 7 year old.
Weight: Unknown
Race: Nekomata
Abilities: Can hide her ears and tail using illusions, can summon a sword almost as big as her, and can turn into a kitten[of course]. Oh and she has Telekinesis[moving/controlling things with mind if im correct].
Bio: At a young age, Chiyoko's mother and father were killed in a village raid, she somehow got away from the raid but was left with emotional scars...just a few of them though. Ill think of more of this later....
Personality: Sweet and innocent and usually nervous around strangers. She hates being treated with disrespect and will be hostile to those who she hates, she tends to pull pranks on people from time to time and looks up to her friends as her siblings and will sometimes give nicknames. She tends to call her most trusted big brothers by 'Nii-nii' and also has a tendency of saying 'Nya' 'Hm' and sometimes 'Ni', but when shes acting serious and acts as old as she is, her voice gets a little deeper[as to the fact that its usually like a cute high pitched child voice] and more intimidating, making her even sound older... Oh and shes a bookworm.
Other: She sometimes wears glasses but thats mostly when shes reading. And she mostly is barefoot....

Kitten appearence[in her normal kitten form she has one tail]: just click