Vampire/ Human
1918 was the year young Serina was put through a spiral of torture that would lead to screams and pain cause by her. She was raised by a rather wealthy family, that is until her sixteenth birthday when she decided to wander the streets of Maryland. It was cold, snow falling from the sky and soon covered with her own blood. That's all she could remember before crawling into an alley and hidding from the grasp of death.
Now in 2008, she had lived on her own for more than 200 years. She had a job during the night as a waitress at a restaurant if not working at a gas station near her apartment. She had lived a life of lonelyness and isolation, that is until now.

Human/Vampire [role reversal]
Mariah was like any other girl that was within high school. She had friends, artistic talents and a wonderful singing voice. However he life will shift as she is forced to move in with her Aunt how live in New York after her mother and father were killed in an accident at the beginning of her junior year of high school.
Nw Mariah has to start over with new friends, one thing that was hard for her to begin with. A sigh moved to her lips as she watched the rain hit her window of her bedroom inside a condo in the middle of the city. She could live without going to the school that her aunt had placed her in as soon as she got there. Moving over to her bed, she falls asleep only to wake to the sounds of car horns and yelling.
Once at the school, she looked around at the new faces while clutching to a sketch book in her hand. The majority of the male student body looked at her with interest while the girls with disgust. Slinking to the office, she asks the secretary for some help.

Little Miss Celebrity
Karina, the name that was well known to the public after appearing on a national television show for singing. It had made her a star, at first a happy one, but now a sad one. She was growing tired of the spotlight so quickly it was not even funny. The gossip of her career was even worse. However, it wasn't bad until this night.
A flood of reporters chased her down the streets of the Phoenix, a place that she thought she was safe from them. She was wrong. She ran as fast as she could hearing others calling out her name, all she wanted was peace and quiet and not even her home was she able to do so. Tears moved down her cheeks as she prayed for someone to come out and hide her from the millions of flashes.