THE Santa Claus's Lists |
Things to Remember |
Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 @ 07:32am
My old profile code
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.caption:before,.caption:after,.caption2:before,.caption2:after { display:none; } .caption. message,.caption2 .message { background:none; }[
THE Santa Claus
Community Member
THE Santa Claus
Community Member
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 @ 05:09am
Planning for Christmas Charity Event
Event: Dec. 20 - 28, 2014 All threads/games/etc. set by Dec. 18. Move thread to Gaia Community Projects Dec. 20 to open event. Make Chatterbox thread to advertise with bumping contest Dec. 13-20. Invite charities Dec. 1 - 7. Guild Announcement: Coming Soon! Make event thread in Test Forum Nov. 30 Acquire all graphics by Nov. 30. Shop for thread graphics Nov. 1 - 10 Determine theme of event by Nov. 1, including games/prizes * Charity Scavenger Hunt * Chatterbox Bumping prizes 1, 2, 3 * Raffle item(s) * Logic Puzzles by AnnElf * Avatar Contests: Elf, Holiday, Winter (6-9 prizes) * Christmas Poetry Contest 1, 2, 3 * Christmas Short Story Contest 1, 2, 3 * RNG game in Event Thread 9 daily prizes, 1 big prize
Update THE List of Charities monthly!!