
If you were a story character, what would your personality be like?
You are Lucius, our funniest dude who serves as the comic relief. You are well centered, witty, Charming, A narcisist, and usually Crazy-happy. You like to look at texts and research your worlds history, as well as protect your planet..becuase that is your job. You care deeply for your friends, and would sacrifice everything for them. You are logic and reserved at times, but on occation, you come in under a yard tall when you are hyper. You have no element, but you can cast pretty powerful spells, and you have a pet gryffin.
Your personality disorder is: OCD. You have to look your best, even if it means changing your hair. Overall, You are a funny guy, and you know it.
206 other people got this result! This quiz has been taken 3097 times. 7% of people had this result.
What type of rock are you?
Alternative rock! You're the very interesting side of rock... You sometimes reach the masses, like Placebo, but mostly you're underground and stay true to your musical roots... Just keep what you're doing and churn out that good stuff!
1605 other people got this result! This quiz has been taken 29863 times. 5% of people had this result.

... Okay, I've restrained myself from commenting until now... but... Twisted Sister... *snickers* ... "WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT!" ... *bursts out laughing* ... Inside joke, don't worry.
You are ATHENA! Goddess of crafts, domestic arts, and patroness of the underdog. You sprung from Zeus' head and have given him nothing but grief ever since! You aren't afraid to involve yourself in the occasional battle, and can kick some seriously impressive butt if needed.
What David Bowie Personality Are You?

You are the wild and wacky Ziggy Stardust! You have a flair for crazy clothes, and wild hair! You can be arrogant and self absorbed, and you may expect too much from people.
104 other people got this result! This quiz has been taken 344 times. 30% of people had this result.
What Disney Movie Are You?
The Nightmare Before Christmas is the movie that you would be. Most people don't know that you're even one of the "Disney Classics", but deep down, you know you're just as good, if not better, than the rest of them. Some may see you as a bit corrupted and evil, but there are others out there that can see your true sense of beauty.
201 other people got this result! This quiz has been taken 696 times. 29% of people had this result.
O-Katsu-O · Sat Oct 22, 2005 @ 07:03pm · 2 Comments |
Overdue Journal? Maybe... |
Depends on your point of view, I guess... ... Just to annoy everyone... I'm going to type in code today! I wonder if anyone will figure it out...
@s s!n)w!) , sth* #wh@l gt)p*n n* n! d#nc@d# gth*n s* )r#!ll )v#r nf^ . s*t' tm@s )d#f*n*t#l gg@*n @t #b nf^ g^s*n ss^p#rfl^@^ sw@rd tth! * m! )pr@b!bl gg@*n @t lm*ssp#l @t #c@nf^s ##v#r)@n . #l*k ##ntr#ndr r@ l#n*gm!t*c! d!n n@bf^sc!t*@ ... r@ tr#c!lc*tr!nt . d!n wn@ * df*n fm)s#l )!m!z*ngl db@r# f@ sth* , @s * lsh!l #l#!v tw*th@^ g*mb^*n g!n)th*n l^s#f^ @*nt sth* lj@^rn!. ss^ck rf@ ^)@ , 6)@ dtr!nsl!t# l!l f@ sth* d!n df@^n t@^ gn@th*n t*mp@rt!n . #h #h , * hl!^g t! r)@^ np!* ! ... lw#l , tn@ )r#!ll .
O-Katsu-O · Wed Oct 19, 2005 @ 12:37am · 1 Comments |
What's new? Nothing much... |
Now, did I chronicle my search for Shutterbox fanart here? I'm sure I wrote about it, but I don't know if I submitted it... either way, I finally found some art, not even fanart, actually, real, free, nice, wonderful art by the artists of Shutterbox themselves. And sketches. Sketches are nice... they teach you a ton about drawing styles...
Hmm... I am currently typing this journal... conversing via AIM (I'm putting off opening MSN... I'm quite sure one of them will crash if I open both.) Andd.... doing nothing! Well, I'm attempting to sort of surf the web, but I don't want to completely overload my computer, and AIM doesn't make any noise for some reason, so I have to keep the windows positioned so I can see if the AIM window is flashing and... well, it's needlessly tedious.
Now... I am eating a pseudo-Dorito. It's a generic brand Doritio! Cower before its awesome store-brand power!
I need to remember to bring my camera around with me all next week... Next week is pretty much the general "let's-all-dress-in-weird-or-otherwise-strange-and-tacky-stuff-for-no-reason" week. I'm going to NEED pictures. And I'm going to need to figure out what in the bloody word I'm going to wear. The general consensus seems to be: "Wait, what would it be odd to see you in? And you already ruled out pink and dresses? Well... um... er... give me a minute... I'll think of SOMETHING..." So... I'm a bit of a roadblock. I might end up wearing the joint-Kippo-Katsu-passed-down-from-Vegena-kimono-ish-dress-thing. (Yes, that's right, Veggie's owned a dress for a short period of time... Long story. Or short story. Possibly a medium sized story.) But that would violate my no-dress policy. More importantly, it rules out everything else I might wear. Hmm... maybe I could go geshia... if I can stand all that facepaint... if I can make all that facepaint... if I can stand all that facepaint that I must make? Yeah. Something like that. I think... if I wear the dress I'll wear pants underneath. Or... I could get a realllllllyyy long solid colored skirt and make it all traily... but that wouldn't be tacky. I keep thinking dress=strange, but it doesn't really, because I'm female... And people mentioned spiking my hair, but that would look silly. My hair is spikable given the correct amount of gel, but I don't think punk spikes would suit me... though that technically is the point... ... Maybe I should do that. Geshia with punk rock spikes! YES! ... If I can manage that... now if only Veggie's kimono-thing had long sleeves... maybe I can make some up real fast with similar-coloured cloth and... fabric paint or something... So... my to do list for next Monday: Kimono sleeves, Geshia-ish face paint, wake up early enough to spike hair (3:00 am should do...)... Yep, it's set, I'm trying for that. Except the 3:00 am bit, I'm going to hope I don't have to wake up that early... *writes down the to-do-list on a scrap of paper* Amazing with talking to yourself/other people can do. Fifteen minutes of talking and now I have an outfit figured out... w00t!
... I need to see if I can get some skull-jewelery for this too... Earrings/rings/collar... yeah... and... purple fingernails like Count D! ... Okay, you're going a little overboard Katsu...
Oh, gods, that reminds me, I must draw my anthro-persona in this punk-geshia getup... That's going to look hilarious. Yet cool... weird.
Right then, I'm off to go save a few geshia pictures for face-makeup reference... *waves* Aloha!
O-Katsu-O · Tue Sep 27, 2005 @ 01:12am · 1 Comments |
4:49 pm: No idea where the whole let's-speak-like-Wakka thing came from... hmm... But yes, it's been a week, and now I'm back for the weekend. Weee! ... Nothing much to say right now... Hmm....
4:51 pm: ... I woke up at midnight. I accidently set my alarm wrong... so... yeah. My alarm rang at midnight, and I acutally got up and started getting ready for the day... and then I realized the time. I'm not sure if my reaction was "Yay! More time to sleep!" or... "...#%#*... Grrnh. *collapse*"
4:57 pm: *looks for Shutterbox Manga pictures*
5:05 pm: *... continues to look for Shutterbox Manga pictures*
5:06 pm: *gives up chronicling her futile search*
O-Katsu-O · Fri Sep 16, 2005 @ 11:06pm · 0 Comments |
Well, that's what I'm doing at the moment - reading fanfiction. Mostly Petshop of Horrors... I'm also going to finish up reading the third Shutterbox manga tonight. (Thank you ever so much for letting me borrow it, Veggie!)
Now... onto my life... lesse... what's up in Katsu's life... well... Today we were playing this random word-game... and one person had to find a word related to "cloyed"... and I attempted to reason it out... and I mentioned that I knew that "cloying" meant really sweet, or something that pulls you to it... and that I had used the word to describe blood once. Heh. That got a weird look from CHIBI of all people... Anyways, on to other things... not having to do with my oddness, I suppose... Ha! Nevermind, I'm all oddness! xd And that's the truth. *nods* Erm... as of late, I have been insanely jealous of people with cool hair. It's just not faaaaaaiiiiiir that people can always look good! >_< Okay, whining aside, I am seriously going to try and mess with my hair now... actually break out all the gel I have amassed, the colouring stuffs... ect. ... So bleeding annoying. ... argh. ... *twitches* I wonder if it's strange that I'm jealous of guy's hairstyles? ... ? ... sweatdrop Ah well. Lesse... what else... Oh! I'm getting a bleach pen and drawing on one of my black shirts... Weiss shall adorn my clothes! Ah-ha-ha-haaaa! He will be wing'd and feather'd... Weiss'd! I'm also thinking of doing some weird ankh/Drakk drawing... ... My tablet is acting odd again. Other applications keep bumping it down the line, so it won't work. Stupid other applications. Hmm... I watched some of the "Tiny Plaid Ninjas" flashplayer things... they were hilarious. >_< Erm... other than that, not much else has happened.
... You know, I just noticed today, that I have three pages of journal entries here. And this is the stuff I deem worthy to go up for other people to see. I mean, seriously, I've written huge journal entries and then deleted them... so, if I lacked this editing power, and I just wrote... how many journals would I have full of stuff? I'd be like... like... like Megan from Shutterbox, on her 50th volume of her journal... o_O ... And I never *liked* journals at all when I was younger... at all... ... Hmm.
Almin, I feel out of character today...
O-Katsu-O · Thu Sep 08, 2005 @ 01:09am · 0 Comments |
O-Katsu-O · Sat Sep 03, 2005 @ 12:20am · 1 Comments |
Yeah, well, I've actually gotten into new music! Now you people don't have to hear about Bowie, Bowie, and more Bowie... though there will still be a smattering of Bowie. Because Bowie's pretty bloody awesome. Really awesome. Yeah.
Well, I have received copies of... *consults CDs* Lesse... the mixes I've gotten... A "Mischief Brew" mix; a "Frank Zappa" mix (That guy... is so bloody insane...); a "Marylin Manson" mix; a "Coheed and Cambria" mix (Wooo! Someone I've heard of through Kippo! >_< wink ; and.. a "Nine Inch Nail" mix... (I think NIN did an "I'm Afraid of Americans" radio mix with Bowie? I think it was them...) Also, Veggie burned me some HIM cds (and I am eternally grateful, that what started this whole music-trading thing). One thing I don't understand is how some of this stuff is supposedly "demonic"... I give it some points for "morbid"... maybe "vampiric"... but demonic? o_O Anyways... yeah. Cool-sounding music. Wee!
Hmm... that's about it for today.
O-Katsu-O · Wed Aug 31, 2005 @ 10:16pm · 0 Comments |
Before I start listing quiz results... check out my last journal (i.e. the one before this one)... it's got those "Q-cards" (Still don't get the name) Kippo was talking about.
Your Japanese name should be
which means "autumn".
You can be compared with autumn, the way the autumn weather changes, is how your feelings change. You have these mood swings you can't control; one moment you're happy, the next you're feeling almost depressed. You're probably sensitive and creative.
 You are a maniac killer. It doesn't matter who they are and what they have or haven't done. You still want to kill them. And for a simple reason only; it's fun. Seeing people in pain is like ecstasy. Maybe you have some sort of mental problems or you are this way because of previous deep scars, only you know. But now you are sadistic and maybe you only like to see a special group of people be in pain (e.g. preps). However you are not the most social person in the bunch and people think you are weird. That bothers you somewhat but atleast you can entertain yourself with daydreaming about killing them. After all, they have no idea what's coming. Main weapon: Explosives and torture equpiment Quote: "Insanity: a perfect rational adjustment to an insane world" - R.D. Lang Facial expression: Wicked smile
And due to my pickness when it comes to quizzes... that's all I've got...
And yes, I did go a bit Vinny on that second quiz... >_<
O-Katsu-O · Sun Aug 21, 2005 @ 07:01pm · 2 Comments |
... And other various things... below... are my "Q-cards" as Kippo calls them, though I still fail to see why. To make a long story short... I had pens... pretty coloured pens... and free time... and... 'lo... the Keep... it invaded my brain and thus I produced these... if, per chance, you are one of the characters I have drawn... do not be offended if I have captured your likeness incorrectly. If it helps, scream into a pillow, and then PM me to take the card off my journal. Ect, ect.
Hm... so many ellipses... I think it's 'cause I just woke up a while ago...
Well, there we are. 10 "Q-cards"... aka. "Boredom-wrought-coloured-pen-sketchy-comic-ish-type-things..."
From right to left, top to bottom:
"Simkin" - The first card I made, Simkin, just sitting there. This was commented on when I was on the transport home... one random idiot shouted "Is that Jesus?" and another person struck up a semi-conversation on how Sim had a cool shirt.
"Shock" - A few moments previous to the passing out shown in "Kleptos"... Right after the infamous "bucketsexual" speech by Zeak. Lord Anthony on the left, Zeak on the top left. I know they don't look like they're supposed to... so Shh!
"Kippo" - From the first Kippo/Simkin roleplay... when Sim was drunk with Gatorade and hiccuping multicoloured bubbles... thus... the "BUBBLES!" "I believe I set myself of fire..." - from the first Simkin/Zeak roleplay, when talking about the movie "The Hulk". Suffice to say, he thought it horrible. (and it was a rather horrendous movie, wasn't it?)
"Vegena" - The first rp between Vegena and Simkin... a somewhat skewed bit of events, seeing as Simkin wasn't making himself tea.
"Kleptos" - A sketch of Simkin after he passed out from sheer shock during a rp... Lord Anthony is stealing his shoe, and Zeak is stealing his hat.
"Strawberry" - Also from the first Zeak/Simkin chat... Simkin gets half-eaten. Don't eat talking muffins... just don't.
"AVOCADOS!" - From the first Honshei/Simkin IC chat... We do not wish to know why exactly Simkin was screaming "Avocados!" with such horror.
"Honshei/Zeak/Vegena" - Three panels, featuring Honshei, Zeak and Vegena, respectively, from top to bottom. Inspired by the list of chat quotation I printed out. More or less acurrately portraying events.
"Barbershop Quartet" - Latest in the card series. Inspired by an OOC Lobby chat.
There you go. Pretty pictures! >_<
Now I'm going to go sumbit them to the Arena... go VOTE! VOTE AND COMMENT PEOPLE!!! ... Hmm.. I wonder if it'll take another three days for this pic to be authorized...
O-Katsu-O · Sun Aug 21, 2005 @ 05:04pm · 3 Comments |