ThE nEW DaRk pErsOn Of tOwN...
ShE wAs oNce a gOOd gUrll...
OnE daY, sHe wAs wALkiNg AlOng A dESerTeD rOaD. TheN, hEr OwN ShAdOw enGulFeD hEr IntO a wOrlD fuLL Of DaRKneSS aNd MiSEry...
ShE lIvEd iN tHaT wOrlD fOr ManY yeARs aS tHe RuLeR ImPrIsOneD hEr...
DuRinG hER ImpRIsONmeNt, ShE trAIned anD tRAinEd... FiNallY, sHe wAS sTrONg eNOuGh tO eScApE aNd kiLL tHE RuLeR. ShE wEnt BacK tO hEr tOwN AnD FrOm TheN On... ThE tOWn hAd a BiGGer cRimInaL...
"WaTch OuT wOrlD, DaRkCoLoUrEdRhApSoDy iS cOmiNg..." ShE snArLed AnD puLLed HeR ClOaK Off...
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