Well on May 2 marked the last day of concert season for band and we ended it off pretty nicely. We played this song composed by this guy way back in the 1800's and it was the first marching pieces for a band and we called it The Holst. Then our second song was a piece we played for contest called Tsunami and if you ever heard it, it really does sound like experiencing a tsunami. It starts off somewhat slow in the beginging and then gradually gets faster and then switches from 4/4 time to 5/4 time periodically during the song various times. What is 4/4 and 5/4 that is what we call the time signature and tells us how many beats are in a measure or a phrase if you want to call it. It sounds really good that has a good emphases on the lower brass and woodwind section which I am part of. Oh boy going off into my band geek mode lol. But anyway we ended (as in wind ensamble) off with Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest music which featured "He's a Pirate", "The Kraken", "Davy Jones", and "The Worlds...umm something" I can't remeber that last part of the song. What was so good about this one too, is that low brass and woodwind had major parts. Like the Bass Clarinet (I play that) during The Kraken we had a low part had the main melody that went real sinister right when they released the Kraken on the ships. If you heard the music then you'll know. So people really enjoyed our concert. So did I and I am so happy that it is over.
Now for marching season today (May 4) we just listened to various songs that could be part of our next marching season for later on in July/August band camp that we play at the football game during half time. Some of the music was ok but I really liked the music for The Incredibles and Mission Impossible. They sounded really nice and seemed easy to memorize for band camp. But now we are preparing for Cedar Point and Memorial day because our band will be perferming at both places playing these marches for the various military services. It will be good and hopefully I won't pass out from being in all the heat on memorial day. Let me tell you, it is not fun being in those heavy cotton uniforms. It is like an oven on really hot days. Because underneath those weird things, we have a sweat shorts on yes sweat shorts not sweat pants and a large cotton T-Shirt underneath the jacket of the uniform so we don't get the sweat on them. So yeah it gets really warm and I am hoping it won't be too warm Memorial Day. And that's it.
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