


SQUEE! Dinosaurs... on Gaia! Most people don't know this, but moookau has always wanted to be a paleontologist extraordinare!

Legacy of the Firebringer?!? I read the book by Clement D., and I adored it. I even cried a few times. This pet is role-play intensive, so I'll get to have lots of fun! ^^

elemental dragons-in-a-jar! not RP-needed. ^^

Kirleons! They are like a mix of cat-lion-dragons, almost. They are very adorable, and look pretty fun to RP! Sister shop of Dragonflys, I believe.

Valley of Windstone is still under heavy construction, but what I've seen of the lineart and colored examples is really great!

Kentauroi- On hiatus until after April, but lovely, detailed centaur pets! And the child stages are especially cute. x3

Naula have pets that look like small goats, but are so adorable.

A phoenix-like breedables place, they are SO adorable! 4laugh

Kidas! So cute, and not RP required, but it would be nice. x3

Awesome pokemon RP zone, very beautiful art!

Awesome idea, creatures from BOOKS! They read my mind. &3

RP-intensive, this shop is selling creatures from the best-selling redwall books! The art is amazing, and the shop is well set-up. AWESOME. ~

Caprians, fish-cat thingies! They are very cute, grow, but the males look better. sweatdrop heart

REALLY high-up dragon thread! The art changes all the time. @.@ Beautiful pets, though. This is on my ULTIMATE wish list! ^^

Cute, well-organized pokemon pets! Wait for better pokemon...?

Awesome mailbox --& Griffin-thingies!! @w@

Cute, sleek dragons that hatch from pearls. (NO DUH)! The dragons are very cute, and look so friendly! ^^

Another pokemon one! Really cool art, okay certs, but in an almost-hiatus while hiring. ^^;

Check back every month for special nekos! GREAT gift idea!

Cool Lion-fish things! x3
Community Member
New Pet PETS for Me! :3