No, I did not just break up with someone, nor did I just get dumped. I wish to rant about random strangers you meet on the street. You know where there eyes go? Every time. Every single time. Straight to your chest. It's so annoying! And then they're eyes go down, and then, finally, maaayyybe they'll look at your face. What is with them!! I know it sounds all feminist and whatever, but I mean come on. Women are not blobs with boobs!!!! More later.
More: And also, men judge your age by your boobs, because they don't even bother to look at your face!! So they look at your boobs, think that you're old enough to do whatever, and then when you mention you're a minor, they're totally confused!!!!! I think probably if there was a girl who's face was incredibly ugly and disfigured and horrible and whatever, but had really "nice boobs", guys would go around thinking she was incredibly hot cuz they don't even bother to look at her face. Girls, on the other hand, look at guys FACES!!! So if someone is horribly ugly, but really really buff or whatever, girls would not think he was hot, because we LOOK AT PEOPLE'S FACES!!!!! Ok, I'm done now. Sorry. Just had to get that out.
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