My boyfriend is going to go to the Philippines in about three hours!!! sad I'm going to miss him soooo very much. But he has to go for his class. He's going with his classmates and professor. I told him 'try to have fun'. I hope he does! sweatdrop
Today I tried to make mashed potatoes and they ended up becoming more like soup than mashed.. I poured in too much milk that's why! sad
I want to play World of Warcraft right now.. but I use my boyfriend's account.. so I'd have to wait until he comes back from the Philippines. sad OH well.. patience is a virtue.. that's what my baby always tells me. So I can wait! It's only.. what.. five days!! FIVE FREAKIN' DAYS!!!! gonk
I wanted to win a CN Scarf for my baby too.. but I didn't win this time. I was sad. But oh well.. better luck next time right ya'll?
As for all of my closest friends on gaia, I miss you all. I'll try to pm you about my recent events in life if you want.. or whatever. blaugh I will try and get the avi art I did soon.. I'm still not done though. I always take a long time drawing everyone's avi. sweatdrop Some of my friends have complicating avatars.. so it's taking me a while to draw and color them! 3nodding I love to color! heart
What does everyone think of my avatar?? I'm trying to go for a demonic look.. but I don't have very many demonic items. sweatdrop Donations are appreciated!
Thank you everyone for all your support these past few years! xd
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