Darn you Photobucket and your shrinking of pictures X3!!
Weee~ It's little Aki when he was still a "puppet". I took off his boots, shirt, and shoulder plate cause I just didn't want to draw them XD I also forgot to draw the blue lining on his drape thing. I'm so lazy...
But to make up for all of it, I drentched him in the blood of his enemies!!
MWahahahahaha!!!! >w<!!
The blade on the scythe is supposed to be bigger and the scythe itself is a lot longer than I drew it. He also doesn't look as "zombified" as I would like him to look either. I suppose it might be because I left white on the eyes...ah well.
I was coming up with some sick and twisted ways Yumikaido could get the parts for Aki and all this other crap. During my story, you get to meet one "donor" (More like victim) to Aki's body parts. In Verseria, when Futo has to disguise himself as a woman, he and Soya meet up with a guy named Jamie (formally named Kappa, but I changed it X3). Jamie works at the Inn they stay at and, upon learning Futo is an Angel, asks them to help his friend Tekka get well from his perpetual sickness. Tekka had his entire right arm torn off by Yumikaido. He didn't die, but has been sick ever since and has a hard time doing things with a missing arm. Turns out that Yumikaido used Tekka's forearm for Aki. Although Yumikaido had snatched his entire arm, the only part that would still work was the forearm, so Yumikaido attached a new hand to it. For those who need a visual, it's the arm that holds Aki's scythe.
I also have my town Rezex destroyed by Zypher and his shadow monsters before Soya and Futo arrive from Verseria. The town is all decimated, broken, and deserted. As Futo heals some of the people still alive, Soya comes across a picture that floats across the ground and stops at his foot. He picks it up and looks at it. It's a picture of a Human family; a mother, father, what looked like an older brother and two little sisters. He thinks nothing of it and is about to throw it back on the ground when something doesn't feel right. He takes a second glance at the picture.
The older brother...his eyes widen in shock and disgust at his findings. The older brother's face in the picture had the same exact features as Yumikaido's zombie "Aki". The only difference was the eye color. They later pass by a gigantic graveyard. Soya held onto the picture; he wasn't sure why, but he did nevertheless. Futo tries to comfort a few more people at the graveyard. Soya holds up the the picture one more time and looks to the person Futo is trying to comfort. To his utmost horror, the person Futo is comforting is none other than the mother in the photo. He rushes over to look at the graves she is weeping over. There are four. He overhears her explain to Futo that Alexander was her husband and looks at the other graves. Susan...Annabelle...and...
The picture crinkles in Soya's hands. They wish the woman good fortune and head off to fight Yumikaido for the last time.
So Aki has Ashlin's head and Tekka's arm...the other bits are a mystery! >w< I don't wanna get too into the story cause Aki's making isn't fully developed in my head yet. But yeah, Aki picture and a bit of history. woot!
Community Member
*Prince: "I'm coming Aki!" *sprints towards YUmikaidos tower and meets Aki by the door*
"Okay I know your a zombie and everything but donn't kill me because I just want to give you a hug."
Aki: "...." *swings scythes at Prince which ends up hitting into the ground*
PRince: "Gah! Remember what I said? I guess you can't understand me huh because you are a zombie. Well, I just need to dezombify you um....um.....um..." *has nothing except the how to love book in his pockets and starts cursing*
*Aki swings scytche again and Prince dodges it*
Prince: "God damnit this is going to take a while. I just hope Yumi doesn't appear and tear my head off or something" *Glances around waringly*
"Yeah I still wanna keep my head..."
AKI! I feel sorry for teh people that got their arms torn off TT___TT I still like Aki though. *tries hugging aki through scythe swings*