How this works: total each section for a grand total at the bottom,
the number is how many years your guilt would get you sentenced to in prison.
dated someone older
dated someone outside of my race
dated someone my parents wouldn't approve of
dated someone who wasn't technically part of my sexual orientation
dated someone I met on the internet
dated someone I met at a bar
dated someone I knew I shouldn't have
dated more than one person at once
dated someone just to get laid
dated someone and lied about it
Total = 3
no longer a virgin
given oral
been given oral
watched x rated movie
lied about sexual history
cheated on boyfriend/girlfriend
threesome or more
one night stand
slept with someone who was cheating
slept with someone who's name you don't know
Total = 6
lied to a friend
lied to a parent
lied to a boyfriend/girlfriend
lied about lying
been caught in a lie
lied to a teacher
lied to a boss
lied about your age
lied about your past
been called a liar
Total = 10
been in a fist fight
been in a fight involving a knife
been shot at
shot at someone
sucker punched someone
killed someone
knocked someone out
arrested for violence
convicted of a violent crime
been in a bar fight
Total = 4
Alcohol / Drugs
I drink / have drank alcohol
I smoke / have smoked a cigarette
I smoke / have smoked weed
I do / have done some other kind of drugs
I have done something I regret while drunk
I have something I regret while high
I have been arrested for a DUI / DWI
I have been arrested for possession of some kind of drug
I have OD'd
I have been to rehab
Total = 6
I have made someone cry
I have betrayed someone
At some point it could be said i was 'vindictive'
I have kicked some sort of animal
Dumped someone via note, phone, or answering machine
Spit in someone's drink
Spit in someone's food
Stole someone's significant other
Spread a rumor about someone
Threatened someone's life
Total = 7
flashed someone
mooned someone
sung in the shower
skinny dipped
gotten detention/been on academic probation
snapped someone's bra
skipped class
been in a parade
pranked calls
kissed a stranger
Total = 7
39 years of prison here I come
chaos piros Community Member |