My story is a unkind one full of mishaps and sadness. But here it is…. I had a wonderful life up until the age of 7 when my mother mysteriously disappeared. After that, my father lost his job and we were constantly moving from house to house while my dad was trying his best to raise me. It was hard living in Gambino, it was a city of gambling, and corruption, I constantly had to watch my back. After a few years of hardship, my father found a job in Aekea; unfortunately, he only had enough for him to go, for it was a long ways a way. So, he left me all alone at the young age of 12, in a run down apartment with only a little bit of money he would send each month. This continued for many more months until I had saved enough money to go to Aekea to live with my dad.
After a week of riding buses and trains, I arrived in Aekea. Finally, after many months I was reunited with my father. I had found that he had a good paying job and a nice apartment, I was so happy. There we lived in peace for 3 wonderful years. That is until “it” happened. One day there was a chemical fire at the plant my father worked at, everyone died, except for one. The CEO mysteriously did not show up for work that day. The police grew suspicious of him. He was soon linked to a group of rebels that had been funding and he was charged with hiring them to set the fire. I though justice had been served. My father had his funeral and I was all alone again. Seeing this man being put away helped me deal with it. That is until the day of the CEO trial, the groups of rebels attacked the city and wreaked havoc and the CEO escaped. As the attacks, continued people began to loot the apartment I was living in. I grabbed my valuables and ran. I hid out in the burned down chemical plant my dad used to work at. I thought no one bother looking in a burned down building. I hid in the darkest corner just waiting for it be over, my feet aching from running through the burnt and twisted metal barefoot. I soon fell asleep. I have no idea how long I slept but when I awoke it was nighttime and some one with a torch and knife was approaching me. I slowly started to crawl away, but the closer he got I could here him laughing hysterically he must have went insane from the chaos. I stood up and ran up the charred stairs to the second floor. He picked up his pace and followed me upstairs. Suddenly, the burned floor collapsed below me, I quickly grabbed the ledge and pulled myself up. I looked down over the edge and saw a large pool of chemicals that came from the storage tanks above that burst during the fire. My heart was racing as I herd something behind me, I slowly turned around the was the crazed man. He had a large gash in his head and half of his arm was gone. Before I could react to the horrible sight he stabbed me in the arm. I cried out in pain, I then saw the torch flying towards my face and hitting me square in the left eye. I tumbled backwards down towards the pool of mixed chemicals. It felt like slow motion, almost unreal. My father was dead, the city was in total chaos, I was all alone in the world, I had been stabbed in the arm, and blinded in one eye by a torch, and now I was plummeting to my demise. Then I hit the pool. It felt like I sank forever, and then as I slowly ran out of air my body began to feel all tingly and warm. I then lost consciousness.
I thought I was dead. I should have been dead. But some how I was rising to the surface of the pool. I gasped for air when I reached the surface. I slowly pulled myself out and walked out of the building. The streets were deserted, I thought I couldn’t have been down there that long. I picked up an old newspaper and read the date. I read it again to be sure; I had been gone for over a year. I stumbled back in shock. Someone leaned out of a house, grabbed me and pulled me in. She exclaimed, “Why were you out there don’t you know its past curfew!” I did not reply, I only gazed upon her face. It seamed so familiar but I did not know who she was. She suddenly jumped back and grabbed a knife. “It can’t be, you can’t be, I thought you were dead!” she exclaimed. Then it hit me, she lived in the apartment next door to me. I finally snapped out of my daze and realized that I was not hurt. I ripped my sleeve off and the was a strange metallic scar where I had been stabbed. I reached over and grabbed a piece of a shattered mirror. As I gazed in to the mirror, I realized that my eye was blood red. This all seamed like a dream, I ran over to my old friend. But she was still in shock of me standing there in front of her, alive. She lashed out at me with the knife, as the knife hit my right arm it struck with a thud. We both looked at my arm with amazement, it had turned solid steel, and my scar was glowing green. She dropped the knife, stepped backed. I looked up at the window, everything was red, and a car suddenly drove by and shot at me. I watched in slow motion as the bullets passed by me, I was unharmed, but my friend was not so lucky. Then everything returned to normal and I found my old friend at my side crying. Before I could say anything, I herd a car approaching and guns being fired. I then remembered what I saw only moments ago. I jumped up and grabbed her. Just as I picked her up, the car drives up and the people inside open fire. My eye began to burn and the bullets seemed to hang in midair. I thought I was having another vision type experience but nothing was red. I looked down and my feet were glowing green. I did not know what was going on, but I knew that I need to get from in front of the bullets. So I went outside carrying my friend. A pain shot thought my head and I herd the bullets hit the wall. The people in the car turned around completely confused about how I got outside. There confusion did not last long though. They open fire on us again and I ran. It only seemed like I ran for a second but I was all the way across town. I looked at my friend to make sure she was okay, but she had fainted. I then realized that I was not a normal person anymore. Something extordinary happened to me that day one year ago. I did not have time then to figure it out I had to get my friend to safety. So I ran, I ran to the only other place I called home, Gambino.
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oh right, i forgot about your passion for hoboism!
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