This first one is Lorenth. He is a Laviathin demon. His favorite food is everything because he is a cannibal and will eat anything. Especially things that piss him off. He has eight children and has a fondness for babies. That's why he and his mate Ai get it on so often. He just likes having babies. Two of his sons have sworn to kill him but so far they're being lazy.

Item List:
#0000FF Complex Shirt M
Ahhrr!! Poopdeck Britches
Baggy Black Dairy Pants
Belted Pants
Belted Top
Black Goth Boots - M
Black High School Long Coat
Black Long Coat
Black Musketeer Cape
Buttoned Down Fauna Skirt
Coal Gunner Coat
Colonial Cape
Dark Halo
Dark Halo
Dark Halo
Dead Sexy Twilight Trousers
Devil Tail
Drop Dead Gorgeous Midnight Gown
Envy SLIK Slacks
Gray Peasant's Pants
Shadow Spirit
Estimated Total: 10,238,993 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 15 February 2007)

Item List:
Blue Work Gloves
Elegant Black Lord's Shoes
Elegant Blue Satin Coat
Elegant Blue Satin Vest
Elegant Snowy Cravat
Elegant Snowy Leggings
Sapphire Forehead Jewel
Estimated Total: 127,000 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 12 March 2007)