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The world of Cless
A human in a world of demons, vampires, monsters, and other what nots. He strives to be who he is and what he is, and no one can change that
Of flesh and needle nose pliers
When I first woke up this morning, I knew it wasn't going to be a good day. For one, midterms were due today and I was lacking on some drawings in drawing II. Another reason was that because of midterms I couldn't go build some houses for needy people who lost them. So I put that aside and decided I would be short one drawing for my midterm which is pretty much o k. Well my first class is Design II and I'm just rolling my case in. Yes I have a giant case and look kinda like a goofball rolling around a tool box, but I don't care...it holds everything I need for the class.

So back to the story. I will it in and as soon as I get through the door...it slips from my hand and half of the handle breaks. My teacher has the audacity to say " Hey man, don't be breaking your stuff." So I was like crap...because this things too big, bulky, and heavy to carry it around by it's little carry handle....but it worked out alright I suppose...I just drag it on the other side of me. So I begin working on my project which is to do a minature of some kind of museum exhibit. We can use any idea practically and Sheldon...that's ma teach...want somebody to do big foot..but no one does. So I decided to do something fun and decided on prostetics through the years. I had bought 7 cheap GI Joe type toys...yes they were knock offs which look cooler than GI Joe. So each joint, elbows, shoulder, and knees, are held together by a little pin pushed through each. The pin itself is large on one end and small on the other. So I took my leatherman and was using the pliers to push out the pin. Things were going alright until on another man it slipped and hit my thumb slightly. It stung and managed to break the skin and it bled for a little bit. No big deal really, but then later on another one of the GI Joes...the pliers slip and take a dive rightinto the palm of my left hand below the thum just a little bit. Geez...it still hurts and looks nasty. So I clean it the best I can, go into minor shock from stabbing myself. I always hate going into shock...and finish my project wanting to go home. I couldn't lift weights and I did manage to be only 1 drawing short for the class. So it'll take awhile to heal but I've had worse....

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