Name: Collett

Weapons: black fire, daggers, spells
Bio: She's a very shy girl, but very intellagent. If you don't get on her bad side she could seem like a saint, but if you get her mad she shows no mercy. When she was a little child her mother abandoned her in the forest where she met her friend/pet Syreina. She was only six by the time and had no way of servival, when a man found her. He raised her, but he was evil, teaching her evil way's and gave her an evil heart. But something always kept her half good. She saw him as a father, but didn't love him. He abused her and, if he was in the mood, he might even molest her. When she turned eleven he sent her on assasination missions, to his enemy's. If she didn't do it to his liking then she was punished. She learned to obay him, Syreina also learned as he showed her no less mercy as he did to Collett.

Weapons: In picture
Bio: She's a very headstrong woman, when she fights she fights with speed more then strength and her wisdom more the power. She would sacrafice her body for anyone she loves and or cares about, she'll even die to save innocent people. When she was a little girl she started fighting, it was unusual for her to fight because she was a pincess. She had a brother though, named L' gareth. When the time came, she chose being a warrior rather then a princess. Her brother took the thrown and she went to fight. She's very generous and kind, very easy to like. But if you upset her or hurt anyone close to her. You are doomed..
Age: 16
Name: Nuri ((Full name Nurasha))
Race: Half angel half human

Weapons: Katana, hidden knives and daggers. ((She also has feathered wings at times, but she can control when they are visable since she is half human.))
Bio:Nuri likes to get into trouble a lot. She seeks out adventures and gets into business that's not her's just for the fun of it. She likes to take risks and is very hyper. She likes to keep moving and despises sitting for long periods of times. She's very friendly, but has an evil side if you cross her. She's a very good swordsman(woman) and could best most challengers with her speed and cunningness.
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