I was at school. I was in the photography club. Me and my partner with the blue pig tails had got our cameras and were very eager to take pictures, As soo n as we reach the door to leave(guess who?).........Sasuke showed up. "What are you doing here...you're not in the photography club." I said. "so" he replied. "DO you even have a camera?" I asked. "NO" "Well its called photography class for a reason." I say I start to walk from but he followed right behind me. "Why are you following me?" i ask. "nnnnn" (lol waht kind of response is that) "Huff Huff fine you can come along but dont touch me we arent a couple anymore." Finally we get outside me and my partner take our camera's and find some specimens to take pictures of. "Oh look look a butterfly" the blue hair girl said. I take a picture of it and she claps. (lol strange girl) We take pictures of birds, flowers and trees. WHile i was walking I turned and spot Sasuke leaning against a tree. he was in deep thought, I thought he looked so lovely like that so I took a picture of him. Before I knew it I was taking abother and another picture of him....one of his hair...his face and etc. He looked up at me and I smiled and turned away to take more pictures of other things. Thats when suddenly he stood in front of me and before I could blink he slapped my camrea out of my hand. "What did you do that for?" I go to where my camrea is and find it against a rock. The lens was cracked and the rest of the camera was smashed. "Sasuke you are so mean" said the blue haired partner. "Sasuke why did you smash my camera?" I asked. I look at him and he gave me this glare and slowly mouthed the words "F**K you" ( ) and then he left, "How can you be friends with him he's terrible!!!!!!!" says blue girl
then i woke up...............Sasuke is always mean to me in my dreams