anyways even thoughi stayed at cape cod in i was at fluer de lis everysingle day since it was acroos the street and my friends were staying either at panam atashe or fluer de lis...and the panam and atashe ppls came to fluer de lis...oh and my friend has a really hot guy friend which i'm very much crushing on!
I heart Mat Mat
his name is Mat-ey...but thats phonetically spelled from ukrainian and in english it would me mat...but since he is such a cool person he has american ppl call him mat mat its sooooo funny
anyways i feel like making us at the board walk...don't ask...but that was the time of my life! lol...


marta-ish...her hair is a more brown but originally it was the same as mine whe went crazy with so blonde spray

katie-ish the idiot wore a white shirt and went on the logphloom...ofcourse she really is a whore though...she has a boyfriend and flirts with every guy she sees

mat mat-ish

paul-ish...he issooooooo cool even if he he's a year younger katies age...gah i hate her....pauls cool though
omg this reminds me we were in the car right? and paul was joking around and katie thinks she's soooo good looking and hot and ways paul says something about her and she's like
"paul you're not funny" even thouigh we're all laughing
and then he's like
"katie your not hot" wow that was halarious!
and there were more of use...they were just less important xp
anyways i just hope no one that knows me or these ppls reads this lol...w/e i i guees i don't care to much since we only see eachother like 2 or 3 times a year...