Name: Rhioch'ha "Rio"
Age: Early-30's
Gender: Male
Height: 7'0"
Weight: ~215-220 lbs.
Role: Translator/linguist
Bio: Lover of language, Rio is, ironically, the least sociable member of his friend group.
Likes: Reading, writing, tassels, glinties, silky cloth, berries, lentil soup, grubs, card games, board games, sunning, wallowing, snuggles, head pats, dancing, sunsets.
Dislikes: Social gatherings, emotional vulnerability, his eldest sister, dentists, deep and/or dark water, claw injuries and pinpricks on the finger, some breads.
Favorite colors: Ivory, dark purple, sage, golden orange.
Acquaintances: (Shorty), Ailen, "Doc"
Partner: Ka'ise
Weapons: Fangs and claws.
•His name is occasionally mispronounced as "Roa." He doesn't appreciate it.
•Often has difficulty sleeping.
•Occasionally drinks himself to sleep if tea doesn't work.
•He sleeps curled up and squeaks or whistles when in a deep slumber.
•1 of 8 children, but 4 had passed. He's the youngest survivor, presently with 2 sisters and 1 brother.
•He had a fraternal twin sister.
•Appreciates curious minds.
•Learned to swim from Doc but never got past doggy paddling. As log as he can keep his head above water...
•Keeps Doc's talisman in his current journal.
•Gifted Shorty with a journal to practice writing.
•Doesn't get much work as a translator anymore. He picked up work as a scribe and is transitioning to archivist.
•He learned how to embroider.
•A father of 3, with a 1-year-old daughter and newborn twin sons.

Rio with his daughter.

Rio with his daughter.