Hey there. Welcome to my profile. Hope you enjoy it! My name is Garnet. And btw, my multimedia is in Italian!!! My best friend-Flame_Babe02
have fun, and i hope we become the BEST of friends!!!
heart Garnet
This is my dream avatar, and you can help me out by buying one of the things on it and going to your inventory and selecting "Give as a Gift" you may also send a nice commment with the present. ^_^ also, you can do the same with the ones below!!!

B.T.W (by the way) i would like to look like the Super Sailor Moon Gaia Form too!!! ^_^ Easiest one to help with!!! ^_^
This is my easter avatar! Please donate!

My Wonderful Hedgehog Named Charlie:

You know u wanna click my adorable Hedgehog, Charlie!

My adorable pal was created by muah, Garnet.
Enjoy my profile and check out my journal!!! wink later.
HAMTARO!!! razz

Buggy Color: Orange
Name: Mr.Bug
my theme (hamtaro)
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my multimedia (also hamtaro)
my signature (with charlie and waffles)
Special in some odd way

~This is Charlie my hedgehog~

my riku theme
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