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Personal records and stories
These entries are just entries of whatever I choose to write in them, I don't really plan on making any stories unless I feel like it.
Deification Write-Ups
Hey, remember this thread here? Yeah, I started to write up some entries myself, but I found one little potential problem that I want to use this entry to tackle.

You see, I don't like having domains overlap if I can help it, so to keep it brief, I'm going to put both Cru's write-ups and my own here so I can easily reference them if needed.

Purple Pimp Crusader
      1: AshestoRoses
        Ashrose, Goddess of Innocence and Enthusiasm

        Ashrose is a goddess of innocence, worshiped by an isolated arctic cyclops tribe. Her appearance is drawn from the Sky Rivers (Northern Lights), purple and mint against black. Bundled against the snow and cold, she is enthusiastic and energetic, always in search of something new to do. She is the patron goddess of childhood, specifically from the point of view of the child. She lives in the moment and loves to play; often children will see her footprints around their homes and toys in the morning, and trying to catch a glimpse of her is a tribe-wide game.
        Ashrose can be called on to find lost children and lead them safely home, and her blessing is asked for over babies in the hopes they will grow without hardship. She is the only deity of her pantheon to interact directly with their worshipers, and it's considered a mark of esteem for her to call an individual by name.

      2: Phanna
        Phanna, Goddess-Emperor

        Phanna is the undisputed ruler of the Heavens. Every star is a jewel to adorn her hair and body, the void between them finest silk from which her gowns are made. Dawn is the blush of her cheeks, dusk the color trapped in her eyes. All of creation is hers, from the snow-capped mountains to the deepest trenches under the ocean. She sits on a throne of sunlight and power, a goddess of unfathomable beauty and might, and oversees the Court of the Heavens in silent amusement as her courtiers vie for her favor.
        Phanna is a remote goddess, unconcerned with the lives and achievements of mortals. She is not to be bothered with trivialities; that tediousness is for the lesser deities to see to. She will not leave her throne except when her Court has failed so utterly that only her hand can make things right. When this comes to pass, her towering fury can slay gods and obliterate worlds with but a look.

      3: ZorenaDeckard
        Zorena, Goddess of the Void

        Zorena is a goddess native to the Ak-van-O-sah-ka colony planet. Originally settled by the Vec-na-tuu-esk, the colony later became a shared colony with humanity; the blending of societies eventually gave rise to a new blended pantheon. Zorena is one of the most feared of the pantheon, being goddess of deep space and its many dangers. Zorena places and snuffs stars, directs the course of comets, causes gravitaional waves and wormholes, and suffers mere mortals in her domain only lightly.
        Zorena is the patron goddess of those lost in space, but also of explorers. Zorena is not a cruel goddess, and with proper prayer and attention, will guide those brave enough to dare her dangers. She is invoked more than any other deity of her pantheon off solid ground.

      4: Mocktails
        Mocktail, Goddess of Digital Art

        A changing world needs changing beliefs, and the advent of the Cyber Age was met with deities like Mocktail. A confusion of bright colors and buzzing data, Mocktail is the goddess of digital art and the sites that host it. Her domain is at once narrow and massive, hyperfocused like that of all the cyber deities yet spanning the globe. She is a keeper of knowledge and creativity, an avatar that exists solely online. Her disciples are site mascots, her form ever-changing but always eye-catching.
        Mocktail's control of her sites is absolute. Artists call on her for good exposure and commissions and ask for her protection against trolls and art thieves. She sees those reposts and stolen artwork, and she will make them pay for profaning her sacred network like this.

      5: Goddess of Dark Dreamers
        Dreamer, Goddess of Fiction

        Dreamer is an odd goddess in a sprawling pantheon: her domain is fiction, all fiction, written, spoken, or sung. She is the goddess of stories and storytelling, the muse of imagination, the keeper of myths and legends. There is not a story whispered in a daydream that she does not know by heart, not an idle fancy she hasn't touched. From a sentence or two scribbled in the margins of a spiral notebook to awe-inspiring epics, all of them are hers.
        Dreamer is a selfless goddess, never begrudging anyone a tale. She gives freely of inspiration, and rarely will the recipient see more than a fall of snow-white hair and night-dark wings in the corner of their eye. Even when a story finds its way to the hand meant to pen it or the voice meant to speak it, it remains Dreamer's.

      6: SetsunaEternal
        Setsuna, Goddess of the Lost Souls

        Setsuna is the patron deity of lost souls, those unfortunates who can't find their way to the afterlife. She is not a guide, meant to show them the way- no, Setsuna is the one who stays with them in their accidental exile. She wanders with them as they stumble along, supporting them as they find their own way. Even in death, these souls still have free will, and still must work things out for themselves, but Setsuna won't leave them to do so alone.
        Setsuna is not a deity who can be invoked. She has no dealings with the living. No one prays to her or asks for her attention. All the living may do is leave her offerings of incense and blossoms at crossroads and bridges, where she is said to rest with her departed companions on their journey.

      7: Madame Inkheart
        Inkheart, Goddess of Memory

        Inkheart is the memory-keeper of her pantheon. She is the historian, the writer of records and mistress of the Book of Souls. She resembles nothing so much as black ink spilled on aged paper, serene and full of meaning impossible to discern. The hue of her gown shifts, sometimes more paper-copper than ink-black, sometimes the other way around; the more black in her gown, the more momentous the times.
        Inkheart's neutrality is legend. She must be impartial if she is to accurately record the memories she guards. She cannot let herself be swayed by emotion or bias, must always be faithful only to the truth. No matter how the other gods war, Inkheart must always stand apart, so it can all be remembered.

      8: mist777
        Mist, Goddess of Fortune-Telling and Secrets

        Mist is a quiet goddess- small wonder, when her domain includes secrets and peering into the future. Very little can be hidden from Mist, and even then only with great effort. It's a good thing a goddess with so much potentially dangerous knowledge isn't given to gossip. Her secrets are only to be revealed when they must be, and carefully guarded even from her fellow deities otherwise.
        Mist is the patron goddess of fortune-tellers and mediums. She is the guard of things hidden and the speaker of obscured truths. Among the worshipers of her pantheon, there are many proverbs dealing with Mist: 'clear-eyed as Mist', meaning an especially accurate fortune-teller; 'a disciple of Mist', meaning someone who keeps secrets just to keep secrets; 'Mist's mouthpiece', meaning someone someone who tells harsh or unpopular truths.

      9: Vanitis
        Vanitis, the Dragon Mother

        Vanitis is matron of her pantheon, a mother dragon and a fierce warrior whose flame burns blue-hot and whose heart is large enough to encompass the world. She is a goddess of nurturing and protection, a willing shield to her 'children' and a nightmare vision to her enemies. Attack those who follow Vanitis at your peril- she takes a very personal interest in the well-being of her worshipers.
        Despite features that others might find monstrous - wings, horns, an armored tail half again as long as she is tall - Vanitis's followers have no fear of her. The youngest child will gladly sleep in her arms, and when among her people it is not unusual to see at least one child riding on her tail. She is, after all a mother first; her own children rode her tail long before humankind walked the earth.

      10: Darki-moo
        Darki, Goddess of Aesthetic

        There is no better-dressed deity in the Cyber Pantheon than Darki. She's always color-coordinated and at the forefront of the latest trends. She abhors tacky site layouts and is downright fussy about the placement of links, buttons, and icons. Everything must be just so, or the whole project is ruined. No one knows color theory better, or can pull together a coherent theme quicker. Layouts, graphics, moodboards, edits, Darki does it all with ease.
        Darki of all the cyber deities takes the most advantage of their digital nature; even a goddess would be hard-put to pull off some of Darki's looks while having to contend with gravity and such. Her form is always dramatic, impossible, and aesthetically pleasing.

      12: vaporsnag
        Snag, God of Music and Festivities

        Snag is the god of music and festivities, a busy job when your faithful is mainly centaurs and fauns. Centaurs have a very crowded social schedule, with at least one major festival every month, and Snag is invoked at all of them. Every casual get-together is an excuse to call on Snag, so it's a good thing the poor guy doesn't need sleep. Also a plus is the fact that he loves his job. He spends his days and nights dashing from one end of the forest to the other and thoroughly enjoying every minute of it.
        On those rare occasions when there are no parties to attend, Snag can be found in a quiet corner composing his own music or teaching birds new songs to sing, gathering his energy for the next round of festivities. He can be easily summoned with a jug of good wine, and will gladly tutor anyone in music or dancing for the same.

Ones I wrote are down here:
Xenos Sama:
Mist the Goddess of Fortune-Telling and Secrets
Alexi, the Changeling Goddess of Fertility and Blossoming
A shapeshifting goddess, Alexi is able to bring otherwise barren lands to bloom and encourage growth in living things that otherwise remain shut off. Unlike a number of fertility goddesses, she's alright with being depicted as pregnant. That which she bears, however, is a mystery that most likely only she knows the answer to, especially since she's just as capable of shape-shifting into a non-pregnant form as she is of changing into one that is.
Although her main domain involves helping lands become fertile and blossom, her powers aren't limited to nature. Her own sociable nature is capable of bringing things to light that have otherwise been hidden by those she speaks to. Even Mist, the Goddess of Secrets, has found herself spilling some things that she kept secret, but so far it's stuff the medium believed only affected her and isn't too dangerous otherwise.

Mist - Goddess of Fortune Telling and Secrets
Koi - Goddess of Starlight and Dreams
A humanoid air-elemental, Koi lights up the night with the beams of light she summons. She also is able to enter the dreams of various beings, both mortal and deity alike. Due to her innocent nature, she isn't capable of inflicting Nightmares on anyone. The clouds and fog that accompany her are a reminder of her original nature as an air elemental, granting her elemental magic along with that which she has in her domain as a goddess.

Mist - Goddess of Fortune Telling and Secrets
Aaron - Naga God of Magic Circles and Snakes
As a Naga, Aaron's domain over snakes seemed only natural, but it's his mastery of Magic Circles was what propelled him up to godhood. Able to conjure up circles out of pure energy, he's able to conjure up a good deal of things, based on what he needs to invoke. He's also able to use those circles for dispelling, sealing, unlocking magic seals, really if a magic circle can do it, he could create one that can. However, like it is for mortals, the bigger, stronger, and/or more complex the circle is, the more energy and stamina it takes to use and maintain. As a god, he has a lot more energy to use so it's more a question of if he has the stamina to cast it, but odds are, he does. So far though no one really knows what would happen if he were to encounter a being of anti-magic however.

Firiones Slaven:
Mist - Goddess of Fortune Telling and Secrets
Firiones the Demon God of Alchemy
A dark elf who either became a demon upon ascending or ascended because he was able to become a demon through Alchemy, Firiones is one who is not to be underestimated. As the patron god of Alchemists, it's only natural that he's a Master Alchemist himself. His demonic powers are well under his control, so it's rather common for him to combine his powers with his skills in Alchemy to really constructive or very devastating effects - depends on what his aim was. While some Alchemists fear him for his demonic might, others revere him and pray to him for success in their own Alchemy work.

Mist - Goddess of Fortune-Telling and Secrets
Kyoko, Goddess of Investigators and Treasure Hunters
Whether it's searching for an object or a truth, Kyoko's on the case! From her dragon heritage came her love of treasure, but for her the truth is just as valuable a treasure as any gem or precious metal. Her red eyes glow whenever she focuses, allowing her to see behind walls and other obstacles, even allowing her to spot lies that mortals would miss. However, unlike Mist, whose domain involves peering into the future, Kyoko's sight abilities are more focused on the present moment (It's not yet certain if she can peer into the past, but it's possible that if she could, she can't peer into the distant past like a deity whose domain focuses on the past can). Kyoko can't see into the future like Mist could, but on the other hand, with logic, Kyoko might not need it, as piecing together the past and present can help predict the likely future. As Kyoko is the patron goddess of Detectives and Treasure Hunters, both adventurers seeking treasure and detectives/investigators/officers trying to piece together what happened in crimes pray to her for insight.

Panda PFF:
Mist - Goddess of Fortune-Telling and Secrets
Panda - Demonic Goddess of Invisibility
Although she appears a bit demonic, Panda's actually much nicer than what her wings and tail would suggest. Part of it may be because of shyness, but she seems to be a naturally quiet goddess. As the Goddess of Invisibility, she's not only able to make herself invisible, but is also able to grant this to others as well. Whether it's permanent or temporary depends on her. Although she can't shine the spotlight on anyone, she is able to undo any invisibility she casts, even if it was otherwise permanent. She's also able to enchant items to grant invisibility, but the items themselves only become invisible when they are activated. Because the invisibility she grants is much more powerful than that which mortals can emulate and will not hinder the visibility of those using her power, she is both feared and revered. Those who fear her are those who wish to be seen - those who want the attention and time in the spotlight. Those who revere her and seek her assistance are those who either stick to the shadows or wish to escape the notice of society. This has lead to the odd situation of any temples dedicated to her - which are themselves well hidden if not outright invisible - being visited by the shy but kind and nice type, the spy or ninja doing stealthy work, and everything and everyone in between.

Aura Koimizu Of The Blade:
Mist - Goddess of Fortune-Telling and Secrets
Aura Koimizu - Goddess of the Faithful
In case the title is too confusing, Aura's the Patron Goddess of Mikos, priestesses, shamans, and all others who lead the followers of deities. Her purpose is to train those who are to lead others in spiritual matters. While she does have a steady pool of potential followers from faiths that don't have physical deities, other deities have commissioned her to help them organize their followings. Aura is also able to inspire belief in others, for example helping mortals find spiritual purpose in life. While some who gain her guidance move on to other deities, others stay by her side and some actually returned to her. Those who follow her receive training so that way they can train others who come to them for help. As a goddess who - by virtue of her training mortals with her followers helping her out - interacts a LOT with mortals, Aura has taken the modern times into account as the material she teaches evolves and changes over time.

Purple Pimp Crusader:
Mist - Goddess of Fortune-Telling and Secrets
Cru - God of Cross-dressers and the Original God-Raiser
Cru IS a male, but he prefers crossdressing. As a result, don't be surprised if anyone meeting him for the first time mistakes him for a female at first. He provides safe havens for those who don't fit their society's gender norms, and helps those who would otherwise be outside his domain become more open-minded on the subject. What really makes him far more important though is the fact that he is the original deity who brought godhood to others through his writing. He's still just as capable of doing so now as he was before, and likely is capable of taking them away as well if the others cause too much trouble. Because of this, he could very be one of if not the most powerful deity in his pantheon.

Mist - Goddess of Fortune-Telling and Secrets
Menares - Lunar War God of Ferocity and Strategy
As a Lunar God, Menares does have some associations with the moon, but his primary domains are as a War God. While he is very much capable of instilling a vicious fighting spirit in those who follow him (Ferocity), he's also just as capable of giving insight into the grand scheme of things (Strategy). As such, those who have his blessings are a truly feared sight to behold as they are not merely bloodthirsty beserkers, but rather fiery and calculating. Menares is not a god who is invoked during times of peace, so information about his activities outside of combat is scarce. Likely, if he's not involved in any conflict, he could be found sparring with other deities, including any other War Deities that happen to be around.

Shipping notes:

Snag x Vanitis - Canon
Alexi x Mist - Been teased at. Mist decided to propose, but what is Alexi's answer?

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