Name: Kisa Titov
Nicknames: Ki-ki
Age: 20
Nationality: Russian
Zodiac: Virgo
Eyes: Violet contacts
Hair: Silver, Short and flippy
Skin: Pale
Body: 5'8, 148lbs, Large sized bust
Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: College Sophomore, worker at World Market
Stereotype: Punk
Outfits: [x] [x] [x]
Personality: Kisa is a mischevious fun loving prankster who loves to mess with Brett and her brother Mika. She is normally happy but has spouts of sadness and gets annoyed easily. She loves videogames, shopping and math.
Other: She is friends with Sun-hi,Alice, and Felicia and she always has some form of jewelery ie: necklace, bracelets, wristbands
Musts: She must ALWAYS have a bracelet or wristband covering her right wrist for she has past scars of a darker time. OR You HAVE to draw her right wrist with a few scars.

Name: Mikhail Titov
Nicknames: Mika
Age: 21
Nationality: Russian
Zodiac: Taurus
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Pale blonde w/black highlights, Longer and straight
Skin: Normal Peach
Body: 5'9, 155lbs, Decent muscle size
Orientation: ???
Occupation: Nothing
Stereotype: Weirdo
Outfits: [x] [x] [x]
Personality: He is quiet and usually keeps to himself. But when he is around his best friend Brett he is much more outgoing and happy. His sister Kisa loves to pull pranks on him and has been making fun of him his whole life which really brings down his self-esteem. He loves videogames, computers, and art.
Other: He was in a car wreck when he was younger and lost vision in his left eye. He secretly smokes with Brett.
Musts: He always has his eyepatch and is almost never seen without a hoodie.

Name: Sun-Hi Sha
Nicknames: Sunny
Age: 20
Nationality: Korean
Zodiac: Aries
Eyes: Pale Blue
Hair: Black, Long and straight
Skin: Pale
Body: 5'5, 115lbs, Small bust
Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Sophomore in college, worker at World Market
Stereotype: Trendy
Outfit: [x] [x] [x]
Personality: Sun-Hi is very sweet and kind and tends to only be talkative around Alice and Kisa. She is extremely smart and likes only one particular guy even though she gets asked out a lot. She likes science, texting, and internet.
Other: She is always blushing and looking away from the person she is talking to. She also always has her phone somewhere in plain view.
Musts: She should never be drawn in gothic style because she is a cute light girl. She is also always seen with her cellphone somewhere in plain sight.

Name: Brett Cairn
Nicknames: none
Age: 22
Nationality: Native American and Irish
Zodiac: Aries
Eyes: Green
Hair: Reddish brown, Medium and wavy
Body: 6'2, 190lbs, Some muscles
Orientation: Bi
Occupation: Hacker
Stereotype: Nerd
Outfit: [x] [x] [x]
Personality: Brett is a very fun loving guy who loves to make people laugh and he knows how to have a good time despite his nerdiness. He is very cautious when it comes to new people though even though he doesn't show it. He is bad with talking to girls and "hot" guys. He loves gaming, computers, anime and horror movies.He works out often even though one would not guess it.
Other: He is always secretly smoking at home of which he shares with his older brother.
Musts: He often times has his DS or is playing videogames

Name: Devlin Cairn
Nicknames: Dev
Age: 25
Nationality: Native American and Irish
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brownish red, Longer and wavy
Body: 6'2, 200lbs, Decent Muscle size
Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Pet sitter
Stereotype: Cool kid
Personality: Dev is Brett's older and more mature older brother. He is usually working as a pet sitter and he likes playing sports with his friends. He is friends with Akihiko, Mikhail, and Shawn whenever they wanna play games. He is very outgoing and likes Felicia a lot. He really likes animals and spends a lot of time caring for them. He likes basketball, TV, baseball, sleep, and animals.
Other: He has to wear glasses and usually wears them unless he is playing sports or on a date.
Musts: He must have his glasses if he is not playing any sports or its a couple.

Name: Alice
Nicknames: Ali
Age: 19
Nationality: Unknown
Zodiac: Unknown
Eyes: Blueish Grey
Hair: Dyed Pink, Short and straight
Skin: Extremely pale
Body: 5'7, 132lbs, Large bust
Orientation: Unknown
Occupation: Nothing
Stereotype: Sweet Lolita
Outfit: [x] [x] [x]
Personality: Alice's past and all about her is unknown. No one entirely knows how she even got here but her personality is light a bubbly and she is awkward with the world and sometimes doesn't know the right things to say in obvious situations. She doesn't seem to be attracted to men or women and she loves the Japanese lolita fashion. She loves this thing called "shopping", French, animals, cute things, friends.
Other: She is always clinging to Kisa whenever she is around and gets jealous easily of anyone who hangs out with her friends
Musts: She is always seen with a white headband

Name: Akihiko Hinamura
Nicknames: Aki
Age: 23
Nationality: Japanese
Zodiac: Pieces
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Black, Longer, wavy, and messy
Skin: Normal
Body: 5'8, 180lbs, Decent Muscle size
Orientation: Bi
Occupation: College Student
Stereotype: Badass
Outfit: [x] [x] [x]
Personality: He is very calm and composed and knows what to do in every situation. He can come off as an a** hole at first but he is really actually very kind. He is way into motorcycles and also really likes Alice and Kisa. Sun-Hi is kind of like a sister to him so he has no interest in her. Brett annoys him to no end and he likes hanging out with Mikhail. He likes art, music,motorcycles.
Other: He has a tattoo of a celtic cross on his right shoulder. [x]
Musts: Um. Nothing in particular cept his tatoo if you are showing his right shoulder.

Name: Felicia Kirkland
Nicknames: None
Age: 19
Nationality: American/English
Zodiac: Cancer
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Reddish brown, medium, curly or straight
Skin: Tannish
Body: 5'6, 128lbs, Medium sized bust
Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Freshman in College, Waitress
Stereotype: Cutie
Outfit: [x] [x] [x]
Personality: Felicia is a very kind and gentle girl who is abused by her father. She rarely ever talks about her home life and masks it with laughter and smiles around her only friend Kisa. She has a crush on Mikhail and really wishes he would stop smoking. She likes reading, drawing, hanging out with Kisa, and crime shows
Other: She sometimes pops up with bruises in odd places or band-aids. She either has her hair straight or curly.
Musts: You should draw her with at least 1 band-aid or bruise (NOT NEEDED). She also always carries around a little purse.

Name: Shawn Hughes
Nicknames: Shawnie
Age: 19
Nationality: American
Zodiac: Aries
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde, medium, messy!
Skin: Normal
Body: 5'6, 148lbs, normal muscles
Orientation: Gay
Occupation: Mechanic in training
Stereotype: Neo
Outfit: Whatever Ex: [x][x][x][x][x]
Personality: He is very hyper and always wanting to work on something mechanical or electrical. He is quite spazzy but extremely nice. He loves rollerblading and skateboarding. He doesn't do drugs, smoke, or drink because they hinder him from concentrating properly. He is a big flirt and is actually good in social situations but due to his looks people tend to avoid or make fun of him. When he takes off his goggles people are amazed at how "pretty" he is and wish he would keep them off. He is good friends with Mika, Akihiko, and Lucy, and has a slight crush on Devlin. He likes electronics, music, blading, skateboarding, science, mechanics.
Other: He is almost ALWAYS wearing his goggles and headphones but is sometimes seen without them when he is working and tinkering with things
Musts: His headphones, goggles are appreciated but not needed if you can't draw them

Name: Lucille Moreau
Age: 22
Nationality: French
Zodiac: Leo
Eyes: Green
Hair: Green w/blue tips, Medium and flippy
Skin: Fair
Body: 5'3, 105lbs, Medium bust
Orientation: Straight
Occupation: College student, Cosplayer
Stereotype: ???
Outfits: [x] [x] [x]
Personality: Lucy is outgoing and peppy. She loves manga and anime and going to cons. She is considered weird because of her dyed hair color and just ignores it. Nothing ever seems to bring her down and she is strong willed and stubborn. She sometimes looks like a small girl and gets confused a lot with a little girl. She loves reading, being with people, making people happy and traveling with friends. She also loves cosplaying. Her favorite animes are Gintama, Mushishi, Claymore, D. Gray Man, Sword Art Online, and cutesy romance animes.
Other: She is friends with everyone and anyone. Has a crush on Akihiko and Brett.
Musts: She must be happy, or fangirly.