Nihilistic Seraph
Ya know, if I was going to claim to be an otherkin, I'd at least be creative. I'd say I had the soul of a
MicroraptorCoolest dino ever. Four bloody wings I tell you...
Ooo, that brings up an intersting idea I brought up with my mom:
Countless people have witnessed the Loch Ness monster, and idnividuals have linked what they've seen to an ancient form of marine reptile (I forget the exact name). Now, there have also been multiple tests done throughout the loch with sonar, and none of them have picked up anything significant.
While I am no expert, I do have two ideas: the creature either leaves the loch and goes out into other waters (if that is possible), or what people are seeing may be the ghost of such a being. Cats and dogs have been seen in ghostly forms, so why not a dinosaur?
Again, though, I'm really not proficient in the subject, so it's probably only a wild idea.
sweatdrop A bit off topic, too.