Species: Slime
Gender: None
Age: 18
Sexuality: None (Belongs to Asexually-Reproducing Species)
Height: 5' (In Preferred Form)
Weight: 85lbs Fully Hydrated, 8lbs Dehydrated
Species Biology
Slimes are a primarily aquatic species. They have no actual gender, though they may choose to identify as one or the other for ease of communication with non-slimes, and reproduce asexually. A slime has no true form, though many will pick one to default to in the presence of company. They require lots of water in order to survive, but not for the same reason other animals need it. A fully hydrated slime is capable of changing shape in an instant, sliding across the ground at great speeds, and slipping their entire bodies through any opening that water can get to. However, as time goes on, and the water in their bodies evaporates, the substance making up their bodies becomes thicker and stickier. If they continue to lose water, they can get stuck to the ground, and eventually lose the ability to move and change shape; a fully dehydrated slime will revert to a sticky blob, entering a sort of hibernation until they can absorb more water. They can stay like this for up to a month before dying if it's humid enough, but dryer conditions can kill them very quickly.
Because of the nature of their bodies, they can't actually see, and instead rely on texture and vibrations to tell where things are. This means that slimes are, much to the bane of some, rather touchy-feely. It's considered normal in slime culture for each party to take turns completely engulfing the other in order to gauge size, though there's some recognition among them that other creatures don't particularly care for this means of communication.
In the water, they're difficult to grab or catch, but once on land, they have a variety of weaknesses. First of all, if they can't stay adequately hydrated, they become sluggish, and less able to change form. Being in a hot desert with no moisture to absorb can dry them up in less than an hour, and kill them in two. On top of this, direct exposure to fire or superheated materials also dry them out fast, and can leave injuries that take weeks or months of just soaking in moisture to heal. They also freeze at the same temperature that water does, and given their inability to regulate their own body temperature, things like blankets don't do a lot on their own to help them. They have to be warmed by an outside source. They can live for months frozen solid, particularly when the lakes they live in freeze over, but are incredibly vulnerable in that time. If their bodies shatter or break, it can kill them. Poison can also kill or incapacitate them very quickly, since liquid that enters their bodies is evenly dispersed in mere seconds.
In terms of physical ability, slimes are rather weak on land. On average, they can only lift about ten pounds at a time. They don't have a lot of natural offensive capability, and getting punched by a slime is like being splashed with a bucket of goop. Because they can't lift a lot, it's also difficult for them to use anything but the lightest of weaponry. They can engulf their opponents and attempt to suffocate or digest them, of course, just like how they take down prey, but these methods are very time-consuming, and typically leave them exhausted and helpless afterwards. On top of this, it's easy for an intelligent creature to get them off with something as simple as an open flame or a loud noise.
Slime society is much like a series of hive minds. "Greater" slimes, also known as king or queen slimes, can split smaller, "lesser" slimes off of their bodies. These slimes aren't self-aware, and share a mind with the one that created them. They may or may not take a form behind a basic blob, and only live for about a month before dying. Those unaware of slime biology occasionally mistake them for children, but actual self-aware slime children split off from the parent slime fully formed. There is no way to tell a greater slime's age without magic or advanced testing technology.
Geraldine is a cheerful and naive young slime with a penchant for sass and mayhem. There's very little that one can say to bother her, as she disregards most insults, from those regarding her intelligence to those about her ridiculous optimism; she likes to think that even Hell itself has a bright side. Still, she's quite sensitive about people being too grossed out by the fact that she's made of slime to touch her, and she tends to avoid physical contact with people she doesn't know well out of fear that they'll back away. She would rather live thinking that maybe people would be okay with it instead of actually finding out. In truth, part of the reason she lives her life thinking that the glass is half full all the time is because she hides the glass in a box so she can pretend that it's okay. She doesn't like to consider the worst case scenario even when it would be practical to do so, because the idea that things aren't going well terrifies her.
Favorite Foods: Pickled turnips and cherries.
Favorite Color: Pink, because she's been told it's the color of pickled turnips.
Favorite Music: Upbeat songs and pop music.
Favorite Animal: Hagfish, because they can turn a bucket of water into slime in seconds, which she thinks is impressive.
Least Favorite Food: Vegetables and dehydrated food like raisins.
Least Favorite Color: None
Least Favorite Music: Anything sad or mournful.
Least Favorite Animal: Ducks and other swimming birds, because they keep trying to pick food out of her.
Rejection: She doesn't take it very well when non-slimes are disgusted by her sliminess, and so she does everything within her power to avoid finding out whether or not people mind. She also tends to avoid eating in front of non-slimes, since she fears they'll find it disgusting that one can see the food being digested inside her as she does.
Loud Noises: Slimes are sensitive to vibrations, so shrill noises can leave them temporarily unable to sense anything at all, which can be a little frightening.
Ducks: She hates being pecked at as though there's food inside her, and just having a duck in the immediate vicinity puts her on edge. She doesn't like any aquatic bird, but she hates ducks most of all, since they're so common.
Fire: Fire can dry her out and kill her, so she doesn't like being close to it unless she's tucked safely away in some body of water or another.