Checked by the lab to find Blue waiting around. Man he's a real a**. So I decided to hop over to Viridian to grab a snack....only for Oak to come running up telling me it's dangerous to go alone...only to get attacked by a Pikachu. Though, Oka captured it rather quickly. We headed back to Oak's lab where he was going to give me the pokemon on the table...only for Blue to swipe it away like a cry baby. It's fine though, I like the Pikachu, who I later found out was named Tesla, more. Though he's miffed that he got captured just because he wanted to ask the time. We headed out together though, coming along quite a few demonic Rattata's on the way to the pokemart and running back since Oak had a delivery.
So after the errand we head back through the demonic rat swarms to get pokeballs so we can make some friends.....first one being.
Damien the Rattata Lvl 4.

Damien: I shall consume your soul for imprisoning me, mortal! For I am the dark lor-!
Tesla: "Shut up before I thunder shock you."
These two....don't get along well.
So we began to grind.....and twice Damien nearly fainted. I took a left at Viridian to check over face Blue again. We defeated his Level 9 Spearow and his level 8 Eevee...though Tesla fainted....luckily the rules I made mean that he's immune to the Faint=death rule.
I then went to the Pokemon center and healed the two and will continue later...once my heart stops pounding.