So for those who don't know me...
My name is SHAYLIN.
But I prefer to be called SHAY but SHAYLIN is fine too.
I'm only NINETEEN years old, but I would consider myself a pretty mature person.
I hope that you can tell that I was born a baby GIRL.
I'm interested in MEN which if were using names would make me HETEROSEXUAL.
I celebrate my birthday every year on NOVEMBER FOURTH which if you follow the signs of the zodiac would mean that I'm a SCORPIO.
I never really lived a town, but I lived in a small VILLAGE deep within a LARGE FOREST.
I don't find myself to be anything special. Many have told me that I'm extraordinary when it comes to COOKING. I've also been told that I'm great at HIDING though I would hardly call hiding talent. I've just learned it more for protection than anything.
My FATHER was always traveling in and out of the village and one day he didn't return. It was hard, but many of my people have programed themselves to accept that because of our stature and ability, that bigger things were always going to be a danger and that if things happened we couldn't dwell. MOTHER took care of me often and taught me everything that I knew. She would never allow me out of the village which is probably why I'm not familiar with many of the races in the house.
I never had any SIBLINGS per say, but many children would hop around from house to house, so we often had many different children popping in and out on occasion. One boy kept returning however. His name was DESLON, and honestly, I think he only returned for our food and to be around me. He made it pretty obvious I was his first crush. It was cute but a bit strange, and I couldn't break his heart. That's just not my nature.
Honestly, I never had many close FRIENDS. I was helping my mother so often, I never really had the chance to meet many people. However, I did grow close to a man that had been working at one of the markets. I'd visit him nearly twice a week just to talk. Though he was far older than I was, ADAM always listened to me and made me laugh. It's hard not being able to seem him as I did before.
Well, if I told you, they wouldn't be SECRETS anymore, but I guess I could let you in on a few. Ever since I was younger, I've had horrible PANIC ATTACKS that I'll occasionally pass out from. And, I know this one is a little strange, but I wouldn't mind finding someone I love that either more MATURE than me or far OLDER than me. Don't judge.
I know you can see me, but I'll give you the details...
Though my people aren't very tall in the first place, I'm about one of the SHORTEST for my age standing at 4'10" tall. When I'm in my smallest form I'm only about 4' tall.
Usually I WEIGH a measly NINETY-FIVE pounds. I couldn't even tell you how much I weight when I'm small. It's probably a FEW OUNCES...I don't know honestly.
I hear that I'm cute pretty often. It doesn't surprise me because I have the BODY of a little girl. Though I've developed some. My facial features and other proportions of my body are softly and small. I think my MEASUREMENTS are around 31-24-30. Yes, my hips are non-existent.
I've never PIERCED or done anything like INKING my body. It was just something that someone did where I come from though I don't judge people who have them. I actually find them quite beautiful.
I think that a FEATURE that helps me stand out in a crown has to be the transparent wings protruding from my back. All fairy's wings are different. Just a little known fact!
Just SOMETHING ELSE you might want to know is that when I transform I give off a GLOWING AURA. Also, I tend to leave a trail of dust that you may know as FAIRY DUST. It shimmers almost looking like glitter.
I'm not too picky, but I do have some requirements...
I'm not really attracted to WOMEN in a loving manner. But, I do prefer to be around woman who are SWEET, DOWN TO EARTH, and FUN LOVING. I don't really care about how they LOOK. All that matters is what's on the INSIDE.
Men. Well, as I've told you before, I'm into OLDER or more MATURE men. Call me a romantic, but I want someone who can SWEEP me away. A man whose going to PROTECT ME and LOVE ME no matter what. They have to be TALLER than me, but that's not hard. I would hope they were STRONG. And, I melt at a DEEP, SMOOTH voice. Sorry, I'm gushing!
My home is so different...
Where I hail from there are things that are and aren't acceptable. But, I suppose that is like that anywhere. WORKING dangerous or strenuous jobs were left to the men to complete while woman stayed at home. Women were also to be OBIDIENT and NEVER QUESTION authority or an elder in a matter. CURIOUSITY was also looked down upon for the saying "curiosity killed the cat" pretty much applied. People were very KIND, and REBELING or ACTING OUT was unheard of. It wasn't horrible. But, it didn't change how I'd grown up. As a child, I was very adventurous, but once someone drills something into your head enough, you learn to just fall into place like everyone else. PERFECTIONISM and ROUTINE were also things I grew a custom too. Men on the other hand were basically KINGS. They kept us SAFE and went off to work for the woman's well being. They could CONTROL what the family did, and no one would really even say anything. Don't get me wrong, most men who had families loved them, but they had the ability to USE or DIRECT them however they wanted. No one would say a thing. I love living in my village. But, now that I've seen the world outside it, I've realize how strange things were there. Or here? I still haven't decided which is which.
Some different TRADITIONS that we hold every year are flower and fruit festivals. My people are very APRRICIATIVE of the Earth was what nature has to offer. We like to celebrate the BLOOMING and HARVESTING every year.
As for how I feel about other people's LOVE and LIFE, I think that WHOEVER THEY WANT TO BE WITH is fine. I would never admit that in my village because that just didn't happen there. But for me, I think whatever make the person most happy is who they should be with.
Just so you know...
I love BEING OUTDOORS and FLYING. If you couldn't have already guessed, because I have panic attacks, I try to avoid CONFLICT. I'm also not keen one people FIGHTING physically or with words. Words hurt too. I don't mind people JOKING, but when TEASING goes to far. I love to COOK for others, and unlike most naïve people think fairies do not run off sugar. Actually, DESSERTS are usually too sweet. I much prefer FRUITS. I don't eat MEAT, but I don't tell others they can't. I just don't have the taste for it.