Contest for Fifteen quotes off the top of your head, no help. My results.
1)"Jesus Christ Timmy!! Do not float above me when I'm dying in the abyss!"
2)"If I went around, saying I was an emperor, just because some moisten bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away."
3)"Death awaits you all! With nasty big pointy teeth!"
4)"Now if I can find a midget with some gin I'll be in business."
5)"And now for ten seconds of sex."
6)"How would you like it if someone locked you in a closet and you missed the 1992 LA riots!?!"
7)"Why is the Rum always gone..."
8 )"We're going to be lynched, you know that?"
9)"So long, and thanks for all the fish!"
10)"Do you have a flag? No flag, no country, that's the rules I just made up."
11)"b***h I EAT PEOPLE!"
12)"b***h, you just jealous of my Super Saiyan swagger."
13)"A child of five would understand this! Send someone to fetch a child of five!"
14)"Tea and cake or DEATH!"
15)"Go ******** a toaster!"
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Sakura Kintari's Psychotic Journal named Bob
This is Bob. Bob likes lightbulbs and sharp objects. Bob likes to yell because his mother never hugged him and his father was a drunk squirrel. I'm serious. It's just random snippets about myself, don't get all weird about it.
Sakura Kintari
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gaia_angelleft Thanks Gaia, inflation FTW! emotion_awesome [/sarcasm] gaia_angelright
gaia_nitemareleft "We're not the Damned, we're the categorically ********; gaia_nitemareright